RLM News Show Blog and Podcast – June 04, 2013

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These are the links to the stories covered on the RLM News Show – June 04, 2013

Textbook Disinformation: “Weather Studies”
Textbook Disinformation: “Weather Studies”

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New World Order, Police State, Collapse Documentary:
Descent Into Tyranny

The best info-weapon on the internet. This short documentary film widely exposes the New World Order’s global control system.

Using their own worlds: “New World Order”, “World Constitution”, and “Global Governance”, author David Quintieri clearly uncovers their plan. One which will change the course of history forever.

Will the people live as slaves in the near future? Are we doomed?

This short film also discusses the simple but highly effective methods to push back against tyranny without violence or protest.

Links to other Important Stories I didn’t have time to cover on the show

Welcome to the Future: The Fate of Free Humanity Is At Stake
Welcome to the Future: The Fate of Free Humanity Is At Stake

Turkish cops squelch protesters as violent clashes continue

Turkey is currently being rocked by its biggest wave of anti-government protests in years. At least two people have been killed and thousands injured from clashes with police since the protests began on Friday. Videos and images have emerged on social media showing police in riot gear firing tear gas, using pepper spray and physically beating demonstrators.

Paid Liar, Jay Carney: We Do Not Use Private Email Accounts For Work

Paid Liar, Jay Carney: We Do Not Use Private Email Accounts For Work – WH Press Briefing – June 4, 2013

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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

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