Tag: agency

Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 21, 2024

Sowing Seeds Of Division, Lawfare Dress-downs, I Am Supposed To Be Dead, FBI Stumped, Making A Killing, Peace And Settlement, War Silos, Trump Technopaths, The Big Club, Anti-cancer Anti-aging, Cyberian Glitch Chaos Lessons, Evil Confessions, Rlog, BTWRLM586, Trump, Classified, Documents, Dismissed, Rep. Massie, Garland, Special Counsel, Jack Smith, Appointment, Unconstitutional, Matt Gaetz, Lawfare, Bulter , Pennsylvania, Assassination, Attempt, Killing Field, Biden, Melania, Speaks, Out, Shooter, Motive, Warp Speed, Killer, BlackRock, Stocks, Shorted, Ontario, COVID, Nasal Swabs, Unlawful, Tennessee, Wildlife, Agency, Historic, Warrantless, Searches, Peace, Orban, Plan, Ukraine, Conflict, Minuteman, ICBM, Sentinel, Delays, JD Vance, Vice President, Republican, Candidate, AIPAC, Israel Lobby, Zionist, Globalist, Peter Thiel, Business, Partner, Palantir, Technopaths, Manhattan Project, AI, Elon Musk, Fallout, First, US, Nuclear Test, Reached, Canada, Putin, Widespread, Adoption, Digital, Ruble, Vanishing Act, China, 40, Banks, Absorbed, Economy, Teetering, Covid, Contracts, Von der Leyen, Corruption, Belarus, World’s, First, Patented, Lung, Cancer, Vaccine, Cuba, Russia, Anti-aging, Cyber, Glitch, Chaos, Worldwide, CrowdStrike, Russiagate, Russia, Unaffected, Israel, Occupier, West Bank, In Providence We Trust

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 21, 2024
Posted in Environment Freedom It's All Connected Liberty News Podcast Archives Podcasts RLM News Science & Technology

It’s All Connected Podcast Blog – 2020-07-13 – Repeat After Me: Not Federal, No Reserves

Today I showed the connections between the the Federal Reserve System, the IRS and debt slavery all of us suffer through for our entire lives. It is such a large topic and I could not possibly cover in depth all the intricacies of this matter.

The key points involved here are that the United States government is and has been a bought and paid for corporation, owned by a global “banking” cartel. Wars, Depressions, Recession, the ever declining value of the “money” you hold are manipulated by the Fed.

Continue Reading It’s All Connected Podcast Blog – 2020-07-13 – Repeat After Me: Not Federal, No Reserves