Tag: banks

Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 21, 2024

Sowing Seeds Of Division, Lawfare Dress-downs, I Am Supposed To Be Dead, FBI Stumped, Making A Killing, Peace And Settlement, War Silos, Trump Technopaths, The Big Club, Anti-cancer Anti-aging, Cyberian Glitch Chaos Lessons, Evil Confessions, Rlog, BTWRLM586, Trump, Classified, Documents, Dismissed, Rep. Massie, Garland, Special Counsel, Jack Smith, Appointment, Unconstitutional, Matt Gaetz, Lawfare, Bulter , Pennsylvania, Assassination, Attempt, Killing Field, Biden, Melania, Speaks, Out, Shooter, Motive, Warp Speed, Killer, BlackRock, Stocks, Shorted, Ontario, COVID, Nasal Swabs, Unlawful, Tennessee, Wildlife, Agency, Historic, Warrantless, Searches, Peace, Orban, Plan, Ukraine, Conflict, Minuteman, ICBM, Sentinel, Delays, JD Vance, Vice President, Republican, Candidate, AIPAC, Israel Lobby, Zionist, Globalist, Peter Thiel, Business, Partner, Palantir, Technopaths, Manhattan Project, AI, Elon Musk, Fallout, First, US, Nuclear Test, Reached, Canada, Putin, Widespread, Adoption, Digital, Ruble, Vanishing Act, China, 40, Banks, Absorbed, Economy, Teetering, Covid, Contracts, Von der Leyen, Corruption, Belarus, World’s, First, Patented, Lung, Cancer, Vaccine, Cuba, Russia, Anti-aging, Cyber, Glitch, Chaos, Worldwide, CrowdStrike, Russiagate, Russia, Unaffected, Israel, Occupier, West Bank, In Providence We Trust

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 21, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Apr 14, 2024

Clowns Crypto Carbon, Officially Clown World, Compromising Threats, Medical Refuseniks, Sickening World, Model Slavery, Non-Crime Spreech, Demonic or Disorder, Jetsons Or Just S.M.A.R.T., Techno-Gretacrats Disappointment, Rlog, BTWRLM572, Ukraine, Clowns, Military, Draft, Canada, Riot Gear, Automatic Weapons, Police, Trucker, Protest, Carbon Tax, DHS, Phone Tracking, Pause, Literally Anybody Else, Threatened, Elections, Commission, France, Fines, Medical, Appointments, CDC, Hidden, COVID-19, Injury, Reports, Police, Settle, Grievance, Claims, Vaccine, Refusals, African, Recall, Johnson & Johnson, Children’s Medicine, Toxic, Naturopath, Dr. Robert Morse, Ecuador, Jorge Glas, Mexican, Embassy, Bank, Implosion, Banks, Insolvent, Crypto, Primer, CBDC, Argentines, Queue, Eye Scans, BIS, AI, Monitor, Global, Bank Transactions, Roblox, Child Labor, A Gift, South Korea, Seizes, Tax Delinquents, Exchange, Scotland, Budget Cuts, Authoritarian, Speech Complaints, UK, Minor Speech Incidents, Traditional Crime, Spree, Ministry of Truth, Hawaii, Ethical, News, Sources, Rare disorder, Demonic, They Live, 3D Map, Dark Energy, Debate, Universe’s Future, Hubris, Russia, Space Exploration, Rosatom, Plasma, Rocket, Engine, Pulsed, Tokamac, Jetsons, Smart devices, Poor Investment, Plants, 30 per cent, greater, CO2

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Apr 14, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec. 4, 2022

Neuromorphic Digital Biolweaponology, Robo Killer Update, Explosive Residue, Bioweapons Я US, Circling The [Public] Square, Due Process, Hard Times Plunder, Sustainable Behaviors Rewards, Pinching Life Lines, 3rd Party Privacy Invasion, AI At Light Speed, Cyber Police Actions, Token Citizenship, Rlog, BTWRLM501, Deploy, robots, Kill, Foreign Objects, Explosive Residue, Nord Stream, Federal Court, Strikes Down, New York, Gun Control, Lugar Center, Georgia, Pentagon, Bio-weapons, Ukraine, MemoryHole, vaccinated, unvaccinated, children, Developmental delays, asthma, ear infections, gastrointestinal disorders, Twitter, CoVid Policy, antithetical, public square, reach, negative, Contemporary, Scientific Consensus, Myth, Pension, Stealth Tax Raid, Nudge Unit, Banks, track carbon footprint, sustainable behaviors, Credit Card, Emissions Tracker, Chickens Slaughtered, Nebraska, Bird Flu, Pecks, Food Supply, Nutrition labels, broadband internet, Apple, AirDrop, China, Fascism, neuromorphic, computing, NeuRAM, RRAM, analog memory, photonic chip, frequency comb, petabits, per second, electronic skin, Brain Scanning, Happy Workers, Catch Pirate, IPTV, Atlas of Surveillance, EFF, zero-click, Pegasus, surveillance, facial recognition, Digital Dictatorship, Trifecta, DARPA, IARPA, HARPA, national, vaccine card, Slave Class, Tokenized Governance, Synthetic Biology, Digital Health, Identity Scheme, New Zealand, quarantine program, digital ID wallets, Neuromorphic Digital Bioweaponology

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec. 4, 2022