RLM News Show Podcast Blog – April 01, 2014

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These are the links to the stories covered on the RLM News Show
April 01, 2014

Al Gore Up Yours
IPCC’s doom-and-gloom global warming apocalypse is political theater, not real science

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The Expandables: NATO talking heads, war tech on ‘crusade control’

Published on Apr 1, 2014
New NATO military bases could be about to appear on Russia’s borders with eastern Europe. Foreign Ministers from the Alliance are discussing whether to bolster their presence following the crisis in Ukraine. It will put pressure on Moscow – which has kept its own military movements within Russia’s borders.

Links to other Important Stories I didn’t have time to cover on the show

Turkey: Cat Blamed for Ankara Election Night Power Blackouts

5.1 million people have US security clearance

Published on Apr 1, 2014
A new report out of the President’s Office of Management and Budget reveals that more than 5.1 million people have either confidential, secret, or top secret security clearance, granting them access to classified, sensitive information from the US government. The report breaks those people down into three groups: government workers, contractors, and mysterious “others.” The Resident discusses.

U.S. Spends Billions On Empty Government Buildings

U.S. Spends Billions On Empty Government Buildings

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