Tag: Citigroup

Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Nov. 1, 2020.

BTWRLM394, They Stop When You Stop Them, Held In Suspense, Hold Your Breadth Of Mutations, Bedazzling Sophism, Transforming Your Nature, Presumed Sick, No Proof of Virus, Ending C0VlD19 Tyranny, Your Clown Masters, The Prison Is Permanent, The Game Is Rigged, Official Digital Chains, CRISPR, Gene Editing, Embryos, Virus Invented, Bioinformatics, Medical Civilization, Transform, WHO Taps, Sway Public Opinion, Celebstitutes, CommonPass, Freedom of Information, Prime Minister, Oregon Health Official, Clowns, New York, New Testing, Trials Are Rigged, World Bank, Citigroup, BOJ, the Fed, ECB, Cambodia, Digital Currency, Rlog

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Posted in Financial News News

Citi, Bank Of America, And JPMorgan Enter Lieborgate: Congress Expands Libor Probe To Big Three Domestic Banks

When the Fed released its “trove” of materials confirming that the Fed indeed knew that the Barclays was manipulating its Libor submissions (amusingly explained by Ben Bernanke before Senate today that “the employee had no idea what Libor is in that case”), few were surprised, but more were confused why the congressional inquiry focused solely on the Fed’s interactions with British Barclays, instead of focusing on the three domestic banks that were part of the BBA’s USD Libor fixing committee. And only three US banks.

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