RLM News Show Podcast Blog – March 27, 2014

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These are the links to the stories covered on the RLM News Show
March 27, 2014

Putin eyes Russia credit card system after Western sanctions

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Parody: High Fructose Corn Syrup Commercial

Published on Mar 27, 2014
(Truthstream Media.com) You’ve seen the industry-sponsored propaganda about how wonderful the ingredients they put in your food. But what would the ads say if they really told you what went into your groceries?

If you had all the facts, would it still be so sweet? And just how much HFCS, aspartame, artificial colors and preservatives is ok anyway?

Links to other Important Stories I didn’t have time to cover on the show

Blessing or Curse? IMF agrees $14-18bn bailout for Ukraine

Published on Mar 27, 2014
Ukraine is being pulled from the brink of default by an IMF loan: 14 to 18 billion dollars have been promised, to keep the government running. But as RT’s Venture Capital host Katie Pillbeam explains this does come at a huge cost.

Israel Caught Housing ‘Identical Twin of Flight 370’ In Tel Aviv!

Israel Caught Housing ‘Identical Twin of Flight 370’ In Tel Aviv!

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