Tag: Fail

Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 9, 2024

Democracy The Weapon, BTW PSA, Failed Psych Evals, Fighting Systemic Cancer, Privacy Blunder Bonanza, pHarma Expert$, October Surprise, Carnival Mirror Reflections, Deadly Weapons, Hell-Bent, Hot War, Rlog, BTWRLM580, Play, #TagTheme, Internet, Archive, Wayback, Machine, DDoS, Cyber-attack, Smartphones, Brain Damage, New York, Ban, Sneaky, REAL ID, Domestic, Air Travel, DHS, TSA, Pittsburgh, Police, Candidates, Psychological, Evaluation, Fail, Weight-Loss, Fight, Cancers, NRA, Triumph, Free Speech, Battle, NY Regulator, Google, Privacy, Blunder, Sensitive, Data, Kids, Voices, Covid, Vaccines, Excess, Deaths, Bio-Weapon, Direct, Effect, NIH, Scientists, $710M, Royalties, Drug, Makers, Biden, October surprise, Russia, North Korea, Expired, Zelensky, Ukraine, Illegitimate, President, Escalate, Conflict, Brink, Nuclear War, Scary, Scott Ritter, Habeas Corpus, Trump, Our Democracy, Billionaire, Tycoon, Support, Tax, Increases, U.S., Three-Front, War, Can’t, Handle, One, Democracy, The Republic

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 9, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 05, 2024

Deep Fake Democracy, Fatal Side Effects, War Zone Surveillance, Security Advisories, Extraordinarily Generous Mobsters, Because Democracy!, Deep Fakes, Dugin Deceiver or Duped, Rlog, BTWRLM575, Age Of Euphemism, AstraZeneca, UK High Court, Blood Clot, Brain Damage, COVID, Tests, Kits, Unfit for Public, Fail, Unacceptable, Rate, Department of Health and Social Care, Republic First Bank, Collapse, Harbinger, U.S., Banking Crisis, War Zone, Surveillance, Technology, American, Streets, FCC, Net Neutrality, Government, Intrusion, OpenAI, GPT-4, Exploit, Security, Advisory, Vulnerabilities, Arizona, Rancher, George Alan Kelly, Trial, Deadlocked, Mistrial, Case, Dismissed, Mobsters, Satanyahoo, Blinken, Regional, War, Hamas, IDF, Human Rights, Violations, No Sanctions, Bernie Sanders, Anti-Semitism, Israel, ICC, Ultimatum, Democracy, Ukraine, Refuse, Convention on Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms, US, UK, Total, World at War, Doomsday Plane, RFK Jr., Trump, Democrat plant, AI, Election, Disruption, Deepfake Democracy, YouTube, Fail, Tucker Carlson, Interview, Russian, Philosopher, Aleksandr Dugin, Traditional, Values

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 05, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Sept 24, 2023

Comply Or Backlash, Decongestant Doesn’t, No Vaxx, Fallibility Climate, Press Hunted, The Ukraine Lie, Dangerous Green Proposal, Deepfake Threats, Protect $erve, Laughing Stock, Globalizing Along, Dangerous Fools, Rlog, BTWRLM543, Decongestant, Fail, FDA, Phenylephrine, Fentanyl, Heroin, Vaccine, Clinton Global Initiative, Climate Change, Pope, Green Religion, Rebuild, Ukraine, Haiti, Humanitarian, Front, Zelensky, Terror Team, Murder Squad, Journalists, Transgender, Hate Video, US Imperial, Death Cult, US Taxpayers, Green Proposal, Dangerous, Scientist, Left Out The Full Truth, Wildfire, Study, Deepfake, Threat, Vational Security, Billion Bank Accounts, India, Digital ID, Dead Indian, Limited Value, Attorneys, Twitter, PSYOP, Biden, Electric Tanks, Trump, Multipolarity, Climate Issues, G20, African Union, Permanent Member, Global Dichotomy, Ukraine Fatigue, Global Trade, Russia, SWIFT, Boneface, US Neo-Nazi, CIA Tool, Nuland, Slip, Blinken, Genocide, Rabbis

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Sept 24, 2023
Posted in Environment Freedom Liberty News Podcast Archives Podcasts Redneck Dentist RLM News Science & Technology

Redneck Dentist Podcast Blog – 2021-03-13 – Episode 3 – Suicide Fail, Sisters Garden, Prostitution & More

Hey I wanted to talk a little bit about technology and kids.

It is funny to me that maybe 13 or 14 months ago, let’s say late 2019 and early 2020 I would often hear parents say how smart their kids were with technology.

So many times I would hear parents tell me “oh he or she is so smart, sometimes I have to ask them to show me how to do ….. Or you would hear some teenagers talking about how smart they are and or how stupid their parents are about their cell phones etc. But somehow Covid has made these brilliant kids and teens complete idiots.

They don’t even have to have the virus and somehow all of a sudden they can’t do technology. They spent hours upon hours on their phones etc before Covid, but all of a sudden a few hours of education is just too much screen time for them.

I mean really, give me a break.

Continue Reading Redneck Dentist Podcast Blog – 2021-03-13 – Episode 3 – Suicide Fail, Sisters Garden, Prostitution & More
Posted in Freedom Freeker's Ball Humor Music News Podcast Archives Podcasts

The Freeker’s Ball Podcast: 2020-03-06 – #Coronavirus #Trump #HandSanitizer #VitaminC #DuckDuckGo

Some of the stuff We talked about:
° Coronavirus Kills Two Florida Residents In The First East Coast Deaths Attributed To Outbreak
° Donald Trump Makes Extraordinary Commitment ‘Anybody’ Can Get Coronavirus Test Despite Kit Shortage
° 15-Minute Coronavirus Blood Test Is Being Used In China, Italy And Japan – But NOT In The UK Or US
° No, You Won’t Contract Coronavirus From A Package You Receive In The Mail
° EPA Releases List Of Disinfectants To Use Against Coronavirus
° How To Make Hand Sanitizer
° 2019-2020 U.S. Flu Season: Preliminary Burden Estimates
° Neuroscientists Discover a Song That Reduces Anxiety by 65%
° 9 Easy Steps to Sheet Mulching
° Journalist Shocked at Lack of Coronavirus Checks After Returning to U.S. From Italy
° IV Vitamin C Protocols Approved for Coronavirus
° This Plant Will Improve Your Vision – Even If You’re 70 Years Old
° Privacy-focused DuckDuckGo Launches New Effort To Block Online Tracking
° Condoms Sell Out After People Encouraged To Put Them On Their Fingers To Avoid Coronavirus
° Top Five Tips to Avoid Dangerous Chemicals
° Blind Man Mysteriously Regains His Sight After Getting Hit By A Car
° HP Warns That Some SSD Drives Will Fail at 32,768 Hours of Use
° James Bond 007 Delayed By Coronavirus: “NO TIME TO DIE”

Continue Reading The Freeker’s Ball Podcast: 2020-03-06 – #Coronavirus #Trump #HandSanitizer #VitaminC #DuckDuckGo