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Redneck Dentist Podcast Blog – 2021-04-03 – Episode 06 – Learned Helplessness, Goats, Cyber Security

Why meat goats?

Land management, milk, meat. They are not too big to handle, doesn’t mean it is easy.

Goats browse rather than graze. That means they eat brush or vines, makes them compatible with cows or horses because they don’t really compete for the same foods.

Goat browsing is safer and more effective than using chemicals, because you can convert your goat to meat, sell it vs buying chemicals to control weeds and brush.

Goat milk and goat cheese

Naturally homogenized milk

Casiease – causes cholesterol formation in your arteries. Casiease is produce from cow milk when it is homogenized, or beaten until the fats are all the same size 0 homogenized

Goat milk is naturally homogenized.

It also tastes WAY better than store bought cow milk

Also, and I have experienced this, goat milk can be used in instances where a baby can not tolerate mom’s milk or formula.

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