Tag: Hypocrisy

Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 14, 2024

Perception Of Legitimacy, Fungus Among Us, Organoid Smarts, Trespassing The J-6, sElection Fairness, Surveillance Fascism, Sustainable Capitulism, Judicial Unintegrity, EU: Extortion Union, Open Season On Peace, Cannibal Directive, Rlog, BTWRLM585, Dark Fungi, Out of Sight, Robot, Human Brain, Organoid, Uses, Arms, AI-Powered, Vending, Machines, Bullets, Ammo, Biometrics, Face, Scan, Grocery Stores, Alabama, Supreme Court, Downgrade, Insurrection, Trespassing, Inhumane, Imprisonment, Voting Rights Act, Section 2, Confidence, Hillary Clinton, 2016 Campaign, Super PAC, Violated, Federal, Election, Rules, FedEx, Secretive, Police Force, Helping, Cops, AI, Car, Surveillance, Network, AfD, Goals, Against Democracy, Bavarian Court, Regime, Prohibits, Members, Owning, Guns, German, People, Extremists, six-day, Work, Week, Greece, Meet, Skids, Russia, India, West, Hypocrisy, Climate, Agenda, Promo, IMF, Eco Levy, Excise Duty, Kenya, Riots, zero, Tolerance, Protests, JPMorgan, Chase, Bank of America, Mega Banks, Conspiracy, Trillion-Dollar, Derivatives, Market, Australian, Judge, Dismissed, COVID, Vaccine, Lawsuit, Paid, By, Pfizer, EU, Lufthansa, Environmental, Charge, Spain, Porn, Passports, Open Season, Peace, Hungary, Orban, War, Horizon, NATO, Expansion, Credibility, Lost, US, Journalist, Hinkle, Zero, Free Speech, Luxembourg, Security, Deal, Ukraine, Protracted, Wars, Pentagon, Israel, Destroyed, All, Gaza, Hospitals, US Support, Approval, Hannibal Directive, Implemented, Haaretz, Cannibal Directive, Killing, Civilians, Counting, Dead, Gaza, Difficult, Essential

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 14, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 16, 2024

Infringement Has Remedy, Foreign Imposition, Form 4473, We’re All Abused, Unrealized Losses, Digital Fascisma, Technocrat Utopia, No Good Deed, Ultra Processing, Health Insecurities, Legal Criminals, Rlog, BTWRLM581, Democracy, Hypocrisy, Hunter, Verdict, ATF, Form 4473, National Instant Criminal Background Check, Presumption of Innocence, 2nd Amendment, Title 18, United States Code, The American Law Institute, Abused, Like, Donald Trump, Amazon, Execs, Personally, Liable, Prime, Sign-ups, Unrealized Losses, US, Banking System, FDIC, Brink, Insolvency, Speed, Cameras, Atlanta, Fraud, Extortion, Thousands, Californians, Lose, Jobs, Thanks, Newsom, PR Disaster, Microsoft, Total Recall, Hacker, Tool, Extracts, Data, Recall AI, Yellen, significant risks, AI, Finance, Hackers, Steal, $305M, DMM, Bitcoin, Crypto, Exchange, 3B, Personal Records, Stolen, Background, Check, Firm, Law, Student, Unfairly Disciplined, Breach, Blunder, Deny, Denounce, Delay,Ultra-processed, Foods, Battle, Google’s AI, Stupid, Feeds, Onion, Samsung, Independent, Repair, Shops, Share, Customer Data, Snitch, Disassemble, Private Phones, Britain, Tainted, Blood, Scandal, Killed, Thousands, HIV, Hepatitis, Circuit Court of Appeals, COVID-19, mRNA, Jab, NOT a Vaccine, Atlanta, Prosecutor, Jailed, Stealing, $15m, Covid, Funds, Australian, DNA, CONTAMINATION, Confirmed, Pfizer, Moderna, NOT safe, Humans

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 16, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Mar 10, 2024

Seek Solid Foundations, Sea Rose, Post Founding Father America, American Collapse, Enemies Within, CYBERIAN PANOPTICON, Trudeau Bio-weapons Cover-up, Internet Dead, Religion Then And Now, Dedollarization Gulag, Rlog, BTWRLM567, Lost Continent, Australia, US Supreme Court, Trump, Ballots, Texans, Secession, Warning, West, Collapse, State Of The Onion, Tucker Carlson, Biden’s Address, Un-American, Victoria Nuland, Quits, Rats, Sinking Ship, US, Censorship, Industrial, Complex, Cyberian, Panopticon, Gulag, Stalag, Concentration Camp, Google, User-tracker, Chrome, Verified, Xherd, Inter-Drag-net, Pre-Crime, Canada, Justice Minister, House Arrest, Poilievre, Trudeau, Bio-weapons, Documents, World, Internet Outages, Old World, Dead, Ancient Device, Reveal, Bond, Religion, Science, Greek Orthodox, Holy Synod, Anti-Semitism, Hypocrisy, Dedollarization, Sergei Glazyev, BRICS, Blockchain, Payment, System

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Mar 10, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec 17, 2023

Wardens Rules, 1st Amendment Auditor, Gunpowder Rebellion, War Crimes Funding, Global Hypocrisy, Alien Elements, Debt Slavery, Modernizing Insecurity, Identifying Fakes, Organeural Brainware, Rlog, BTWRLM555, 1st Amendment, Auditor, NYPD, Global, Gunpowder, Shortage, NDAA 2024, Ukraine, Israel, Border Protection, US Invasion, Zionist, Friendly Fire, Hannibal Directive, U.S., Hypocrisy, China, Russia, Oldest, Mosque, Rubble, Breathing, Global Warming, Mysterious, Material, Asteroid, Bennu, Scientists Puzzled, Stockpiling, Gold, BRICS, Candidate, Default, Ethiopia, IMF, Loans, UK, Alternative, Visa, Mastercard, ECB, Crypto, Losses, West, 500-year Dominance, Americans, Food, Unemployment, EU, Sweeping, AI, Regulation, Microsoft, AI, News, Mess, Google AI, U.S., Moon, Photo, Fake, DeepMind, 700, New, Materials, Organoid, Living, Brain, Tissue, Powers, Cyber, Neural Network, Brainware, War ning

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec 17, 2023
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Nov 19, 2023

IMPERILLING THE WORLD, Safety Threats, Safety Threats, Constitutional Imperatives, Hypocrisy and Moral Bankruptcy, Perpetual Psychopathy, Diplomatic Disgrace, Debunk The Bunk, Global Financial Disasters, Rlog,
BTWRLM551, Eyedrop, Infection, Sec 702, Renew, Automakers, Intercept, Text Messages, “Police State”, Documentary, US Treasury Department, Intercepted Payment, Finnish, Court, Parliamentarian, “Hate Speech”, Bible Quote, Rumble, Right-Wing, Echo Chamber, Booty Patrol, Border Patrol, First-in-the-nation, Policy, Seattle, Police, Lying, Amtrak Ride, Senate Democrat, Coons, Mate’, McCarthy, Assaulting Colleague, Decorum, Western, Hypocrisy, Moral Bankruptcy, Ukraine, Gaza, Genocide, FBI, Blows Up, Dogs, Nord Stream, Bombing, Denier, Dump Zelensky, Nazi, Units, Fighting, Ukraine, Lawmaker, Camer-Wrong, Former UK PM, ‘Psychopath and War Criminal’, Paralyzing, UN Security Council, Xi, Credited, San Francisco, Homeless Cleanup, Netanyahu, Trudeau, Kills Children, Subterranean, Fortress, Gaza, Hospital, Israel, Built, No Hamas, Israeli, Top Secret, Nuclear Facilities, China, ICBC, USB, Trade, Ransom, Cyberattack, Terrorist Economy, Washington, World-wide, US, Credit Rating, Negative, Broken By Design, Madmen With Nukes

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Nov 19, 2023
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Oct 29, 2023

Delusional Or Prophetic?, Religious Wars, Diabolically Cynical, Promises Promises, Israel First America, To War Iran, Super Dupers, Forked Tongue Serpents, Sustainable Soviet, Condensed Matter, Man-made, Right To Argue, Reverse Mutations, Rlog, BTWRLM548, No Jesus, Christians, Under Attack, Australia, Israel, World War III, Radical Islam, Hospital Bombing, Claims, Not Credible, Flooding, Hamas, Tunnels, Nerve Gas, Water, China, Promises, Gaza, Palestinians, Good For, American Jobs, Biden, War Chest, No Vote, Against, Aid to Israel, Endless Warmongering, Domestic Crises, Outsourcing, Assassinations, Deficit Doubles, Foreign Conflicts, Neocons, Slow-Walking, America, Into War, THAAD, Patriot, Deployment, Escalates, Risks, Mideast, Super-duper Missile, Netanyahu, Save, Political Career, Future Plans, Interim Government, EU, hypocrisy, Peace Summit, Russia, Economy, Value-added Tax, Crushing, Parody, USSR, Hungarian, Victor Orban, Yuan, Surpasses, Euro, SWIFT, Currency, China Promises, The Fed, Stole Our Future, Mysterious, Fast Radio Bursts, Starquakes, Lake Powell, Fossils, Jurassic, Mammal, Big Tech, Censorship, Case, Misinformation, Law, Collapses, Doctor, Persecuted, Wins Appeal, Unnatural Evolution, Covid Variants, Assault Weapons, Ban Unconstitutional

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Oct 29, 2023
Posted in Environment Freedom Liberty News Podcast Archives Podcasts Redneck Dentist RLM News Science & Technology

Redneck Dentist Podcast Blog – 2021-05-29 – Episode 14 – Memorial Day, Slaves, and Murder Hornets

Red Neck Moment of the Week RNMW
Dexter the new dog/puppy

Biological Weapons

Murder hornets and the panic over the loss of honey bees.
Where do murder hornets come from?
how have they evolved with bees and why aren’t all the bees gone already?
How have countries where murder hornets have been all this time, continue to produce food if their bees are all gone due to murder hornets?
Do you see the hype?

Continue Reading Redneck Dentist Podcast Blog – 2021-05-29 – Episode 14 – Memorial Day, Slaves, and Murder Hornets
Posted in Freedom Grammy's Rocket Chair Liberty News Podcast Archives Podcasts Science & Technology

Grammy’s Rocket Chair Podcast Blog – 2018-12-07 – #BigPharma #Cancer #DeadlyShampoo #FDA #Hypocrisy

Why is it Flip’n? Well….. because I Flipped the Switch and THEN Realized I forgot to Update the Password! That pretty much Set the Tone….. Flip’n Faux Pas ‘R Us :p or to put it another way….. Ode ‘D Irony……. and so I think I’ll just let the Show & Links speak for themselves….. yeah, I’m quitting while I’m Behind!

Continue Reading Grammy’s Rocket Chair Podcast Blog – 2018-12-07 – #BigPharma #Cancer #DeadlyShampoo #FDA #Hypocrisy