Redneck Dentist Podcast Blog – 2021-05-29 – Episode 14 – Memorial Day, Slaves, and Murder Hornets

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Memorial Day, Slaves, and Murder Hornets

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Redneck Dentist – Episode 14

Red Neck Moment of the Week RNMW

Dexter the new dog/puppy

Biological Weapons

Murder hornets and the panic over the loss of honey bees.

Where do murder hornets come from?

how have they evolved with bees and why aren’t all the bees gone already?

How have countries where murder hornets have been all this time, continue to produce food if their bees are all gone due to murder hornets?

Do you see the hype?

The Asian giant hornet can be found in

Adapting to Asian Hornet pressures

Native honey bees

A defensive ball of Japanese honey bees (Apis cerana japonica) in which two hornets (V. simillima xanthoptera) are engulfed, incapacitated, heated and eventually killed; this sort of defense is also used against the Asian giant hornet.

Beekeepers in Japan attempted to introduce western honey bees (Apis mellifera) for the sake of their high productivity. Western honey bees have no innate defense against the hornets, which can rapidly destroy their colonies.[3] Although a handful of Asian giant hornets can easily defeat the uncoordinated defenses of a western honey bee colony, the Japanese honey bee (Apis cerana japonica) has an effective strategy. When a hornet scout locates and approaches a Japanese honey bee hive, she emits specific pheromonal hunting signals. When the Japanese honey bees detect these pheromones, 100 or so gather near the entrance of the nest and set up a trap, keeping the entrance open. This permits the hornet to enter the hive. As the hornet enters, a mob of hundreds of bees surrounds it in a ball, completely covering it and preventing it from reacting effectively. The bees violently vibrate their flight muscles in much the same way as they do to heat the hive in cold conditions. This raises the temperature in the ball to the critical temperature of 46 °C (115 °F). In addition, the exertions of the honey bees raise the level of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the ball. At that concentration of CO2, they can tolerate up to 50 °C (122 °F), but the hornet cannot survive the combination of high temperature and high carbon dioxide level.[77][78] Some honey bees do die along with the intruder, much as happens when they attack other intruders with their stings, but by killing the hornet scout, they prevent it from summoning reinforcements that would wipe out the entire colony.[79]

Detailed research suggests this account of the behavior of the honey bees and a few species of hornets is incomplete and that the honey bees and the predators are developing strategies to avoid expensive and mutually unprofitable conflict. Instead, when honey bees detect scouting hornets, they transmit an “I see you” signal that commonly warns off the predator.[80] Another defence used by Apis cerana is speeding up dramatically when returning to the colony, to avoid midair attacks.[citation needed]

Agricultural impact

If V. mandarinia reaches all suitable habitat in North America, bee products would bring in US$11.98 ± 0.64 million less/year, and bee-pollinated crops would produce US$101.8 million less/year.[Ala 5] New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, North Carolina, New Jersey, and Virginia would be the states most severely affected.[Ala 6] By region New England would be worst hit, and to a lesser degree the entire northeast and the entirety of eastern North America.[Ala 6] New England would become by far the greatest concentration of V. mandarinia in the world, far surpassing the original introduction site (the Pacific Northwest), and even its home range of East Asia.[Ala 6] Alfalfa/other hays, apples, grapes, tobacco, cotton, and blueberries would be the crops most severely affected.[Ala 7]

Loss of power, there is no shortage, but there will be brown outs and black outs because they are forcing us to not use efficient clean sources of powerfully

Loss of fuel – hack – public private partnership

food and other shortages, NOT due to climate or any thing other than man made restrictions, by the governments which have reduced the man power needed to produce and move products to consumers

Tree shortage, NOPE, just so many restrictions on getting them, again man made shortages, but not because of abuse by those who harvest and replant, but by government restrictions

Products we use are made by Muslim Slaves

Of course there is no shortage of slave labor, in China, in the form of Muslims. Here is a list of companies that use Muslim slaves in concentration, er ah re education facilities, to produce their awesome products, that we all consume happily with NO conscience what so ever about whose hands have created them, and under what conditions.

Cobalt is harvested, and some other materials necessary for making solar panels and electric car batteries, by children, under conditions that do not have safety standards and if the children are harmed, they are stepped over to go get other able bodied children to take their place.


Apple and forced labor

slave labor – The report quoted below is from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.

This research report draws on open-source Chinese-language documents, satellite imagery analysis, academic research and on-the-ground media reporting. It analyses the politics and policies behind the new phase of the Chinese government’s ongoing repression of Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities. It provides evidence of the exploitation of Uyghur labour and the involvement of foreign and Chinese companies, possibly unknowingly, in human rights abuses.

Partial List of Companies using Muslim Slaves:

In all, ASPI’s research has identified 82 foreign and Chinese companies potentially directly or indirectly benefiting from the use of Uyghur workers outside Xinjiang through abusive labour transfer programs as recently as 2019: Abercrombie & Fitch, Acer, Adidas, Alstom, Amazon, Apple, ASUS, BAIC Motor, Bestway, BMW, Bombardier, Bosch, BYD, Calvin Klein, Candy, Carter’s, Cerruti 1881, Changan Automobile, Cisco, CRRC, Dell, Electrolux, Fila, Founder Group, GAC Group (automobiles), Gap, Geely Auto, General Motors, Google, Goertek, H&M, Haier, Hart Schaffner Marx, Hisense, Hitachi, HP, HTC, Huawei, iFlyTek, Jack & Jones, Jaguar, Japan Display Inc., L.L.Bean, Lacoste, Land Rover, Lenovo, LG, Li-Ning, Mayor, Meizu, Mercedes-Benz, MG, Microsoft, Mitsubishi, Mitsumi, Nike, Nintendo, Nokia, Oculus, Oppo, Panasonic, Polo Ralph Lauren, Puma, SAIC Motor, Samsung, SGMW, Sharp, Siemens, Skechers, Sony, TDK, Tommy Hilfiger, Toshiba, Tsinghua Tongfang, Uniqlo, Victoria’s Secret, Vivo, Volkswagen, Xiaomi, Zara, Zegna, ZTE. Some brands are linked with multiple factories.

Hypocrisy of the week

The left calling the rocket attacks on Palestine “violence” when we here in the US just lived a year of hearing from the left that property damage is NOT violence.

Also, claiming not to be racist, yet, beating up Jews is quite alright.


Thank You for tuning in and/or listening to the podcast.

The universe is a crazy place. Let’s see if we can explore it together.

Anyway, just listen to podcast and enjoy.

Thanks Everyone!


#RedneckDentist, #MichaelHarris, #Radio, #RealLibertyMedia, #RLMRadio, #MurderHornets, #HoneyBees, #Slaves, #Companies, #Hypocrisy

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