Tag: Kids

Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 9, 2024

Democracy The Weapon, BTW PSA, Failed Psych Evals, Fighting Systemic Cancer, Privacy Blunder Bonanza, pHarma Expert$, October Surprise, Carnival Mirror Reflections, Deadly Weapons, Hell-Bent, Hot War, Rlog, BTWRLM580, Play, #TagTheme, Internet, Archive, Wayback, Machine, DDoS, Cyber-attack, Smartphones, Brain Damage, New York, Ban, Sneaky, REAL ID, Domestic, Air Travel, DHS, TSA, Pittsburgh, Police, Candidates, Psychological, Evaluation, Fail, Weight-Loss, Fight, Cancers, NRA, Triumph, Free Speech, Battle, NY Regulator, Google, Privacy, Blunder, Sensitive, Data, Kids, Voices, Covid, Vaccines, Excess, Deaths, Bio-Weapon, Direct, Effect, NIH, Scientists, $710M, Royalties, Drug, Makers, Biden, October surprise, Russia, North Korea, Expired, Zelensky, Ukraine, Illegitimate, President, Escalate, Conflict, Brink, Nuclear War, Scary, Scott Ritter, Habeas Corpus, Trump, Our Democracy, Billionaire, Tycoon, Support, Tax, Increases, U.S., Three-Front, War, Can’t, Handle, One, Democracy, The Republic

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 9, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Aug 28, 2022

Ancient Future Ignorance, PSAs, Forever Relief, Drought Reckoning, Sustainable Sanctions, Variability, Water Rights Theft, Global Leader Lawlessness, Food Insecurity Jailbreak, Trump Due Process, Cameras Off Hoffenberg, Rlog, BTWRLM488, TikTok, Keylogger, Salma al-Shehab, Political Prisoner, Saudi Arabia, Anthony Fauci, Resign, Gain-of-Function, Spanish Flu, Marines, Religious Exemption, Forever Chemicals, DMSO, Sodium Hydroxide, Ken Houk, UCLA, Yuli Li, Tianjin University, Drought, Yangtze, Danube, Spanish Stonehenge, Dinosaur Tracks, Hunger Stones, Fat, Kids, Global Warming, Food Poisoning, UK, Civil Unrest, Energy, Jane Lubchenco, Sanctioned, DYING EMPIRE, Water Well Fees, Food Production, Ministry of Climate Change, Trudeau, Unconstitutional, Travel Mandate, Politics, Not Science, Feudal Serfs, Deere, Jailbreak, Bungled, Russia, FISA warrants, Trump, Search Warrant, Redacted, Steven Hoffenberg, Mentor, Jeffrey Epstein

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Aug 28, 2022
Posted in Freedom News Podcast Archives Podcasts The Dork Table

The Dork Table Podcast Blog w FlashSomebody – 2021-06-19 – Survival Is Now A Matter Of Law


Flash goes Solo for Today’s Dork Table and discusses a variety of topics.

Today’s Show Topic: “Survival Is Now A Matter Of Law”

° Flash rants ala mode
° With a few links
° The Boondocks Saints II – Roccos speech – YouTube

Take a listen, I think you will enjoy it.

Continue Reading The Dork Table Podcast Blog w FlashSomebody – 2021-06-19 – Survival Is Now A Matter Of Law
Posted in Environment Freedom Liberty News Podcast Archives Podcasts Redneck Dentist RLM News Science & Technology

Redneck Dentist Podcast Blog – 2021-04-17 – Episode 08 – Covid Spread, Socialized Medicine, Vaccine Problems


Vaccine shut downs
This just in: Fully Vaccinated person dies of Covid
Georgia J and J
Colorado J and J
California, Dodger Stadium – protesters
Merck vaccine failure
North Carolina adverse reactions
Improper handling
Moderna begins testing on children, Maddie’s story
Additional “boosters” needed?

Isolation only delays the eventual spread and hinders herd immunity
We all know not everyone is going to be vaccinated. People are concerned about vaccinations and rightly so. So, if let’s say, half of the population doesn’t get the so called vaccine, then they will have to acquire “immunity” through being infected.

If that is going to happen anyway, what are we waiting for? Clearly, continuing to keep people in isolation and wearing masks is only being done by politicians to keep the masses under control. To test the population’s resistance. …

Continue Reading Redneck Dentist Podcast Blog – 2021-04-17 – Episode 08 – Covid Spread, Socialized Medicine, Vaccine Problems
Posted in Environment Freedom Liberty News Podcast Archives Podcasts Redneck Dentist RLM News Science & Technology

Redneck Dentist Podcast Blog – 2021-04-10 – Episode 07 – Bleeding, Linux, Kids At The Border

Linux vs Microsuk

Okay, I wanted to talk a little bit about Linux. My most recent ordeal.

First of all, I have used Linux since 1999. Yes, I made the switch due to the millennial date change that was happening at the end of that year and all the talk about what that was going to do with your electronic equipment, especially your computers. I was so glad I made the switch too. That computer ran for a solid year without one single problem. Took me well into the year 2000. Since then I have used Linux solely, until last May/June.

For some reason I decided I wanted to experience gaming. I had played earlier in life but had not played for a decade or more. I have a PS4, but I would hear people talk about playing on PC. So, thought I would give it a shot. I built a new system, very nice, great graphics card, lots of memory, great processor, big box, lots of cooling. Fancy monitors, and Windows/Linux as a dual boot machine. I am no Linux expert, but I have lots of experience in programming/hacking.

Now I knew I would be using Windows as I couldn’t find a way to play the games I wanted to play on Linux. …

Continue Reading Redneck Dentist Podcast Blog – 2021-04-10 – Episode 07 – Bleeding, Linux, Kids At The Border
Posted in Freedom Freeker's Ball Humor Music News Podcast Archives Podcasts

The Freeker’s Ball Podcast Blog – 2020-12-04 – #TransSpecies #Marijuana #UN #ConspiracyTheories #SexDoll

Some of the stuff we talked about:

Continue Reading The Freeker’s Ball Podcast Blog – 2020-12-04 – #TransSpecies #Marijuana #UN #ConspiracyTheories #SexDoll
Posted in Freedom Grim Leftovers Liberty News Podcast Archives Podcasts

Grim Leftovers Podcast Blog – 2019-11-04 – #Climategate #Unvaccinated #Marijuana #LSD #MagicMushrooms

Today’s Show Topics:
° Marijuana May Boost, Rather Than Dull, the Elderly Brain
° LSD And Magic Mushrooms Could Heal Damaged Brain Cells In People Suffering From Depression, Study Shows
° Study Suggests Hemp Batteries Are More Powerful Than Lithium and Graphene
° Climategate: Nearly Ten Years Later
° Harvard Immunologist To Legislators: Unvaccinated Children Pose Zero Risk To Anyone
° Americans Spent More On Taxes In 2018 Than On Food, Clothing And Health Care Combined
° A Russian Man Is Suing Apple for “Turning Him Gay”
° Kids Are Getting Sick From Eating Vaping Cartridges Full Of Liquid Nicotine
° 5 Bulls Found Dead In Oregon; Then The Story Gets Weird

Continue Reading Grim Leftovers Podcast Blog – 2019-11-04 – #Climategate #Unvaccinated #Marijuana #LSD #MagicMushrooms