Tag: Schools

Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Nov 26, 2023

Belligerent Occupations, Misery To Mystery, CoviDeath CoviHarms, Gulag In A Wallet, Green Realities, Terrorist State, Occupying Forces, Houthi Highjack?, Rlog, BTWRLM552, Bayer, MonSatan, Roundup, Cancer, Trial, Verdict, Mystery, Canine, Disease, Mysterious, Pneumonia, Chinese, Schools, Ministry of Health, Granted, Vaccine, Exemptions, Key Staff, Pilot, Warns, Airline, Industry, Disaster, COVID, Vaccines, Increased Mortality, Canada, Data, Terrifying, Damage, ALL Hearts, Excess Deaths, Army, Letter, Discharge Records, Correction, Recruitment, Woes, EU, Regulations, Digital Identity, Wallets, Web Security, Dark Ages, Aussies, Fume, QR codes, Restaurants, Green Energy, EVs, Auto Execs, Clean Energy, fails, Basic, Economics, Go Green, Go Broke, Climate Change, Criminal Organization, BRICS, Israel, Terrorist, Regime, Mass Death, Gaza Children, Burn Gaza, Law Of Armed Conflict, Palestinian, Resistance, Lawful, Cargo Ship, Car Carrier, Seizure, Red Sea, Mossad, Houthi, Revenge

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Nov 26, 2023
Posted in Freedom Freeker's Ball Humor Music News Podcast Archives Podcasts

The Freeker’s Ball Podcast Blog – 2020-07-24 – #MaskMandate #Misdemeanor #PositiveForCorona #NeverTested

Some of the stuff we talked about:

Continue Reading The Freeker’s Ball Podcast Blog – 2020-07-24 – #MaskMandate #Misdemeanor #PositiveForCorona #NeverTested
Posted in Freedom Freeker's Ball Humor Music News Podcast Archives Podcasts

The Freeker’s Ball Podcast Blog – 2020-07-10 – #VirginiaGiuffre #DeathsPlummet #RetailApocalypse #AntiVaxx

Some of the stuff we talked about:

Continue Reading The Freeker’s Ball Podcast Blog – 2020-07-10 – #VirginiaGiuffre #DeathsPlummet #RetailApocalypse #AntiVaxx
Posted in Freedom Freeker's Ball Humor Music News Podcast Archives Podcasts

The Freeker’s Ball Podcast Blog – 2020-06-12 – #Antifa #Seattle #CHAZ #BreonnaTaylor #NewWorldWar #Reset


Some of the stuff we talked about:

Continue Reading The Freeker’s Ball Podcast Blog – 2020-06-12 – #Antifa #Seattle #CHAZ #BreonnaTaylor #NewWorldWar #Reset
Posted in Freedom Freeker's Ball Humor Music News Podcast Archives Podcasts

The Freeker’s Ball Podcast Blog – 2020-05-01 – #ImmuneSystems #Woodstock #BillGates #GermWarfare #ElonMusk

Some of the stuff we talked about:
° COVID-19 Lockdowns May Destroy Our Immune Systems
° Woodstock Occurred in the Middle of a Pandemic
° Britons Fear Leaving Homes Even If Lockdown Lifted, Poll Shows
° Bill Gates on Twitter: “Humankind Has Never Had A More Urgent Task Than Creating Broad Immunity For Coronavirus. It’S Going To Require A Global Cooperative Effort Like The World Has Never Seen. But I Know We’Ll Get It Done. There’S Simply No Alternative.
° US Germ Warfare Research Leads To New Early Covid-19 Test
° Media Lied, People Died: Italian Study Finds Incredible Prophylaxis Results for Patients on Hydroxychloroquine
° ‘Grim Reaper’ Visits Florida Beaches To Protest Reopening
° Coronavirus, Lockdowns And The Ease Of Indoctrination
° Taiwan: No Lockdowns, No Closed Businesses, Non-WHO Member, and Relatively Unaffected by COVID-19
° Eating Meat May Improve Mental Health, Study Claims
° Teachers’ Union: Scream Bloody Murder if Schools Reopen Prematurely
° Comcast Turns Their Voice-Activated Remote Into A Real-Time Tracking Device
° ‘FREE AMERICA NOW’: Elon Musk Slams Coronavirus Lockdowns
° Woman Arrested For Defecating On Boss’ Desk After Winning The Lottery

Continue Reading The Freeker’s Ball Podcast Blog – 2020-05-01 – #ImmuneSystems #Woodstock #BillGates #GermWarfare #ElonMusk
Posted in Environment Freedom Grim Leftovers Liberty News Podcast Archives Podcasts RLM News Science & Technology

Grim Leftovers Podcast Blog – 2020-04-13 – #FlashDroughts #AssignBoyfriend #VapeCartridge #SmallPenises

Today’s Show Topics:
° Think Flash Floods Are Bad? Buckle Up for Flash Droughts
° Nurse Wants China To Assign Her A Boyfriend As Reward For Fighting Coronavirus
° Man Locks Wife In Bathroom Over Fear She Might Have Coronavirus
° Woman Finds Out Plant She’s Watered For 2 Years Is Fake
° How to Get the Last Drops Out of a Vape Cartridge
° The State is Comparing Encryption Tech to Terrorism – Here’s Why You Should Care
° Why Coronavirus Should Be The Next Us President
° Four-Kilometre-Wide Asteroid to Closely Approach Earth in Less Than Two Months, NASA Warns
° Dating App For Small Penises Is Here Due To The ‘Pressure’ To Be Big
° Alabama May End Ban On Yoga In Schools, But Kids Wouldn’t Be Able To Say ‘Namaste’
° Elon Musk: Starlink Latency Will Be Good Enough For Competitive Gaming
° Pig Poops Out A Pedometer, Starts A Fire
° This Cyberpunk Bracelet Jams Any Spying Microphones Nearb

Continue Reading Grim Leftovers Podcast Blog – 2020-04-13 – #FlashDroughts #AssignBoyfriend #VapeCartridge #SmallPenises