RLM News Show Podcast Blog – February 27, 2014

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These are the links to the stories covered on the RLM News Show
February 27, 2014

American Ashes
“American Collapse Theory” Gaining Ground in China

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How the Government Manipulates Your Thoughts Online | Big Brother Watch

Published on Feb 26, 2014
Abby Martin talks about journalist Glenn Greenwald’s report regarding the intelligence community’s use of subversive and manipulative online tactics to destroy the reputations of businesses and individuals.

Links to other Important Stories I didn’t have time to cover on the show

Russian Tank
Meanwhile, More Russian Military Vehicles Amass In The Crimean

Obama and Problems in the Prison System

Published on Feb 27, 2014
President Obama, Eric Holder, and their interest in reforming the prison system is examined–from federal prison guidelines to the influence of the executive in the criminal justice system. As an “incarceration-nation” that is responsible for a quarter of the world’s prison popultion, we talk about the prison industrial complex and the cost of being so fixated on the incarceration in this Crime Time clip with attorney Mike Cavalluzzi.

Art of War! Russian Flag Has Been Raised Over Crimea Parliment Building In Ukraine!

Published on Feb 27, 2014
Art of War! Russian Flag Has Been Raised Over Crimea Parliment Building In Ukraine!

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