Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – March 22, 2015.

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At the Situationally Aware Action Oriented Intelligence Center
Of Evolutionary Engagement

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The Victory Against You in the Silent War is Your Silence

Obstructing Injustice

Jefferson Mining District: MMAC Order of Rejection

Data Avalanche Decay

  • Study Finds There Are Too Many Studies

    A growing number of scientific studies is making it harder for researchers to keep track of all their content.

    Attention decay in science‘, a new paper published by professors from universities in Finland and California, reports that “the attention that can be devoted to individual papers measured by their citation counts, is bound to decay rapidly,” due to the overwhelming number of studies.

    The research suggests that the decay is accelerating in recent times signaling that papers are forgotten more quickly. The study focused on scientific research but notes that the same concept can be applied to the internet and popular culture.

What International Law?

  • Russian treaty with South Ossetia breaks international law: NATO

    Russia’s new treaty with Georgia’s breakaway South Ossetia region breaks international law and hampers efforts to strengthen regional security, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said on Wednesday.

    Stoltenberg said the agreement “violates Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and blatantly contradicts the principles of international law, OSCE principles and Russia’s international commitments.

  • Noam Chomsky | The Sledgehammer Worldview  
    The front page of The New York Times on June 26 featured a photo of women mourning a murdered Iraqi.
    He is one of the innumerable victims of the ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) campaign in which the Iraqi army, armed and trained by the U.S. for many years, quickly melted away, abandoning much of Iraq to a few thousand militants, hardly a new experience in imperial history.
    Right above the picture is the newspaper’s famous motto: “All the News That’s Fit to Print.”
    There is a crucial omission. The front page should display the words of the Nuremberg judgment of prominent Nazis – words that must be repeated until they penetrate general consciousness: Aggression is “the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.”
  • US Special Forces caught red-handed in Syria
    Evidence about the presence of U.S. special forces in the Syrian town Ayn al-Arab a.k.a. Kobani emerged. Troops are guiding U.S. airstrikes as part of U.S support for the Kurdish separatist group PYD and the long-established plan to establish a Kurdish corridor.
    A photo taken in Ayn al-Arab shows three U.S. soldiers. One of them “Peter” is carrying a Bushnell laser rangefinder, an instrument designed to mark targets for U.S. jets, reports Ceyhun Bozkurt for Aydinlik Daily.
  • Re-Investigation Of 9/11 Campaign Gains World Momentum: Italy Supreme Court Submits U.S. 9/11 Crimes Against Humanity To International Criminal Tribunal!  Ferdinando Imposimato has presided over many terrorism-related cases, including the kidnapping and ultimate assassination of President Aldo Moro, the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II, other political assassinations, kidnapping cases, and several other cases against the Rothschild Mafia. He is a former Senator who has served on the Anti-Mafia Commission in three administrations. This week, Judge Imposimato stated publicly in writing, that 9/11 was just like the “strategy of tension” carried out against Italy. Specifically, the former Italian Prime Minister, Italian judges, and the former head of Italian counterintelligence admit that NATO, with the help of the Pentagon and CIA, carried out terror bombings in Italy and other European countries in the 1950s and blamed the communists, in order to rally people’s support for their governments in Europe in their fight against communism. As one participant in this formerly-secret program stated: “You had to attack civilians, people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. scared-to-death They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security”
  • US intel. scraps Iran, Hezbollah from terrorist threats list  

    US Director of National Intelligence James Clapper scrapped Iran and Hezbollah from the list in an annual report recently delivered to the US Senate, citing their efforts in fighting terrorists, including the ISIL Takfiri group.

    The unclassified version of the report titled “Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Communities,” which was released on February 26, 2015, noted Iran’s efforts to battle extremists, including those of the ISIL terrorist group, who were perceived to constitute the greatest terrorist threat to American interests worldwide.

    Highlighting Iran’s regional role, the report pointed to the Islamic Republic’s “intentions to dampen sectarianism, build responsive partners, and deescalate tensions with Saudi Arabia.”

    Iran has “overarching strategic goals of enhancing its security, prestige, and regional influence [that] have led it to pursue capabilities to meet its civilian goals,” the report said.

    The report also said that Hezbollah is countering ISIL Takfiri terrorists in Syria and Iraq. 

Be That Example

  • Iceland convicts bad bankers and says other nations can act 

    Iceland’s Supreme Court has upheld convictions of market manipulation for four former executives of the failed Kaupthing bank in a landmark case that the country’s special prosecutor said showed it was possible to crack down on fraudulent bankers.

    Hreidar Mar Sigurdsson, Kaupthing’s former chief executive, former chairman Sigurdur Einarsson, former CEO of Kaupthing Luxembourg Magnus Gudmundsson, and Olafur Olafsson, the bank’s second largest shareholder at the time, were all sentenced on Thursday to between four and five and a half years.

    The verdict is the heaviest for financial fraud in Iceland’s history, local media said. Kaupthing collapsed under heavy debts after the 2008 financial crisis and the four former executives now live abroad. Though they sometimes returned to Iceland to collaborate with the court investigation, none were present on Thursday.

    Iceland’s government appointed a special prosecutor to investigate its bankers after the world’s financial systems were rocked by the discovery of huge debts and widespread poor corporate governance. He said Thursday’s ruling was a signal to countries slow to pursue similar cases that no individual was too big to be prosecuted.

    “This case…sends a strong message that will wake up discussion,” special prosecutor Olafur Hauksson told Reuters. “It shows that these financial cases may be hard, but they can also produce results.”

Predictable Responses In The War OF Terror Technocratique

  • France unveils ‘snooping bill’ in wake of Paris attacks

    Prime Minister Manuel Valls unveiled Thursday a bill that would make it easier for French intelligence services to deter potential terror threats, allowing agents to snoop through emails and intercept phone calls involving suspected terrorists.

    The security measures have come under fierce attack by rights groups who say they would jeopardise citizens’ rights to privacy.

    But in the wake of the deadly jihadist attacks in Paris in January, and a day after the bloody massacre at the Bardo museum in Tunisia in which two French nationals were among the 23 people killed, Valls said a new law was necessary as France faces “an unprecedented terrorist threat”.

  • UK Government Admits Intelligence Services Allowed To Break Into Any System, Anywhere, For Any Reason The FBI may soon have permission to break into computers anywhere on the planet. It will come as no surprise to learn that the US’s partner in crime, the UK, granted similar powers to its own intelligence services some time back. What’s more unexpected is that it has now publicly said as much, as Privacy International explains:

    The British Government has admitted its intelligence services have the broad power to hack into personal phones, computers, and communications networks, and claims they are legally justifed to hack anyone, anywhere in the world, even if the target is not a threat to national security nor suspected of any crime.

    That important admission was made in what the UK government calls its “Open Response” to court cases started last year against GCHQ. Here’s what it reveals, according to Privacy International:

    Buried deep within the document, Government lawyers claim that while the intelligence services require authorisation to hack into the computer and mobile phones of “intelligence targets”, GCHQ is equally permitted to break into computers anywhere in the world even if they are not connected to a crime or a threat to national security.


    The intelligence services assert the right to exploit communications networks in covert manoeuvres that severely undermine the security of the entire internet. The deployment of such powers is confirmed by recent news stories detailing how GCHQ hacked into Belgacom using the malware Regin, and targeted Gemalto, the world’s largest maker of SIM cards used in countries around the world.

    What’s important about this revelation is not just the information itself — many people had assumed this was the case — but the fact that once more, bringing court cases against the UK’s GCHQ has ferreted out numerous details that were previously secret. This shows the value of the strategy, and suggests it should be used again where possible.

  • Justice Department Rolls Out An Early Form Of Capital Controls In America  

    Something stunning took place earlier this week, and it quietly snuck by, unnoticed by anyone as the “all important” FOMC meeting was looming. That something could have been taken straight out of the playbook of either Cyprus, or Greece, or the USSR “evil empire”, or all three.

    This is how the WSJ explained it:

    The U.S. Justice Department’s criminal head said banks may need to go beyond filing suspicious activity reports when they encounter a risky customer.

    “The vast majority of financial institutions file suspicious activity reports when they suspect that an account is connected to nefarious activity,” said assistant attorney general Leslie Caldwell in a Monday speech, according to prepared remarks. “But, in appropriate cases, we encourage those institutions to consider whether to take more action: specifically, to alert law enforcement authorities about the problem.”

  • Something stunning took place earlier this week, and it quietly snuck by, unnoticed by anyone as the “all important” FOMC meeting was looming. That something could have been taken straight out of the playbook of either Cyprus, or Greece, or the USSR “evil empire”, or all three.

  • “Colossal Defeat” For Obama As Australia Joins China’s Regional Bank 

    Having attacked its “closest ally” UK for “constant accomodation” with China, we suspect President Obama will be greatly displeased at yet another close-ally’s decision to partner up with the Chinese-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). As The Australian reports, “make no mistake,” the decision by Australia’s Abbott government to sign on for negotiations to join China’s regional bank, foreshadowed by Tony Abbott at the weekend,  “represents a colossal defeat for the Obama administration’s incompetent, distracted, ham-fisted dip­lomacy in Asia.”

    As The Australian’s Greg Sheridan writes Op-Ed,

    The decision by the Abbott government to sign on for negotiations to join China’s regional bank, foreshadowed by Tony Abbott at the weekend, represents another defeat for Barack Obama’s diplomacy in Asia.

    The Abbott government is right to make this decision. It had well-founded concerns about the vague and unsatisfactory governance arrangements of the institution when Beijing first invited Canberra to join.

    Those arrangements have ­improved since then and Australia is only signing on to negotiate terms of accession.

    If the terms are no good, Australia will ultimately walk away.

    Canberra’s move follows similar decisions by Britain, Singapore, India and New Zealand.

    Make no mistake — all this represents a colossal defeat for the Obama administration’s incompetent, distracted, ham-fisted dip­lomacy in Asia.

    The Obama administration didn’t want Australia to sign up for the China-led AIIB. The Abbott government rightly feels that it owes Obama nothing.

GangGreen on Heresy

  • Liberal Obama Law Professor: Obama’s EPA is Burning the Constitution

    Lau­rence Tribe, a lib­eral Har­vard law pro­fes­sor, in fact, he was one of Obama’s law pro­fes­sors, claims that Obama and his EPA is “burn­ing the con­sti­tu­tion”.  Tribe explains the lim­i­ta­tions that the con­sti­tu­tion allows to the EPA:
    “EPA pos­sesses only the author­ity granted to it by Con­gress.  Its gam­bit here raises seri­ous ques­tions under the sep­a­ra­tion of pow­ers… because EPA is attempt­ing to exer­cise law­mak­ing power that belongs to Con­gress and judi­cial power that belongs to the fed­eral courts.”
    “Burn­ing the Con­sti­tu­tion should not become part of our national energy policy.”
    Tribe made these state­ments as he tes­ti­fied before the con­gress on the EPA’s ille­gal plan to limit car­bon diox­ide.  The hear­ing was on the EPA’s  “Clean Power Plan” that not only would raise energy prices through the roof but could also lead to a large num­ber of deaths. 

  • Al Gore at SXSW: We Need to ‘Punish Climate-Change Deniers’ and ‘Put a Price on Carbon’  
    For the third time in the last few years, Al Gore, founder and chairman of the Climate Reality Project, spoke at the festival on Friday. Naturally, his interactive discussion focused on addressing the climate crisis. The former vice president focused on the need to “punish climate-change deniers, saying politicians should pay a price for rejecting ‘accepted science,’” said the Chicago Tribune.
    Gore said forward-thinking investors are moving away from companies that invest in fossil fuels and towards companies investing in renewable energy. “We need to put a price on carbon to accelerate these market trends,” Gore told the Chicago Tribune, referring to a proposed federal cap-and-trade system that would penalize companies that exceeded their carbon-emission limits. “And in order to do that, we need to put a price on denial in politics.”

GangGreen Meet Sun

  • Solar forcing of Holocene summer sea-surface temperatures in the northern North Atlantic  


    Mounting evidence from proxy records suggests that variations in solar activity have played a significant role in triggering past climate changes. However, the mechanisms for sun-climate links remain a topic of debate. Here we present a high-resolution summer sea-surface temperature (SST) record covering the past 9300 yr from a site located at the present-day boundary between polar and Atlantic surface-water masses. The record is age constrained via the identification of 15 independently dated tephra markers from terrestrial archives, circumventing marine reservoir age variability problems. Our results indicate a close link between solar activity and SSTs in the northern North Atlantic during the past 4000 yr; they suggest that the climate system in this area is more susceptible to the influence of solar variations during cool periods with less vigorous ocean circulation. Furthermore, the high-resolution SST record indicates that climate in the North Atlantic regions follows solar activity variations on multidecadal to centennial time scales.

And A Real Scientist

  • Climate Scientist Demolishes the Global Warming Alarm

    Professor Murry Salby is one of many reputable Climate Scientists to fire a silver bullet against the IPCC’s invented alarm over CO2 emissions and their relation to Global Warming.

    Professor Salby, from Macquarie University in Sidney, offered his perspective on the argument held by the IPCC and most of the bought and paid for ‘scientific community’ that blames human emissions of carbon dioxide for the ‘coming doomsday’.

    Thousands of other scientists, including many who work at NASA and other scientific organizations have added their lack of consensus to the discussion that is usually dominated by scaremongers and scientific evidence of dubious origins.

    the main problem with the theory of anthropogenic warming is that the numbers offered by the scare mongers simply do not reflect their conclusions in the real world. The end of 2014 and the start of 2015 has proven to be too cold to handle for climate alarmists who have slowly retreated into their caves anxiously waiting for a new tornado, dust storm or hurricane to justify their unscientific assessments.

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    • Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
    • The people know that they have created this farce and financed it with their own taxes (consent), but they would rather knuckle under than be the hypocrite.

      Factor VI – Cattle
      Those who will not use their brains are no better off than those who have no brains, and so this mindless school of jelly-fish, father, mother, son, and daughter, become useful beasts of burden or trainers of the same.

    • Mr. Rothschild’s Energy Discovery
      What Mr. Rothschild [2] had discovered was the basic principle of power, influence, and control over people as applied to economics. That principle is “when you assume the appearance of power, people soon give it to you.”

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