1 thought on “Feedback Podcasts

  1. Death is too good for them, and revenge is OK until it’s breaks the law.

    The sucker born every minute will die every minute. Arrest, prosecute, and convict me for saying that. I need a place to live like prison as the homeless shelters and hospitals won’t take me.

    See https://www.AnarchyForever.com

    Capitalism creates an economic surplus, making people spoiled and over confident. Socialism steals money from the capitalists, leading to more spoiled, lazy, miscreant behavior. Then there is technology, making things too convenient, making laws impossible to enforce, as the powerful continue to abuse power, more polarization between the haves and have-nots, who will get the best of you and the stupid smiling negative IQ blind Nazi kiss-ass sheep brown-nosing sycophantic Kool Aid-drinking brain-dead zombie Sambo-peon losers who believe authority and the system are wonderful things, and will be emasculated forever when I can use donated 3D printers to print enough ostemy bags to urinate on their graves. Social Darwinism will creep up on them soon enough, in a matter of speaking it is already happening, and if they don’t know or don’t care, better yet, think about it, because they don’t think. I think therefore I am, you don’t think, you are not. Think of me as the asteroid that killed off the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, only now humans face the prospect of the same mass extinction, and then a major implosion leading to a major drop in the world population. Rise up, or the machines will rise up and diagnosis the human condition with your sin and naivete as hopeless, unless you become trans-human. Matrix/terminator robots are already the possession of the U.S. military and can be exploited for civilian purposes at https://www.PandaBusters.com, with software that “writes itself”, preying on the stupidity of conformists who think Microsoft, Alphabet, and others will protect you from a virus whose binary code and functionality changes are so fast mortal men and women will not be able to stop it. Just like these manifestos that are spun with mail merge with the change in the pattern itself random to make Web 2.0 and PBN people lack the time they need to stop what they think is a finite number of words and functions, but not really. Call this virus Black Death, and like the Great Plague that killed one third of Europe’s population between the 1300’s and the 1500’s, those who were unclean and unprepared were easy to prey upon when you’ve had it too-good for too-long. Devolution leads to Evolution and Revolution for a small percentage who want to survive the smoke after Armageddon. “It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine”, REM. Divide and conquer, bad publicity is good publicity. It’s better to be hated then loved, as people who ask for favors are impossible to get rid of until you get rid of them with my dead pools and a tax revolt where those who get out of prison, knowing they’re not going back, will do anything for me. Dirty Laundry – Don Henley – “People love it when you lose, they kick you when you’re up, kick you when you’re down, kick you all around”.

    See https://www.ScamAlert.world
    – imperative must-have website, to report a world riddled with scams… here is full-proof protection!

    So get rid of the people, except those who achieve perfection with my chip implants and become trans-human and immortal. “The path to destruction will be great for the many, few will find the gate” – Matthew. But unlike Jesus, I am not a man of magic, I am a creature of science, that which is tangible and verify-able, with a mating of anarcho-primitivism and techno-anarchy. And those who try to keep this a secret, better yet, little brothers know who you are and are watching you and will rat you out. You are the lucky ones to be the first to get this warning.
    Even if you claim you don’t believe in God, you have heard of God and the Bible, haven’t you? Some people say I’m a fraud trying to self-fulfill prophesy, but even if that’s true, why would I not get what I want? Erika Cheatham and I have good arguments on how you cannot self-fulfill prophesy. Read my websites, including https://www.anarchyforever.com/politics-business-and-science/scientific-and-mathematical-nosticism, and https://www.anarchyforever.com/politics-business-and-science/science/space-plane. That which you don’t know will hurt you. Arrest, prosecute, and convict me for saying that. This is not reverse-psychology, the evidence will show I am in desperate need of food and shelter. And the many undocumented immigrants and rising homeless population feel the same way as jail is like Holiday Inn compared to what we go through.

    Welcome to seven years of Hell on Earth.

    Sincerely with verification for the few non-retards and non-greedy I can save,
    James Dante Wood
    Polly’s Angel Avenger

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