Want To Know Where Ammon Is?

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Want To Know Where Ammon Is?

Not only has Ammon Bundy been freely posting to social media, but has been dropping clues in his videos.

Ammon has spoofed the Mainstream Media (MSM) all fairly well while dropping, what is clearly, little ‘Easter Eggs’ all along the way.

It’s more than a little funny that the joke’s on MSM, all the while, by reporting Bundy was in hiding (just because ‘they’ didn’t know where he was, I suppose).

It’s hilarious that it took them a month (‘Want to know where Ammon Bundy is?’ March 27, 2024 Far-Right USA)* to figure out he really isn’t hiding very well after all. In fact, he has been hiding in plain sight all along, so to speak that is.

(anyone who thinks he did that by accident doesn’t get that he did make it perfectly clear that he was doing so by the title of this video**, as well by showing some registration stickers on boats in the background of another video and more).

[“I have no concerns, I have not been hiding but working and providing for my family”, said Bundy in a message sent to Bellingcat shortly after the publication of this article. “At anytime peace officers could find me if they wish. I pray that Utah has a stronger sense to protect free speech than Idaho does”, he wrote*.‘

In the aforementioned February 24, 2024, YouTube video**, Bundy talks to the camera while walking through a house. In several frames near the beginning of the footage, as Bundy walks through a kitchen, what appears to be a school calendar is visible on the refrigerator.]

Love yall, GOD Bless you and Lisa and the whole family Ammon Bundy ❤



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Author: VinE
Custodial Heir for Real Liberty Media / RLM Radio

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