RLM News – June 30th, 2011

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Jordan Page – Listen, Flames just 2 miles from Los Alamos plutonium, IMF and The Bernank threaten U.S. Congress, Jerry Brown and California Tax the internet, U.S. Military Monthly Death Tolls in Iraq at 3 year high, The New Era of “All Natural” Flag Flag Disasters.

The Video recording of the show is at the bottom of the post.

These are the links from the information shared on the Real Liberty Media News on
Channel 1 – June 30th, 2011.

Jordan Page – Listen (music video)

As of this morning flames just two miles away from plutonium-contaminated waste at Los Alamos

The IMF joins Bernanke in threatening US legislators

Gov. Jerry Brown signs laws to ax redevelopment agencies, collect taxes from online retailers

California tells online retailers to start collecting sales taxes from customers

U.S. Monthly Combat Deaths in Iraq at 3-Year High

The New Era of “All Natural” False Flag Disasters







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