Tag: bankers

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It’s All Connected Podcast Blog – 2020-07-13 – Repeat After Me: Not Federal, No Reserves

Today I showed the connections between the the Federal Reserve System, the IRS and debt slavery all of us suffer through for our entire lives. It is such a large topic and I could not possibly cover in depth all the intricacies of this matter.

The key points involved here are that the United States government is and has been a bought and paid for corporation, owned by a global “banking” cartel. Wars, Depressions, Recession, the ever declining value of the “money” you hold are manipulated by the Fed.

Continue Reading It’s All Connected Podcast Blog – 2020-07-13 – Repeat After Me: Not Federal, No Reserves
Posted in Environment Freedom Grim Leftovers Liberty News Podcast Archives Podcasts RLM News Science & Technology

Grim Leftovers Podcast Blog – 2020-02-03 – #Bankers #Alien #ClimatePolicy #DirtyDiaper #SnappedPenises

Today’s Show Topics:
° Central Bankers Are Quietly Freaking Out About How To Fight The Next Recession
° Former Polish President, Lech Walesa, Warns Of Alien ET Invasion
° Swedes Vote Climate Policy Biggest Waste of Tax Payer Money in 2019
° One Million Moms Slams Burger King For ‘D-Word’ (Damn) In Impossible Burger Commercial
° Pampers New Device Sends You A Notification When Your Kid Has A Dirty Diaper
° Federal Court Rules Cops Can Taser, Choke You Because Trouble Understanding Them is ‘Resistance’
° Drug War-Addicted Cops Raid Hemp Farm, Bulldoze Struggling Farmer’s Million Dollar Crop
° An Ohio City Is Declaring Itself a ‘Crime Victim’ of a False Police Report and Demanding Restitution
° UK: Number of Snapped Penises Hits New Record Because People Are Trying More “Risky” Positions After Watching Porn
° U.S. Alcohol Related Deaths Doubled Over 20 Years

Continue Reading Grim Leftovers Podcast Blog – 2020-02-03 – #Bankers #Alien #ClimatePolicy #DirtyDiaper #SnappedPenises