RLM News – November 10th, 2011

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The global bankster and corporate controllers are losing their grip on people's minds so they are pumping up the propaganda. On CNBC last night they did a post debate poll showing that an overwhelming majority of people thought Ron Paul won. That did not fit the agenda, so they took it down. Here on RLM, we ran our own poll with the same results. Our poll will not be taken down. The fascist state keeps on locking up people who have harmed no one. They are brainwashing people in to thinking that Iran is an evil aggressor that needs to be bombed in to oblivion and they will probably generate a big false flag event to justify while shutting you up. The global economy is based on phony currency and their system is failing. Awaken from your slumber, read between the lines, prepare yourself as best you can, spread the word to those who have not yet seen the truth.

The Video recording of the show is at the bottom of the post.

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These are the links from the information shared on the
Real Liberty Media
News on Channel 1 – November 10th, 2011.

Rick Perry on the three federal agencies he would eliminate – Video

Herman Cain's Campaign Promises with Mike Tyson – Video

The un-debate

The un-debate

Rick Perry Debate Meltdown Could Help Ron Paul

Propaganda Video – EMP Nightmare: How Iran or North Korea Could Destroy America with a Single Bomb

CNBC Repeat, They Remove Ron Paul Leading Online Poll AGAIN

Be Honest CNBC – You Are Biased Against Ron Paul

CNN Defends the Fed – Calls Ron Paul Economically Illiterate

Who Is In The Jail?

Israeli Officials: ElBaradei Secretly an Iranian Agent

It’s Only a Matter of Time Before the Bombs Start Dropping

CNBC Repeat, They Remove Ron Paul Leading Online Poll AGAIN

IAEA Iran Report Thrives on Laptop of Lies

EU may target Iran with new sanctions in weeks: diplomats – Sanction=Bombs & Diplomats=Warmongers

Occupy Oakland votes to open Wells Fargo account

Now it's Occupy Chick-fil-A! Free chicken prompts hundreds to set up camp outside restaurant

12 Facts About Money And Congress That Are So Outrageous That It Is Hard To Believe That They Are Actually True


Additional Links Not Covered during Live Broadcast

CNN Defends the Fed – Calls Ron Paul Economically Illiterate

Rick Perry on the three federal agencies he would eliminate

Mitt Romney: I Won't Let Iran Get Nukes

Progressives Want Ron Paul to Apologize for Calling Obama Elected Dictator


Jobs Was Right: Adobe Abandons Mobile Flash, Backs HTML5

WTF – Bernanke keeps focus on jobs, warns on Europe

Herman Cain's Campaign Promises with Mike Tyson

Olympus to stay in Nikkei Average: Nikkei publisher

Jefferson County in Alabama faces bankruptcy

USRAEL VS IRAN – VIDEO ROUNDUP – The hijacked U.S. and Israel (Usrael) are targeting their next victim: Persia.

Gardasil Victims Take Legal Action Against Merck Over Miscarriage, Deadly Reactions

Threatening letter to Obama on chilling Turkey is signed by 7 Jewish House members, says Peace Now

United States Moving into Africa’s Nile River Basin: Securing Central and Eastern Africa via the Nile River


The American Idiot


Green Day – American Idiot [Lyrics]




Show Recording

Video streaming by Ustream


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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

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