RLM News Show Blog – November 27, 2012

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These are the links to the stories covered on the RLM News Show – 2012-11-27

Home Equity Lines Of Credit Are Back As The Worst Of The Housing Bubble Worst Returns
Home Equity Lines Of Credit Are Back As The Worst Of The Housing Bubble Worst Returns

Possible Internet Take Over By The ITU (UN)

– Video Credits: http://www.whatistheitu.org/

– All the information + online documents (drafts) could be found in the external link below:

20. Doc: Possible Global Internet Take Over By The ITU (UN) [HD] · JdocusReloaded/Doc-Descripto Wiki · GitHub

– Spread the word, share & take action!

Links to other Important Stories I didn’t have time to cover on the show

Supreme Court rules cops can be filmed
Supreme Court rules cops can be filmed


Another ‘Black Friday’ has come and gone. And it has left us with further evidence of the complete madness of the populace of our nation. America has been dealt a fatal blow by corporate greed, Bankster malfeasance and the insidious nature of collectivism — and it’s all been done to us by design.

The once proud and independent people of the United States have, in large part, been reduced to servants of the State. As Aldous Huxley famously noted, “People can actually be made to LOVE their servitude.”

Featuring Mike Krieger, Rob Kirby, Chris Duane, Gerald Celente, Bill Murphy and many others, ‘Madness 3’ offers one last ‘fair warning’ for those with the eyes to see and the ears to hear.

My websites:

Want your mind blown? Watch this video!
FULL LENGTH The Vatican is ruling the planet


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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

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