RLM News Show Blog – January 11, 2013

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These are the links to the stories covered on the RLM News Show – 2013-01-11

Global Weather Modification Assault Causing Climate Chaos And Environmental Catastrophe
Global Weather Modification Assault Causing Climate Chaos And Environmental Catastrophe

Anti gun people can NOT defeat this video

All the heavy hitters that advocate for second Amendment freedom are smashing the anti gun propaganda. Also I have added Locale News clips that show people defending themselves with guns. Funny how the mainstream media never shows you people using the second Amendment the way it was intended.

Links to other Important Stories I didn’t have time to cover on the show

Maryland and Pennsylvania using Minority Report style computers to predict crimes
Maryland and Pennsylvania using Minority Report style computers to predict crimes

The Taboo of Confronting Soldiers

I’ve made a number of videos addressing the police and military over the past several years trying to get them to recognize the danger of our current situation and where we are headed. Part of this involves reminding them of their oath, because this gives us a point of reference, and it makes it clear that what we are asking isn’t something extraordinary, it’s just asking them to keep the promise they already made. A lot of soldiers hear the message and deal with the ideas on their own merits, but there are always one or two who like to claim that a civilian has no right to address soldiers in this way, and even though many people wouldn’t come right out and say it it seems that there is a general taboo in our culture against confronting soldiers regardless of the circumstances. My goal in this video is to put that taboo in its place.

Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging – Full Movie (Documentary)

This video provides the facts about psychotropic drugs and the huge profits they create for the pharmaceutical industry. These drugs are not safe and have not been on the market long enough to provide sufficient long term studies regarding their effects. These drugs do cause addiction, however most “doctors” would call this dependence because you do not have to take an increasing dose over time. They are completely fine with you being addicted to the same amount of any given drug on a daily basis. Over half of the people that commit suicide in the United States are prescribed to psychotropic drugs. (Ex: Paxil (Paroxetine), Zoloft (Sertraline), Prozac, Wellbutrin (Bupropion), Effexor, Seroquil, Ultram (Tramadol), etc.)

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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

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