RLM News Show Blog – January 24, 2013

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These are the links to the stories covered on the RLM News Show – 2013-01-24

The Elite Truly Believe That Humans Are A Plague Upon The Earth
The Elite Truly Believe That Humans Are A Plague Upon The Earth

Gutsy Senator BLASTS Federal Government for passing UNLAWFUL “Laws”

This is the Condensed version of the Senator’s speech. From the original video entitled, “If only ALL Senators Spoke Like this Senator! MUST WATCH!!”

Filled with scathing rebukes toward a Government-gone-wild and an appeal for a wholehearted return to the Constitution and the Bill of rights, this young (freshman) Oklahoma Senator pulls no punches while delivering a stinging message to a crowd of 2nd Amendment rally-goers.

Links to other Important Stories I didn’t have time to cover on the show

Tamiflu & Increased Adolescent Suicide
Tamiflu & Increased Adolescent Suicide

Washington city councilman walks out on council meeting because of citizen with CCW

Washington city councilman walks out on council meeting because of citizen with CCW

At last Tuesdays City Council meeting a citizen commented during the citizens comment period encouraging the City Council to support the Second Amendment and to help educate our children about firearms and firearm safety.

Caliber vs Stopping Power

Talking about Caliber in relation to Stoping Power, Capacity & Multiple hits on Target.

I am not discussing shot placement in this video since even a .22 with proper shot placement will Kill.

Also for the purposes of discussion we are assuming that all bullets are the same regardless of caliber because otherwise we could all make the argument that a 9mm Grizzly Xtreme round does more damage than a standard Federal .45 JHP, so assume when comparing 2 bullets that they are of the same type, design & manufacturer, just different calibers.

This vid is a result of my own research, please do research yourself and make up your own mind, don’t just listen to what anyone on youtube says and take it as the truth.

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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

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