RLM News Show Podcast Blog – December 16, 2013

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Off The Cliff Quotes by Thomas Sowell
“It’s amazing how much panic one honest man can spread among a multitude of hypocrites.”
Thomas Sowell

“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.”
Thomas Sowell

“What is history but the story of how politicians have squandered the blood and treasure of the human race?”
Thomas Sowell

“Competition does a much more effective job than government at protecting consumers.”
Thomas Sowell

“I have never understood why it is “greed” to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else’s money.”
Thomas Sowell

“It’s amazing how much panic one honest man can spread among a multitude of hypocrites.”
Thomas Sowell

“The first lesson of economics is scarcity: there is never enough of anything to fully satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics.”
Thomas Sowell

“We seem to be getting closer and closer to a situation where nobody is responsible for what they did but we are all responsible for what somebody else did.”
Thomas Sowell

“One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce, and canonized those who complain.”
Thomas Sowell

These are the links to the stories covered on the RLM News Show
December 16, 2013

Godzilla Towers
FBI calls half of populace with 9/11 doubts potential terrorists

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Toxic Loophole: Israel refuses to give up chemical weapon stock

Published on Dec 15, 2013
A potential forceful intervention in Syria was avoided in September, after the government agreed to destroy its toxic arsenal. Efforts to rid the Middle East of chemical weapons are being held up by Israel and Egypt’s refusal to join the international convention. But, with Syria now on-board, there’s little space left for countries to maneuver – as Paula Slier explains

Links to other Important Stories I didn’t have time to cover on the show

Girl Robot
Meet the Robot Telemarketer Who Denies She’s A Robot

The Ultimate Conspiracy Theory Propaganda

Published on Dec 15, 2013
Aimed at the casual grocery shopper, a quick answer to every conspiracy question you ever had (or just make up your own).

After 100 Years Of Failure, It’s Time To End The Fed!

After 100 Years Of Failure, It’s Time To End The Fed! by Ron Paul

A week from now, the Federal Reserve System will celebrate the 100th anniversary of its founding. Resulting from secret negotiations between bankers and politicians at Jekyll Island, the Fed’s creation established a banking cartel and a board of government overseers that has grown ever stronger through the years. One would think this anniversary would elicit some sort of public recognition of the Fed’s growth from a quasi-agent of the Treasury Department intended to provide an elastic currency, to a de facto independent institution that has taken complete control of the economy through its central monetary planning. But just like the Fed’s creation, its 100th anniversary may come and go with only a few passing mentions.

Like many other horrible and unconstitutional pieces of legislation, the bill which created the Fed, the Federal Reserve Act, was passed under great pressure on December 23, 1913, in the waning moments before Congress recessed for Christmas with many Members already absent from those final votes. This underhanded method of pressuring Congress with such a deadline to pass the Federal Reserve Act would provide a foreshadowing of the Fed’s insidious effects on the US economy—with actions performed without transparency.

Ostensibly formed with the goal of preventing financial crises such as the Panic of 1907, the Fed has become increasingly powerful over the years. Rather than preventing financial crises, however, the Fed has constantly caused new ones. Barely a few years after its inception, the Fed’s inflationary monetary policy to help fund World War I led to the Depression of 1920. After the economy bounced back from that episode, a further injection of easy money and credit by the Fed led to the Roaring Twenties and to the Great Depression, the worst economic crisis in American history.

But even though the Fed continued to make the same mistakes over and over again, no one in Washington ever questioned the wisdom of having a central bank. Instead, after each episode the Fed was given more and more power over the economy. Even though the Fed had brought about the stagflation of the 1970s, Congress decided to formally task the Federal Reserve in 1978 with maintaining full employment and stable prices, combined with constantly adding horrendously harmful regulations. Talk about putting the inmates in charge of the asylum!

Now we are reaping the noxious effects of a century of loose monetary policy, as our economy remains mired in mediocrity and utterly dependent on a stream of easy money from the central bank. A century ago, politicians failed to understand that the financial panics of the 19th century were caused by collusion between government and the banking sector. The government’s growing monopoly on money creation, high barriers to entry into banking to protect politically favored incumbents, and favored treatment for government debt combined to create a rickety, panic-prone banking system. Had legislators known then what we know now, we could hope that they never would have established the Federal Reserve System.

Today, however, we do know better. We know that the Federal Reserve continues to strengthen the collusion between banks and politicians. We know that the Fed’s inflationary monetary policy continues to reap profits for Wall Street while impoverishing Main Street. And we know that the current monetary regime is teetering on a precipice. One hundred years is long enough. End the Fed!

Permission to reprint or republish this post in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a link back to this post is given.

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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

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