RLM News Show Podcast Blog – December 17, 2013

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These are the links to the stories covered on the RLM News Show
December 17, 2013

Sell Your Soul To Obama
Obama Offers High School Seniors $30,000+ to Snoop for NSA

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The ONE ROAD to END Precious Metals CORRUPTION

Published on Dec 12, 2013
Our friend Jeff Nieson from BullionBullsCanada.com joins us to talk about, what how to END the endless corruption in the precious metals markets. We cover the Rothschild’s ONE BANK, Bitcoin and everything in between. And Jeff says he thinks the Rothschilds will SMASH Bitcoin which has emerged as a rival to their fiat empire. How does Jeff know this? Because he says that’s exactly what he would do if he was a Trillionaire Satanic Bankster.

As for physical precious metals which have suffered a brutal year, Jeff says, “The ONE BANK wants to keep people out of the precious metals sector at ALL COSTS and so it is doing literally everything in its power to discourage people from putting their money in gold and silver. So ask yourself this, if the Bankers want you to get your money out of gold and silver, more than anything else in the world, than isn’t gold and silver exactly the place you want to be?”

Links to other Important Stories I didn’t have time to cover on the show

GOLD PRICE: Cartel Catch 22

Published on Dec 13, 2013
Visit us online at: http://www.peakresources.org and be sure to sign up for our newsletter http://eepurl.com/A2599

Friday October 11th, gold trading was shut down for 10 seconds according to the CME.

Why, because someone sold 2 million ounces of gold at one time. Who does this? Who sells nearly 2 and half percent of annual gold production in a single minute? The gold valued at over $2.5 billion could not have been sold by a small trader, and certainly not the smart money, institutional investors know that you don’t exit a large trade like this…

So who could it be? Try the dumb money, The Western Central Banks.

As noted by organizations like GATA, TF Metals Report, ZeroHedge, and Shtfplan, gold manipulation is out in the open. Friday October 11th is just one of the daily examples.

With the western central banks suppressing the price, the eastern central banks have been happy buyers.

However, PeakResources.org believes this gold price suppression scheme is nearing its end.

With the Federal Reserve on a fiat currency suicide mission with QE forever, and the U.S. federal government bankrupt, the days of dollar supremacy are in its last days.

For gold though, the central banks have really screwed themselves.

At a price of $1,250, gold mining companies can no longer make a profit. Recent studies show their all in cash cost anywhere from $1,400 to as high as $1,700. Liquid fuels, human energy, and new exploration are costly in the mining process, so it is unlikely these costs can be cut to accommodate the low gold price.

Since gold’s peak in 2011, the TSX Venture exchange, home to the worlds gold exploration companies, is down more than 59%

The gold juniors index, the GDXJ, is down 83%

And the large cap gold companies, despite seeing a 400% increase in the price of gold over the past 12 years, are trading at lower valuations then they did even 20 years ago.

As noted in our video Peak Gold, no major gold discoveries have been found in more than 10 years! Gold production as a whole has plateaued.

Remember, all mines have a limited supply of gold, at some point in time they either deplete themselves or become uneconomical. Uneconomical meaning companies can’t mine for profit, which is exactly the case for nearly all gold mines today!

Consider a very famous gold mining region, South Africa

In 1971 South Africa produced 47.5 million ounces of gold, accounting for 68% of global mine production.

In 2011, South Africa accounted for only 7% of gold production with about 8 million ounces of mine production.

Despite all the technological advances and billions in exploration and development, South African gold production is down 82%.

South Africa isn’t an anomaly either, here in the U.S. production in the past 20 years is down 30%.

Current discoveries are small, in remote areas, and are lower grade deposits.

PeakResources.org recently attended a gold mining event in London, what we learned was that exploration budgets were being slashed! No development, no exploration, and a scaling back of projects.

What this all leads to is a price spike in gold, just as gold rose rose from $35 to $850 in the 70s, The Dow Jones from 2,000 to 11,000 in the 1990, and Bitcoin from a penny to $1,200 more recently, so to can gold have a parabolic spike.

The perfect storm is coming for gold…

Due to western central bank price manipulation the mining sector is in critical condition, the supply line is all but halted, and the physical supply is being swallowed up by Asia.

The last shoe to drop is for major mining companies to start closing down production at major mines. Though this would be perceived as the end for gold, speculators will be happy to know that this would be the beginning of the biggest Fed induced bubble in history! But unlike previous Fed bubbles where they support the price increase, the gold bubble will be a result of western central planners mis-managing the gold price for the past 3 decades and finally losing control.

With fiat currency being pumped into the system daily and the gold sector in shambles, the central banks are in for a big surprise because sooner or later supply and demand economics will crush the very people who are behind the devastation we have seen in the gold mining and precious metal industry.

Will Walmart shoppers support “Every Day High Wages?”

Published on Dec 16, 2013
Walmart touts “Everyday Low Prices,” but we asked its customers to support ‘Everyday High Wages” instead. We posed as representatives of “15 for 15,” a make-believe organization advocating that Walmart raise prices by 15% and use the extra cash to pay its low-skilled workers $15 dollars per hour. The surcharge would be added to customer’s bills at checkout, just like a gratuity at a restaurant. Not surprisingly few shoppers supported our cause. Even those who felt Walmart workers should be paid more did not want to pay higher prices themselves to make it possible. Those demanding higher wages for Walmart’s workers should consider the importance of low prices to Walmart’s customers.

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