RLM News Show Podcast Blog – January 30, 2014

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These are the links to the stories covered on the RLM News Show
January 30, 2014

Camels Nose
Zionist Forces Arrest Camel in Bethlehem

RLM News Show Page | Podcast Archives: 2012 | 2013 | 2014 |

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Ohio Snow Doesn’t Burn! Can A Chemist Please Explain Why Flames Don’t Melt Snow?

Published on Jan 29, 2014
TNAM correspondent Chris Engelman attempts to melt snow with a lighter.

Watch what happens next!

Links to other Important Stories I didn’t have time to cover on the show

Kind Bud
Florida Supreme Court Approves Medical Marijuana Initiative

What are the Odds? Signs They Are Planning A Superbowl Attack!

Published on Jan 29, 2014
Ok , Finding that all 3 movies had direct connection made me raise a brow. But after seeing what Rutherford means……..WoW!

How to make a Raspberry Pi Bitcoin Mining Rig

Published on Sep 9, 2013
Learn how to make a Raspberry Pi Bitcoin Mining Rig.

330Mh/z GPU – http://goo.gl/QlGVM7
Powered USB Hub – http://goo.gl/nvPzEy
Raspberry Pi – http://goo.gl/h0u9qA

MinePeon – http://minepeon.com/
Bitcoin Wallet – https://coinbase.com/
Mining Pool – http://mining.bitcoin.cz/

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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

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