RLM News Show w Grimnir – Podcast Blog – June 03, 2014

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These are the links to the stories covered on the RLM News Show
June 03, 2014

Eric “The Criminal” Holder announces task force on ‘homegrown’ terrorists

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Russians mock the gas-dependence of Europe and Ukraine

Uploaded on Feb 1, 2009

“Should Ukraine will soon join NATO, we just will cut gas for Ukraine!
And in the night we`ll cut gas to Europe!
So that we could cut the gas for everybody, just in case!” Thіs is words from “comic” song performed by Academic Ensemble of Moscow Military District. The subs in this video are literal translation of comedy broadcasted on Russian Ren-TV on the 2th of January 2009.

Links to other Important Stories I didn’t have time to cover on the show

Chinese General Says U.S. Foreign Policy Has ‘Erectile Dysfunction’ Problems

The End of Oppression – Part 1: The Problem – Josie Outlaw

Published on Jun 2, 2014

“The End of Oppression” is a six-part series of videos which show what it will take for humanity to finally outgrow and escape its long history of violence and oppression.

Part One (“The Problem”) explains why it is not greed, hatred, or merely the nature of man which is preventing humanity from achieving peace, prosperity and freedom for all.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO): Net Neutrality

Published on Jun 1, 2014

Cable companies are trying to create an unequal playing field for internet speeds, but they’re doing it so boringly that most news outlets aren’t covering it.

John Oliver explains the controversy and lets viewers know how they can voice their displeasure to the FCC.

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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

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