RLM News Show w Grimnir – Podcast Blog – June 16, 2014

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These are the links to the stories covered on the RLM News Show
June 16, 2014

Pope Francis Warns Risk Of “Economic Collapse”

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ISIS in Iraq: The Hidden Petrodollar Connection

Published on Jun 13, 2014

On today’s podcast, Jerry Robinson discusses the connection between the terrorism unfolding in Iraq and the crumbling Petrodollar system.

Links to other Important Stories I didn’t have time to cover on the show


The Truthseeker: NATO’s ‘Gladio’ army in Ukraine (E41)

Published on Jun 14, 2014

The openly Nazi core of Kiev’s new army; WikiLeaked cables set Ukraine ‘nationalists’ in NATO ‘dirty wars’ abroad; and the ‘psychopaths’ who run CIA special operations.

Seek truth from facts with the world’s leading scholar on NATO’s Operation Gladio Dr. Daniele Ganser; Editor of new book Flashpoint in Ukraine – Dr. Stephen Lendman; Intelligence specialist William Engdahl; and victims of the Butcher of Lyon.

Hashtag War in Iraq.. The truth

Hashtag War in Iraq.. The truth

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