Fear Porn For A Bigger Agenda

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                                                              Fear Porn For A Bigger Agenda    
   People have been divided on the topic of Ebola. Some look at it as a hoax, while others see it as a real threat. This is very understandable. The main stream media is pushing mixed signals on the public. While information coming out of the alternative media can be just as confusing.  The agenda is there, though the outcome can be the opposite from what most see it to be.

   While gas prices here in the U.S. are encouraging travel, surplus store sales are rising. Coincidentally this is unfolding as the flu season is upon us. Individuals all over the world have had bio-weapons forced upon them. It should come as no shock to most that the Ebola virus has been patented for some time now. While most news sources speak of one strain, though not mentioning this has been manipulated to THEIR need.

Human Ebola Virus Species and Compositions and Methods Thereof

   Government research labs all over the world are in a race to complete the “Ebola Vaccine“. When this becomes available to the public, the new strain will become more resistant to the drugs that Big Pharma will be creating to stop it. A vicious web is being weaved right in front of our eyes. We have watched as countries are on alert under a “Bio-hazard Emergency”.  One year ago we were told that this “virus” would remain in South Africa and it was contained.

   With the help of the UN, WHO, CDC, and (of course) the Bill Gates Foundation; this virus has spread more rapidly. Countries are putting into place a “plan” for an outbreak. States here in the U.S. are slowly rolling out a Public Health Emergency Plan. Not everyone who comes in contact with Ebola is going to become deathly ill. Though the U.S. government has pushed an Executive Order stating:  Influenza caused by new or re-emergent flu viruses that are causing, or have the potential to cause, a pandemic; and Severe acute respiratory syndromes. In the below link, not only will you find the information for this Executive Order, you will also find that each state has listed a “penalty” if you do not comply to their quarantine or isolation laws.

State Quarantine and Isolation Statutes

  What better way to implement State/National emergency, than to tell everyone that a NASTY virus is in the country. This would mean that any “rights” you thought you had left, would be taken away. Most with no way to fight back and would comply to the system’s agenda.

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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

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