Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Feb. 14, 2016.

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At the Situationally Aware Action Oriented Intelligence Center

Of Evolutionary Engagement

Open you a canThe Victory Against You in the Silent War is Your Silence

Seeing The Transparent

Thank You For Your Donations – New ShoutCast Coming

  • Tis The Season to Donate – Server and Domain, etc., Costs Due.
    Grimnir has made a request for Server and other Service costs. If you are in any position to help cover these please navigate Down the right side of this page or the page linked and please find your preferred method to donate. Or find the Doge Of War below to donate in Dogecoin. Thank you for what ever you can do to keep The Word Spreading Globalee.

Protect Your Granted Rights

  • Sign The Petition – Please
    From the Jefferson Mining District front page, Click on the petition link. Thank you very much for defending your property and that of future generations, no the real ones, and additionally, for helping Jefferson Mining District help you.

Tell-Tale Totalitarianism

  • 10 Things They Won’t Tell You About the Flint Water Tragedy. But I Will

    When the governor’s office discovered just how toxic the water was, they decided to keep quiet about it and covered up the extent of the damage being done to Flint’s residents, most notably the lead affecting the children, causing irreversible and permanent brain damage. Citizen activists uncovered these actions, and the governor now faces growing cries to resign or be arrested.

    Here are 10 things that you probably don’t know about this crisis because the media, having come to the story so late, can only process so much. But if you live in Flint or the state of Michigan as I do, you know all to well that what the greater public has been told only scratches the surface.

    1. While the Children in Flint Were Given Poisoned Water to Drink, General Motors Was Given a Special Hookup to the Clean Water.


  • Burns Oregon– LaVoy’s daughters speak out

    A group from the Pacific Patriot Network (PPN) gathered in front of the Harney County Courthouse Wednesday.

    Judge Steven Grasty showed up to the gathering to return the group’s petition calling for Grasty, the sheriff and two county commissioners to resign.


  • The Nobility of Good Lawyers With Bad Clients
    n the early hours of the morning, law professors wonder whether anything we do makes the world a better place.Today, I feel pretty sure that the answer is yes. That’s because, on January 28, I awoke to a televised image of Ammon Bundy’s lawyer, Mike Arnold of Eugene, Oregon, reading a statement urging the other Malheur protesters to stand down. Arnold is a former student of mine. So is Tiffany Harris of Portland, who represents Shawna Cox, the 59-year-old woman who was arrested in the car with LaVoy Finicum, the militant spokesman who was shot during a traffic stop near the occupied Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.I couldn’t be prouder.That’s not because I like their clients.
  • Younger lawyers are most at risk for substance abuse and mental health problems, a new study reports 

    A new study released just prior to the 2016 ABA Midyear Meeting in San Diego rejects the prevailing wisdom about substance abuse and mental health problems in the U.S. legal profession on two key points.

    First, the levels of problem drinking and mental health issues in the legal profession appear to be higher than indicated by previous studies. And second, younger lawyers are the segment of the profession most at risk of substance abuse and mental health problems. Previous studies indicated that older lawyers were more at risk for developing problems in both areas.

    The study was conducted jointly by the ABA Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs and the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, based in Center City, Minnesota.


  • 02/10/16 FBI Siege, the Call from the Refuge.
    This is the call that was rebroadcast live from the refuge on 02/10/16
  • Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy arrested by FBI in Portland
    Cliven Bundy, the Nevada rancher who touched off one armed showdown with federal authorities and applauded another started in Oregon by his sons, was arrested late Wednesday at Portland International Airport and faces federal charges related to the 2014 standoff at his ranch.Bundy, 74, was booked into the downtown Multnomah County jail at 10:54 p.m.He faces a conspiracy charge to interfere with a federal officer — the same charge lodged against two of his sons, Ammon and Ryan, for their role in the Jan. 2 takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Burns. He also faces weapons charges.The Bundy Ranch Facebook page reported Cliven Bundy was surrounded by SWAT officers and detained after his arrival from Nevada.He was arrested at 10:10 p.m., authorities said.The Bundy patriarch had traveled to Portland with plans to go on to Burns, where four occupiers had been the remaining holdouts of the refuge occupation.
  • Oregon standoff: Nevada lawmaker Michele Fiore heads to Burns to negotiate

    A Nevada state legislator who is hoping to negotiate between the FBI and the last four people left at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns is a vocal gun rights advocate now campaigning for a seat in Congress.

    Michele Fiore, a two-term assemblywoman, got on the phone with the occupiers after arriving Wednesday in Portland. She was in Oregon to appear at a news conference the next day in apparent support of Ammon Bundy, the leader of the Jan. 2 armed takeover who was arrested Jan. 26 and has been in jail since.

    Fiore’s trip to Oregon is in apparent response to a call from Ammon Bundy, who asked elected officials from across the West to come to the aid of the occupiers.

  • LaVoy Finicum shooting: What happened when

    As hundreds attended Friday’s funeral for Arizona rancher Robert “LaVoy” Finicum, many questions remain about exactly how he died.

    Answers won’t be coming for a while.

    Investigators reviewing the shooting on a heavily wooded stretch of U.S. 395 said results won’t be available for at least four to six weeks.

    What’s known is Finicum died a little after 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 26, when Oregon State Police troopers shot him after he drove away from a traffic stop, hit a snowbank and then got out of his late-model Dodge Ram pickup.

    Law enforcement agencies have not yet named the troopers who shot Finicum. State officials refuse to release results of Finicum’s autopsy. Investigators also haven’t released Finicum’s truck or close-up pictures of it.

    Finicum’s family members commissioned a private autopsy and also declined to make it public.


  • Oathkeepers Media Director Investigating 68 Warrants issued for Those Who Stood at Bundy Ranch, Oregon Refuge and Mines

    I listened today for a couple of hours as the last of the four who were held up at the Oregon Wildlife refuge left. It was an intense time as David Fry, after almost two hours, came out with his friends. However, behind the scenes, things are taking a very strange twist. In an exclusive interview with Jason Van Tatenhove, media director for Oathkeepers, he told Freedom Outpost that there have been reports of 68 warrants against Americans who stood alongside Cliven Bundy in Nevada in 2014 and several involved in standing between the Bureau of Land Management and the Sugar Pine Mine.

    Van Tatenhove said that Oathkeepers were in the process of seeking to confirm the number of indictments and may have that information available later on Thursday’s broadcast of NorthWest Liberty News with Jim White and Tim Brown at 4pm EST.

    “We are trying to verify this information through intelligence sources with deep contacts DHS and whatnot… there are 68 new warrants stemming back through Bundy Ranch and the other mine operations,” Van Tatenhove said. “We’re trying to reach out to the FBI to confirm.”

    Van Tatenhove has an interest in these warrants as he stood at Bundy Ranch in 2014 against the BLM siege with the Bundys.


  • Utah Fusion Center Warns Cops: Watch Out for Don’t-Tread-on-Me Flags 
  • Funeral services will be held today in Kanab, Utah, for LaVoy Finicum, the rancher killed last month during the occupation of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. In a bulletin distributed this week to cops across the region, the Utah Statewide Information and Analysis Center—one of the dozens of intelligence-sharing “fusion centers” around the country that get funds from the Department of Homeland Security—warns that “extremists may utilize such a high profile funeral for media attention or to further ideological beliefs.” Although “no credible threats to law enforcement are present at this time,” the authors still think police should be wary: “Caravans of individuals traveling to the funeral services may be comprised of one or more armed extremists. Law enforcement should remain vigilant and aware that confrontation with these potentially volatile persons, may include more than one individual. These individuals may adhere to a sovereign citizen ideology, and may not recognize law enforcement as a legitimate authority.”

    The report includes several “visual indicators” to help police determine whether they’re dealing with “extremist and disaffected individuals.” These range from images associated with specific political groups, such as the Oath Keepers and Three Percenters, to a more generic patriotic symbol, the Gadsden flag—a famous Revolutionary War banner featuring a coiled rattlesnake and the slogan “Don’t Tread on Me.”


Just Them Bad Apples

  • A Couple of Bad Apples? Nearly 4 Dozen Georgia Officers Arrested in Massive FBI Sting

    As part of an investigation and crackdown on extensive contraband smuggling, drug dealing, and other criminal activity within the Georgia Department of Corrections, 46 people — mostly current and former corrections officers — were arrested by the FBI on Thursday.

    Indictments for those arrested have been handed down over the last three months. So far in the FBI’s sting, around 130 people have been taken into custody by authorities, reported local ABC affiliate, WJCL.

    U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia, John Horn, said the charges represent “staggering corruption within Georgia Department of Corrections institutions.”

    Among those arrested were two civilians, one inmate, and according to CNN, five members of an “elite squad” called the Cobra Unit, whose job ostensibly involved dismantling drug rings inside the prison system.

    Investigators found the accused officers had affected drug deals both inside and outside prison walls — including large quantities of cocaine and crystal meth — by exploiting the supposed impunity of their position in law enforcement. According to WJCL, the indictments state officers “agreed to wear their uniforms during the drug transports to deter law enforcement interference.”

    Besides illicit drugs, investigators said the smuggled contraband included liquor, tobacco, and cell phones — which are then used by inmates to commit wire fraud and identity theft.


i-Phone On You

  • Maryland Attorney General: If You Don’t Want To Be Tracked, Turn Off Your Phone

    The state attorney general of Maryland is taking an alarmingly aggressive stance on the use of controversial cell phone trackers known as cell site simulators, or StingRays, arguing in court that a suspect volunteered to be tracked simply by leaving his phone on.

    In a brief filed earlier this week, Maryland attorney general Brian E. Frosh challenged a Baltimore court’s decision in the case of Kerron Andrews, who was targeted by a cell site simulator, the once-secret surveillance device used by police and federal agents to track phones en-masse by impersonating cellphone towers, often without warrants.

    Andrews, who faces multiple counts of attempted murder, had asked the court to dismiss the charges, citing Fourth Amendment concerns over the use of the surveillance device.

    But the state argued that because cell phones constantly reveal their locations to carriers by pinging nearby cell towers, Andrews “voluntarily shared this information with third parties,” including the police, merely by keeping his phone on.

    In other words, if you don’t shut off your phone, you’re asking to be tracked.


  • Cops Recording Your Every Move For 10 Weeks Doesn’t Violate The Constitution

    A federal appeals court on Monday ruled it is not unconstitutional for law enforcement to set up a camera on a public utility pole and record a suspect’s moves for 10 weeks straight.

    Such warrantless recording is permitted, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit said, because people have “no reasonable expectation of privacy in video footage recorded by a camera that was located on top of a public utility pole and that captured the same views enjoyed by passersby on public roads.”

    The ruling stemmed in part from a nasty, years-long confrontation between two Tennessee brothers and local police — long-simmering bad blood that led to shootouts, officer deaths and ultimately a criminal trial that ended in acquittals for the brothers.

    Despite this history, the conflict persisted, and federal agents later learned from local law enforcement that one of the brothers, Rocky Houston, had a prior felony and thus was in violation of federal law for possessing firearms in his rural property — which he shared with his brother Leon, who slept in a trailer, and an adult daughter, who lived in a nearby barn.

    Federal agents followed up on the tip and visited the property to investigate, but quickly realized that their vehicle “stuck out like a sore thumb” and they couldn’t conduct proper surveillance of the premises. That’s when they enlisted the help of the utility company and, without obtaining a warrant, set up a camera from a pole located roughly 200 yards away from Leon’s trailer.


  • India Blocks Facebook’s Free Basics, Other Zero-Rated Mobile Services Over Net Neutrality

    Facebook’s Free Basics — the company’s zero-rated mobile service — has been under fire in India over net neutrality violations for months, and now the country’s regulator has weighed in hard on the issue: FreeBasics and services like it have been banned, according to an announcement from TRAI.

    Facebook has issued a statement in response to the ruling that looks like it will continue to work on ways of growing its service, despite this obvious setback.

    “Our goal with Free Basics is to bring more people online with an open, non-exclusive and free platform,” a Facebook spokesperson said in a statement. “While disappointed with the outcome, we will continue our efforts to eliminate barriers and give the unconnected an easier path to the internet and the opportunities it brings.”

    TRAI notes that the regulations will be in place for two years but may be open for review — which could see Facebook tweak FreeBasics and try to get the service turned on again.

    Companies that violate the rules will be fined 50,000 rupees per day (around $740/day), according to the ruling, up to a maxiumum of 5 million rupees. Those numbers are negligible for Facebook, which has invested millions in this program, but it’s a crucial public opinion victory against the company that is at stake here.

    FreeBasics is Facebook’s strategy to build up its user base in developing parts of the world by teaming up with carriers in local markets to give free access to specific sites (like Facebook) by way of a group it founded called In India, Facebook had been working with Reliance Telecom to offer the service.

    The ban today comes after TRAI temporarily banned the service in December.

No Plan A

  • An Exasperated John Kerry Throws In Towel On Syria: “What Do You Want Me To Do, Go To War With The Russians?!”

    While we’ll be the first to admit that Bashar al-Assad isn’t exactly the most benevolent leader in the history of statecraft, you can bet most Syrians wish this war had never started and if you were to ask those stranded in Aleppo what their quality of life is like now, versus what it was like in 2009, we’re fairly certain you’ll discover that residents aren’t particularly enamored with life under the mishmash of rebels that now control the city.

    In any event, Russia and Iran have encircled Aleppo and once it “falls” (to quote Reuters) that’s pretty much it for the opposition. Or at least for the “moderate” opposition. And the Saudis and Turks know it.

    So does John Kerry, who is desperate to restart stalled peace negotiations in Geneva. The problem for the US and its regional allies is simple: if Russia and Iran wipe out the opposition on the battlefield, there’s no need for peace talks. The Assad government will have been restored and that will be that. ISIS will still be operating in the east, but that’s a problem Moscow and Tehran will solve in short order once the country’s major urban centers are secured.

    As we noted on Saturday, Riyadh and Ankara are extremely concerned that the five-year-old effort to oust Assad is about to collapse and indeed, the ground troop trial balloons have already been floated both in Saudi Arabia and in Turkey. For their part, the Russians and the Iranians have indicated their willingness to discuss a ceasefire but according to John Kerry himself, the opposition is now unwilling to come to the table.

    Don’t blame me – go and blame your opposition,’” an exasperated Kerry told aid workers on the sidelines of the Syria donor conference in London this week.

    America’s top diplomat also said that the country should expect another three months of bombing that would “decimate” the opposition, according to Middle East Eye who also says that Kerry left the aid workers with “the distinct impression” that the US is abandoning efforts to support rebel fighters.

    In other words, Washington has come to terms with the fact that there’s only one way out of this now. It’s either go to war with Russia and Iran or admit that this particular effort to bring about regime change in the Mid-East simply isn’t salvageable.

    “He said that basically, it was the opposition that didn’t want to negotiate and didn’t want a ceasefire, and they walked away,” a second aid worker told MEE.

    “‘What do you want me to do? Go to war with Russia? Is that what you want?’” the aid worker said Kerry told her.

    MEE also says the US has completely abandoned the idea that Assad should step down.

  • Russian Hackers Moved Ruble Rate With Malware, Group-IB Says
    Hackers used malware to penetrate the defenses of a Russian regional bank and move the ruble-dollar rate more than 15 percent in minutes, according to a Moscow-based cyber-security firm hired to investigate the attack.Russian-language hackers deployed a virus known as the Corkow Trojan to infect Kazan-based Energobank and place more than $500 million in orders at non-market rates in February 2015, Group-IB told Bloomberg, without identifying individuals behind the attack. The resulting rate swing prompted a Russian central bank investigation into potential market manipulation.Malicious software of the type used in the attack can open a back door into computers via seemingly legitimate websites or files and then force them to carry out hackers’ orders. Corkow, which regularly updates itself to evade detection by anti-virus programs, has infiltrated 250,000 computers worldwide and infected more than 100 financial institutions, according to Group-IB, which investigated the attack on behalf of Energobank.“This is the first documented attack using this virus and it has potential to do much more damage,” Dmitry Volkov, the head of Group-IB’s cyber intelligence department, said by phone. “Once the malware has penetrated a local network, it is sophisticated enough to infect computers that are even not connected to the Internet.”
  • European Bank Bloodbath Crashes Bond, Stock Markets
    Just as we warned, not only is it time to panic but the panic is ‘contagion’-ing over into the sovereign risk market. European banks are in freefall, down over 4.3% broadly, crashing to 2012’s “whatever it takes” lows.European bank risk has gone vertical… Today’s spike is the largest since April 2010


Bottom Line Crimes

  • Bayer and the US Government, Knowingly Gave HIV to Thousands of Children

    What if a company that you thought you could trust, knowingly sold you a medicine for your child that they knew had the potential to give your child HIV? How would you react? What if a government agency that claims the responsibility for protecting you from such treachery, not only looked the other way, but was complicit in this exchange?

    Everyone has heard of Bayer aspirin, it is a household name. Bayer AG also manufactures numerous other products, from pesticides to medicine for hemophiliacs called Factor 8.

    In 1984 Bayer became aware that several batches of this Factor 8 contained HIV. They knew this because there was an outbreak of HIV among hemophiliac children, and this outbreak was traced back to Bayer.

    Unable to sell their Factor 8 in the US, Bayer, with the FDA’s permission, (yes that’s right, the FDA allowed Bayer to potentially kill thousands) sold this HIV infected medicine to Argentina, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore after February 1984, according to the documents obtained by the NY Times. The documents showed how Cutter Biological, a division of Bayer, shipped more than 100,000 vials of unheated concentrate, worth more than $4 million, after it began selling the safer product.

    The result of this sale of HIV tainted medication ended up infecting tens of thousands and killing thousands. Thousands of innocent children and adults have died at the hand of this corporation and no punitive action has been taken against them. The health department leaders in Argentina, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore were all imprisoned, while the US FDA continues down its hellish path.

    When asked about the sale of the tainted Factor 8, Bayer responded, ”Decisions made nearly two decades ago were based on the best scientific information of the time and were consistent with the regulations in place.” This can be interpreted as Bayer asking the FDA for permission to murder children for profit and the FDA giving its approval. According to the NY Times, the Food and Drug Administration’s regulator of blood products, Dr. Harry M. Meyer Jr., asked that the issue be ”quietly solved without alerting the Congress, the medical community and the public.”


  • More Babies Are Being Born with Organs Outside Their Bodies, and Experts Have No Idea Why

    Related?Pesticides in Paradise: Hawaii’s Spike in Birth Defects Puts Focus on GM Crops:

    At a Starbucks just outside Honolulu, Sidney Johnson, a pediatric surgeon at the Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children who oversees all children born in Hawaii with major birth defects and operates on many, says he’s been thinking about pesticides a lot lately. The reason: he’s noticed that the number of babies born here with their abdominal organs outside, a rare condition known as gastroschisis, has grown from three a year in the 1980s to about a dozen now.


  • Narcolepsy boy wins finally wins Vaccine Injury case. But It’s not enough.

    Six years ago, Josh Hadfield, 10, from Frome in Somerset, began experiencing symptoms of Narcolepsy. He was eventually diagnosed with the illness which forever altered his life. He was another victim of the Pandemrix vaccine which turned out to be the worst part of having Swine Flu (ironically enough). Josh’s claim was initially denied causing an uproar from parents worldwide. The Vaccine Damage Payments Scheme is supposed to pay all victims £120k, but that’s based on severity and unfortunately, Josh was deemed “not severe enough” by the institution. Josh also suffers from Cataplexy which affects his use of muscles.

    According to, Josh’s mother, Caroline Hadfield, is happy regarding the decision but remains frustrated by the long process it took to reach it.

    Ms Hadfield said: “It will help secure Josh’s future. It’s just a shame we had to jump through this amount of hoops to get this far.”

    She said her son was “coping” and had to have “one to two sleeps” during the school day.

    “Josh has had to work incredibly hard because he misses lessons due to sleep and medical appointments,” she said.

    She added he had also had a large weight gain caused by the condition and his medication.

    As usual, the sum of awarded money is never enough to make up for a life altered forever. Josh’s case is another example, both overseas and domestically, of ridiculous and unsavory behavior exhibited by the powers that be presiding over these cases, often making parents and children wait years on end for any awards. The pharmaceutical industry, all the while, sitting out of harms way under the umbrella of protection and immunity.


Sciences Fails

  • Professor Who Exposed Flint Crisis Says Greed Has Killed Public Science

    “I grew up worshiping at the altar of science, and in my wildest dreams I never thought scientists would behave this way,” said Virginia Tech professor Marc Edwards, whose research uncovered high levels of lead in both Flint, Michigan and Washington, D.C. (Photo: Jake May/The Flint Journal via AP)

    “Academic research and scientists in this country are no longer deserving of the public trust,” declared Marc Edwards, the Virginia Tech civil engineering professor who helped expose the Flint water crisis.

    In an interview published in the Chronicle of Higher Education on Tuesday, Edwards explained how the pressures put on academics to secure funding are forcing scientists to abandon work done in the public interest and that similar financial motives are causing government science agencies to ignore inconvenient truths—like high levels of lead in public drinking water.

    He said he’s “very concerned about the culture of academia in this country and the perverse incentives that are given to young faculty.” Edwards describes the culture as a “hedonistic treadmill,” with “extraordinary” pressures to pursue funding, publication, and academic clout. Meanwhile, he said, “the idea of science as a public good is being lost.”

  • Climate change helps slow, not quicken, rising sea levels – NASA
    Glaciers are still melting, but climate change is having an unexpected effect on sea levels, NASA has found. Satellites show 3.2 trillion tons of water has been stored on land over the past decade, slowing the pace of rising sea levels by 20 percent.

    Never before has the climate and weather-driven impact on water storage been so accurately studied. With the help of two satellites, the University of California at Irvine and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) determined that through lakes, aquifers, and other routes, land is practically soaking up the liquid like a giant sponge. The study is set to be published on Friday in the journal Science.

    Enough water to fill Lake Huron, the seventh largest lake in the world, has been trapped, according to NASA. Before this study, researchers could only faintly guess at how the natural water cycle, or hydrologic cycle, would be impacted by climate change.


  • Nobel Winner to Obama on Global Warming: ‘Mr. President, You’re Wrong’

    President Obama’s statements on global warming are “dead wrong,” said Nobel laureate Ivar Giaever, who rejected the president’s claims that man-made global warming is causing climate change.

    “I think Obama is a clever person, but he gets bad advice. Global warming is all wet,” Giaever said in a speech entitled Global Warming Revisited he gave on July 1 to scientists from 90 countries attending the 65th annual Nobel Laureate Meeting in Lindau, Germany.

    Giaever, who was born in Norway and became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1964, was one of three recipients of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1973.

    Although he endorsed Obama in 2008 along with more than 70 other Nobel-winning scientists, Giaever is now criticizing the president’s statements on climate change — particularly his 2015 State of the Union remark that “no challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change.”

    “The biggest problem Obama faces is climate change? How can he say that?” Giaever asked. “I say this to Obama: ‘Excuse me, Mr. President, but you’re wrong.’ He is dead wrong…

    “So global warming really starts with these two people: Al Gore and [former United Nations climate head Rajendra] Pachauri,” Giaever continued. “And what they did – they made this curve popular…And what did this curve measure? Well, this curve measures what is the average temperature for the world for a whole year…For one year. So there’s an average temperature for the whole Earth for one year and that measures in a fraction of a degree.

    “So what does that mean? I think probably nothing.

Pandemic Ponerology

  • Zika Outbreak Epicenter In Same Area Where GM Mosquitoes Were Released In 2015

     The World Health Organization announced it will convene an Emergency Committee under International Health Regulations on Monday, February 1, concerning the Zika virus ‘explosive’ spread throughout the Americas. The virus reportedly has the potential to reach pandemic proportions — possibly around the globe. But understanding why this outbreak happened is vital to curbing it. As the WHO statement said:

    A causal relationship between Zika virus infection and birth malformations and neurological syndromes … is strongly suspected. [These links] have rapidly changed the risk profile of Zika, from a mild threat to one of alarming proportions.

    WHO is deeply concerned about this rapidly evolving situation for 4 main reasons: the possible association of infection with birth malformations and neurological syndromes; the potential for further international spread given the wide geographical distribution of the mosquito vector; the lack of population immunity in newly affected areas; and the absence of vaccines, specific treatments, and rapid diagnostic tests […]

    The level of concern is high, as is the level of uncertainty.

    Zika seemingly exploded out of nowhere. Though it was first discovered in 1947, cases only sporadically occurred throughout Africa and southern Asia. In 2007, the first case was reported in the Pacific. In 2013, a smattering of small outbreaks and individual cases were officially documented in Africa and the western Pacific. They also began showing up in the Americas. In May 2015, Brazil reported its first case of Zika virus — and the situation changed dramatically.

  • No, GM Mosquitoes Didn’t Start The Zika Outbreak.

    A new ridiculous rumor is spreading around the internets. According to conspiracy theorists, the recent outbreak of Zika can be blamed on the British biotech company Oxitec, which some are saying even intentionally caused the disease as a form of ethnic cleansing or population control. The articles all cite a lone Redditor who proposed the connection on January 25th to the Conspiracy subreddit. “There are no biological free lunches,” says one commenter on the idea. “Releasing genetically altered species into the environment could have disastrous consequences” another added. “Maybe that’s what some entities want to happen…?”

    For some reason, it’s been one of those months where random nonsense suddenly hits mainstream. Here are the facts: there’s no evidence whatsoever to support this conspiracy theory, or any of the other bizarre, anti-science claims that have popped up in the past few weeks. So let’s stop all of this right here, right now: The Earth is round, not flat (and it’s definitely not hollow). Last year was the hottest year on record, and climate change is really happening (so please just stop, Mr. Cruz). And FFS, genetically modified mosquitoes didn’t start the Zika outbreak. 

    Background on Zika

    The Zika virus is a flavivirus closely related to notorious pathogens including dengue, yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis, and West Nile virus. The virus is transmitted by mosquitoes in the genus Aedes, especially A. aegypti, which is a known vector for many of Zika’s relatives. Symptoms of the infection appear three to twelve days post bite. Most people are asymptomatic, which means they show no signs of infection. The vast majority of those who do show signs of infection report fever, rash, joint pain, and conjunctivitis (red eyes), according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. After a week or less, the symptoms tend to go away on their own. Serious complications have occurred, but they have been extremely rare.

    The Zika virus isn’t new. It was first isolated in 1947 from a Rhesus monkey in the Zika Forest in Uganda, hence the pathogen’s name. The first human cases were confirmed in Uganda and Tanzania in 1952, and by 1968, the virus had spread to Nigeria. But since then, the virus has found its way out of Africa. The first major outbreak occurred on the island of Yap in Micronesia for 13 weeks 2007, during which 185 Zika cases were suspected (49 of those were confirmed, with another 59 considered probable). Then, in October 2013, an outbreak began in French Polynesia; around 10,000 cases were reported, less than 100 of which presented with severe neurological or autoimmune complications. One confirmed case of autochthonous transmission occurred in Chile in 2014, which means a person was infected while they were in Chile rather than somewhere else. Cases were also reported that year from several Pacific Islands. The virus was detected in Chile until June 2014, but then it seemed to disappear.

    Fast forward to May 2015, when the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) issued an alert regarding the first confirmed Zika virus infection in Brazil. Since then, several thousand suspected cases of the disease and a previously unknown complication—a kind of birth defect known as microcephaly where the baby’s brain is abnormally small—have been reported from Brazil. (It’s important to note that while the connection between the virus and microcephaly is strongly suspected, the link has yet to be conclusively demonstrated.)


  • Zika virus could be bigger global health threat than Ebola, say health experts
    The Zika virus outbreak in Latin America could be a bigger threat to global health than the Ebola epidemic that killed more than 11,000 people in Africa.That is the stark claim of several senior health experts ahead of an emergency meeting of the World Health Organisation on Monday which will decide whether the Zika threat – which is linked to an alarming rise in cases of foetal deformation called microcephaly – should be rated a global health crisis.“In many ways the Zika outbreak is worse than the Ebola epidemic of 2014-15,” said Jeremy Farrar, head of the Wellcome Trust. “Most virus carriers are symptomless. It is a silent infection in a group of highly vulnerable individuals – pregnant women – that is associated with a horrible outcome for their babies.”There is no prospect of a vaccine for Zika at present, in contrast to Ebola, for which several are now under trial. “The real problem is that trying to develop a vaccine that would have to be tested on pregnant women is a practical and ethical nightmare,” added Mike Turner, head of infection and immuno-biology at the Wellcome Trust.


Rappoport Defangs Zikazilla

  • Zika: sex and bloodsucking vampire bugs: the movie
    Evidence? Who cares about evidence? You give people the mere announcement of an outbreak plus a virus and they’ll cling to it as if it’s a long-lost relative who’s about to die and leave them a billion dollars.In two previous articles, I laid to rest the notion that anyone has proved there is an epidemic of microcephaly or that the Zika virus causes microcephaly. Those articles are: Zika freaka: the other shoe drops: lying about case numbers and Zika: biggest news service in America absolutely clueless.Bottom line: Brazilian researchers have only been able to confirm, so far, 270 cases of microcephaly, not 4000 as originally trumpeted. And of those 270 cases, only six, that’s six, were found to have any trace of the Zika virus. If that’s an epidemic, a floor lamp can jump up and sing I’ve Got You Under My Skin in Mandarin Chinese.But now the Centers for Disease Control has upped the ante—a few cases of “Zika-virus transmission” through, wait for it, sex, have been discovered. The tiny Zika terrorist is riding in semen. OMG. OMG.


  • Zika freakout: the hoax and the covert op continue
    Thanks to reporters and researchers Jim Stone, Kathy Ford, the fullerton informer, Jim West, Martin Maloney, and Claus Jensen, who have moved this story forward and exposed the scam.If you want to hide anything on this planet, twist it into a (fake) story about a virus. You’re home free.This is my second article on the Zika-virus scam (article archive here). I’ve been to these rodeos before: HIV, West Nile, Swine Flu, SARS, Ebola. In each case, a virus is blamed for illness and death that actually arises from other causes.The Zika virus, now being blamed for the birth of babies with very small heads and impaired brains, has been around for a long time—late 1940s, early 1950s—and suddenly, without warning or reason, after inducing, at best, mild illness, it’s producing horrendous damage? This is called a clue. A clue that scientific liars are lying. Furthermore, many of the women who are giving birth to deformed babies test negative for the presence of the Zika Virus.So, what is causing babies to be born with very small heads and brain damage? While researching my first book in 1987-8, AIDS INC., I concluded: don’t assume there is only one cause for illness. That can be very misleading. Various factors can combine to produce disease and death.

    For example, in the case of this “Zika” phenomenon:

    One: Pesticide use in Brazil:


  • Zika: GE mosquitoes bite, deliver flying vaccine?
    People are discussing whether genetically engineered mosquitoes could have spread Zika, the virus that causes nothing. Rather, look to the future, when such biting mosquitoes could deliver flying vaccinations against the virus that causes nothing.In previous articles, I’ve established that the connection between the Zika virus and cases of birth defects in Brazil is entirely and utterly unproven. It is hype, not science.But that isn’t stopping the World Health Organization, the biggest medical propaganda agency in the world, from promoting Zika hysteria to the moon.In the wake of this madness…Here are a few hints and clues about a possible flying mosquito vaccinator:, 3/18/2010, “Researchers Turn Mosquitoes Into Flying Vaccinators”:

    “…A group of Japanese researchers has developed a mosquito that spreads vaccine instead of disease. Even the researchers admit, however, that regulatory and ethical problems will prevent the critters from ever taking wing—at least for the delivery of human vaccines. …No regulatory agency would sign off on that, says molecular biologist Robert Sinden of Imperial College London. Releasing the mosquitoes would also mean vaccinating people without their informed consent, an ethical no-no. Yoshida concedes that the mosquito would be ‘unacceptable’ as a human vaccine-delivery mechanism.”

    However, in the midst of forced hysteria about Zika, or the next virus, or the one after that—each said to be on the verge of causing a global holocaust—the so-called ethical considerations could go out the window. What degree of ethics was involved, in the 1990s, when GMO crops were allowed to be planted, without human safety studies, without any oversight?

    If not mosquitoes as the vaccine-delivery system, how about parasites?


  • Zika: update from Brazil: towering non-evidence

    I can now provide the latest update on what researchers in Brazil are discovering, as they dig into their original findings about the Zika virus and cases of microcephaly (babies born with small heads and brain impairment).A correspondent has offered a translation of an article that appeared in one of the major Sao Paulo newspapers, O Estado de São Paulo, on February 2nd, “País tem 404 casos confirmados de microcefalia”:It is obvious that no significant connection between microcephaly and the Zika virus has been found. It’s not even close. So far, therefore, there is absolutely no reason to trumpet an epidemic of Zika. Doing so is quite insane, by any reasonable standard.Here are the principal facts in the article (after which I’ll comment):* As of January 30, 2016, 4,783 suspected cases of microcephaly were reported in Brazil.

    * Of those, 3,670 suspected cases of microcephaly, covering the entire country of Brazil, are being investigated.

    * Of those 3,670, 404 cases have been confirmed as microcephaly or “other alterations in the central nervous system” of babies.

    * Of those 404 cases, 17 “had a relationship with zika virus.”

    * 98% of the 404 microcephaly cases come from the Northeast area of Brazil, and in that area, Pernambuco has the highest number of cases: 56.



  • Argentine and Brazilian Doctors Name Larvicide as Potential Cause of Microcephaly
    report from the Argentine doctors’ organisation, Physicians in the Crop-Sprayed Towns,[1] challenges the theory that the Zika virus epidemic in Brazil is the cause of the increase in the birth defect microcephaly among newborns.The increase in this birth defect, in which the baby is born with an abnormally small head and often has brain damage, was quickly linked to the Zika virus by the Brazilian Ministry of Health. However, according to the Physicians in the Crop-Sprayed Towns, the Ministry failed to recognise that in the area where most sick people live, a chemical larvicide that produces malformations in mosquitoes was introduced into the drinking water supply in 2014. This poison, Pyriproxyfen, is used in a State-controlled programme aimed at eradicating disease-carrying mosquitoes.The Physicians added that the Pyriproxyfen is manufactured by Sumitomo Chemical, a Japanese “strategic partner” of Monsanto.


  • BANG: Not Zika: Brazilian/Argentine doctors say: pesticides

    Microcephaly: babies born with smaller heads and brain damage.As I’ve been telling you all along—look to the pesticides. The fake Zika story is a cover, to protect the pesticide companies, among others.What do we know so far in this trumped up Zika crisis?Update: The actual number of microcephaly cases in Brazil, the “center of the epidemic,” is a gross unknown. At least two different groups are reporting different findings. Pick your number: 404 confirmed cases; 4000 cases; 9000 cases.It turns out that, in the US, estimates of microcephaly cases per year ranges all the way from 800 to 25,000.

    In other words, the researchers don’t know what they’re talking about. They’re using different definitions of microcephaly. They’re confused. They’re also omitting highly relevant cases of birth defects which don’t, strictly speaking, fit any definition of microcephaly. This confusion applies to Brazil, the US, anywhere on the planet.

    And in Brazil, researchers have only found a suggestion of the presence of the Zika virus in 17 cases of microcephaly. That’s called evidence AGAINST Zika as the cause of birth defects.

    It makes far more sense to listen to what South American doctors are saying about the areas where birth defects are occurring. These would be doctors who actually care about what is destroying lives and the lives that are being destroyed.



  • Obama asks for $1.8 billion in emergency Zika funding
    President Obama will ask Congress for $1.8 billion in emergency funding to combat the Zika virus through mosquito control programs, vaccine research, education and improving health care for low-income pregnant women, the White House said Monday.
    The new request comes as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that its emergency operations center has been put on a “Level 1” status  — its highest level of activation — because of the Zika outbreak. The CDC has only put its operations center at Level 1 three times in the past: during the Ebola outbreak in 2014; during the H1N1 pandemic in in 2009; and after Hurricane Katrina in 2005.



  • The Zika virus has claimed a strange victim
    Tata Motors is embroiled in a bizarre controversy. In what can only be put down to unfortunate timing, the automobile giant is now planning to rename its new model, the Tata Zica.The car was unveiled on Day 1 at the ongoing Delhi Auto Expo 2016.However, with the Zika virus spreading panic across the world, Tata Motors is planning to dump the current name of the new hatchback and re-launch it. ‘Zica’ was coined by Tata Motors by joining the first letters of the words “zippy” and “car”.

    In a company statement, Tata said that people may confuse Zica with the Zika virus.



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3 thoughts on “Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Feb. 14, 2016.

  1. Seeing The Transparent, Tell-Tale Totalitarianism, Just Them Bad Apples, i-Phone On You, No Plan A, Bottom Line Crimes, Sciences Fails, Pandemic Ponerology, Rappoport Defangs Zikazilla, Pesticides?, Buffoon-In-Chief, NOT THE TATAs!, Zika, Microcephaly, Oathkeepers, LaVoy Finicum shooting, The Nobility, attorney mental health problems

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