Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – September 25, 2016.

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Behind The Woodshed 3rd year Anniversary at Real Liberty Media

At the Situationally Aware Action Oriented Intelligence Center
Of Evolutionary Engagement

Open you a can

The Victory Against You in the Silent War is Your Silence

Each A Shaman

Protect Your Granted Rights

From the Jefferson Mining District front page, Click on the petition link. Thank you very much for defending your property and that of future generations, no the real ones, and additionally, for helping Jefferson Mining District help you.

Evidence The Crime

  • WATCH: Cops Steal Man’s Phone, Accidentally Record Themselves Conspiring to Falsely Charge Him

    The Free Thought Project spoke to the ACLU who put out a press release:

     In a complaint filed today in the U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut, the American Civil Liberties Union of Connecticut (ACLU-CT) contends that three state police troopers illegally retaliated against a protester by searching and detaining him, confiscating his camera, and charging him with fabricated criminal infractions. On behalf of Connecticut resident Michael Picard, the ACLU-CT alleges that John Barone, Patrick Torneo, and John Jacobi, all employed by the state police division of Connecticut’s Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, violated Picard’s First Amendment rights to free speech and information and Fourth Amendment right against warrantless seizure of his >

    On that September night, Picard and a friend were on public >

    Trooper First Class John Barone, Sergeant John Jacobi, and Trooper Jeff Jalbert falsely claimed that Picard was waving his gun around and pointing it at people. However, Picard was holding a sign the entire time and did not touch his gun. Also, as you will see below, the officers admit that they were lying.

    “Police should be focused on public safety, not punishing protesters and those who film public employees working on a public street,” said ACLU-CT legal director Dan Barrett, who is representing Picard in the lawsuit. “As the video shows, these police officers were more concerned with thwarting Mr. Picard’s free speech and covering their tracks than upholding the law.”

    Had Picard actually been waving a gun, these troopers would have approached the situation in an entirely different manner, with guns drawn and possible SWAT backup. However, they did no such thing, because there was clearly no threat from the activists.

    The fact that there was no threat did not stop the subsequent assault, however.

    Two troopers approached Picard while forcefully removing his gun and then grabbing his camera, falsely claiming it is illegal to film. When Picard informs the officer can legally film here, the officer ignorantly asserts that “It’s illegal to take my picture. Personally, it is illegal.”

    “Did you get any documentation that I am allowing you to take my picture”? asks the cop.

    When Picard attempts to explain to the aggressive officer that he doesn’t need a permit because he is on public >

    State-owned roadways and right of ways are public >The trooper’s assertion that it is illegal to film on his ‘state >Connecticut Bill No. 245, which “protects the right of an individual to photograph or video record peace officers in the performance of their duties.”

    All this aggressive and unlawful behavior of these troopers, however, was about to come back to haunt them. After illegally confiscating the camera — the trooper forgot to stop it from recording.

    What happened next was a behind the scenes glimpse of what it looks and sounds like when cops lie to charge innocent people with crimes.

    The corruption starts as an unidentified trooper begins to search for anything that these gentlemen may have done to make up charges against them. However, they were clean. At this point, Trooper first class Barone chimes in describing how they now have to charge these men with something to justify their harassment and subsequent detainment.

    “Want me to punch a number on this? Gotta cover our ass,” explains the trooper as they begin conspiring.

    “Let’s give him something,” says an unidentified trooper, pondering the ways they can lie about this innocent man.

    “What are they going to do? Are they going to do anything?” says Sergeant Jacobi, noting that they are entirely innocent.

    “It’s legal to do it,” he continues, describing how the actions of the two activists are completely legal, before going on to make up charges on them.

    “I think we do simple trespass, we do reckless use of the highway and creating a public disturbance,” Jacobi says as he makes up these false charges against innocent people. “All three are tickets.”

    Once they figure out the false charges to raise, the officers then brainstorm a story of lies to back them up.

    “And then we claim that, um, in backup, we had multiple, um,” the unidentified trooper stutters as he makes up his fake story. “Um, they (the non-existent complainants) didn’t want to stay and give us a statement, so we took our own course of action.”

    The corrupt cops had then solved their fake case, lied about a cover story, and were set to charge an innocent man with three crimes — all in a day’s work.


The UNstate of Things

  • It’s Official: America Is Not The Greatest Country On Earth… It’s 28th!

    Violence, alcoholism, and obesity pose the biggest risks in the U.S.

    But the rest of the world isn’t doing much better.

    As Bloomberg reports, Iceland and Sweden share the top slot with Singapore as world leaders when it comes to health goals set by the United Nations, according to a report published in the Lancet. Using the UN’s sustainable development goals as guideposts, which measure the obvious (poverty, clean water, education) and less obvious (societal inequality, industry innovation), more than 1,870 researchers in 124 countries compiled data on 33 different indicators of progress toward the UN goals related to health.

    The massive study emerged from a decadelong collaboration focused on the worldwide distribution of disease.

    About a year and a half ago, the researchers involved decided their data might help measure progress on what may be the single most ambitious undertaking humans have ever committed themselves to: survival. In doing so, they came up with some disturbing findings, including that the country with the biggest economy (not to mention, if we’re talking about health, multibillion-dollar health-food and fitness industries) ranks No. 28 overall, between Japan and Estonia.

    Bloomberg notes that the U.S. scores its highest marks in water, sanitation, and child development. That’s the upside. Unsurprisingly, interpersonal violence (think gun crime) takes a heavy toll on America’s overall ranking.


  • The Craziest Chart You Will See Today

    Context is king.

    As Statista details, 500 people have been murdered in Chicago this year, more than Los Angeles and New York combined.

    The number of homicides has hit a 20-year high and the city hasn’t experienced a single day without someone being murdered since February of last year.

    A BBC report on the violence in the Windy City compared the number of deaths there with U.S. war dead in Afghanistan and Iraq.

    This chart shows homicides in Chicago compared to American war dead in Iraq & Afghanistan since 2001.



Just Say No

  • Bolivia ended its drug war by kicking out the DEA and legalizing coca

    Sitting barefoot on a log, a farmer surveys more than 200 pounds of coca leaves drying out in front of his ramshackle lean-to here in the rainforest of the Chapare region, the muggy heart of Bolivia’s coca country.

    The leaves, he says, represent one of his three harvests per year, grown under Bolivia’s policy of legal but regulated production of the crop. Each harvest will fetch about $200 at market, but half of that goes toward expenses, including pesticides and wages for locals who help pluck the ripe leaves quickly before they spoil.

    As he chews a thick wad of the leaves, the farmer recalls how much more difficult his daily life was when coca production was still illegal in the country.

    Coca, a mild stimulant, has been used for millennia by people in the Andes in tea and food, though it is most often chewed raw to give energy and treat ailments ranging from altitude sickness to menstruation pain. The plant is also the source material for cocaine and the target of anti-narcotics efforts across South America driven in part by the United States. From 1997 to 2004, a US-funded program seeking to eradicate coca in Bolivia by force plunged the Chapare into traumatic conflict.

    “They would turn up suddenly, at any time of day or night, and start interrogating us — they would hit you or kick you for no reason,” the farmer says, recalling the paramilitary anti-narcotics police forces once backed by the US Drug Enforcement Administration. “We used to sleep out in the open, in the coca field, so they couldn’t find us.”

    Even though his crop has been fully legal since 2004, when the Bolivian government took the unprecedented step of legalizing production for domestic consumption, these dark memories still prompt the farmer to insist his name does not appear in print.

    Wherever you go in the Chapare — one of Bolivia’s two coca-growing regions — you hear similar stories of life in the 1990s and early 2000s: narco-slayings, police violence and rapes, and coca-grower protests ending in violence and death.

    You also hear gratitude that Bolivia has replaced a strategy of eradication with one of regulated production to meet historic national demand for coca.

    Farmers feel particularly indebted to President Evo Morales, a former firebrand coca growers’ leader from the Chapare. Morales expelled the DEA from Bolivia in 2008 after violent confrontations in the region claimed 30 lives and he said he could no longer guarantee the US agents’ safety.

    “It is different now, the police are our friends,” the farmer says. “Before, I would look away when they passed by. I didn’t want to catch their eye. Now, we always stop and say hello.”

    The 2004 legalization ushered in a close working relationship with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, whose estimates of land dedicated to coca in the three countries where the plant is grown — Bolivia, Peru, and Colombia — are widely used to calculate how much cocaine is circulating in the world.

    The UN agency helps the Bolivian government track land used for coca with satellite images and backs on-the-ground visits by a small army of inspectors.

Military Agenda – Confirmed

  • US Army Welcomes Dakota Access Protesters To Stay Indefinitely

    News is coming thick and fast as protests over the new Dakota Access pipeline heat up. In the latest developments, a federal appeals court ruled that it will take more time to consider a request for an emergency injunction against the pipeline from the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. Meanwhile, last Friday the US Army Corps of Engineers set the stage for protests to continue indefinitely, by issuing a Special Use Permit for protesters to legally occupy federal land at Lake Oahe.

    While all this is unfolding, a major new pipeline spill in Alabama has provided the Dakota Access protesters with a vivid demonstration of the risks and hazards posed by oil pipelines near sensitive lands.

    The Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) was instrumental in passing the Dakota Access project through the permitting process, but that doesn’t necessarily make it a member of the fossil fuel fan club.

    In fact, USACE has been front and center in the Defense Department’s clean energy transition.

    Take a look at a recent USACE ruling against a new coal terminal in Washington State, and you’ll also see a federal agency that is beginning to leverage tribal concerns and treaty rights in order to fulfill an environmental stewardship mission.

    The Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) was instrumental in passing the Dakota Access project through the permitting process, but that doesn’t necessarily make it a member of the fossil fuel fan club.

    In fact, USACE has been front and center in the Defense Department’s clean energy transition.

    Take a look at a recent USACE ruling against a new coal terminal in Washington State, and you’ll also see a federal agency that is beginning to leverage tribal concerns and treaty rights in order to fulfill an environmental stewardship mission.


Cultural CONundrums

  • While North Dakota embraces the oil boom, tribal members ask environmental questions

    “When you have roots buried deep here, there’s something intangible that really connects you to the earth,” said Bird Bear, who has spent her entire life on this arid terrain that’s now in a bull’s-eye for the next burst of oil extraction in North Dakota’s frenzied Bakken boom.

    Five years ago, their sprawling Fort Berthold Indian Reservation was a sleepy landscape of isolated ranches with a ­history of wrenching displacements. But since hydraulic-fracturing technology ignited North Dakota’s oil rush, Halliburton and other oil-field giants have zeroed in on the tribal land.

    The numbers are staggering: More than $500 million in fracking leases and oil royalties have poured in to the MHA Nation, three affiliated tribes that share a reservation here. Its 930,000 acres sit atop billions of barrels of oil tucked deep in the shale below.

    Tribal leaders are building a new refinery, the nation’s first in decades, near New Town — the reservation’s hub, which already boasts a casino, museum and golf course.

    “You feel like you’re one person against a whole oil company system — what can you do?” Sanders said. “It’s like a spell and the money is too strong.”

    All told, North Dakota recorded 300 pipeline spills the past two years, many minor, without alerting the public.

    “Our philosophy has always been: If there’s no threat to groundwater, surface water, public health and environment … we didn’t feel the public was threatened and needed a news release to know about it,” said Dennis Fewless, water quality director for the North Dakota Health Department.

    Tribal leaders insist all this energy development can help make them self-sufficient again. Even as tribal lands contribute a sizable chunk of North Dakota’s oil production, some estimates call for another 2,000 new wells on the reservation, giving its tribal leaders unprecedented clout as oil companies jockey for leases.

    After a decade of stalled talks, the tribes’ Thunder Butte Refinery is inching closer to reality. The $300 million project would be the first built in Indian Country and the first new one in the United States since the 1970s. A groundbreaking ceremony was held last spring, and the Environmental Protection Agency issued a permit in July.

    Tribal Chairman Tex Hall, who declined numerous interview requests, has promised a grand plan that would include petroleum pumping, refining, storage, shipping, a truck-stop hotel and fleet of tribal-owned trucks running on natural gas captured on the reservation.

    Sanders, too, receives monthly oil checks.

    “I won’t lie, it’s nice to get that money every month,” he said. “But when you think what we’re losing to get that money, you wonder if it’s worth it.”


Shamans Я Us . . . or Else

  • Cliche’s Falling From The Sky

     In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Douglas Adams, 1979), the inhabitants of Krikket, having always lived in a giant dust cloud, had no concept of the universe until a spaceship fell out of the sky. How could they not know about something as obvious as the universe? Folklore based on Columbus’ voyage to the New World, and on the journals of other world explorers, suggests that the native people did not see the giant sailing ships until the men were on shore. The concept of “Ships not Seen” suggests that the ships were so ridiculously out of context that their mind ignored it. The same with the Krikketer’s universe.


DIRE ALERT! – Responses Needed

  • (Updated!) Control of Communicable Diseases A Proposed Rule by the Health and Human Services Department

    Here’s a perfect example of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and request for public comment as required under The Administrative Procedures Act. This one has a 2 month comment period. Beyond the fact that is a legal requirement for the agency to publish this solicitation for public comment, is it important to us?

    It’s hugely important! Firstly, it makes for a permanent public record of the submitted comments, which the agency is required to consider and address in its final rule, and secondly, the proper issuance of comment gives the commenter legal standing to challenge the final rule with an action for injunctive relief against its implementation. Without this comment, it is likely that any attempt at such action would be summarily dismissed for a lack of standing by the petitioner.

    As one will see, submitting a proper comment is a significant investment of time, not to mention the necessary effort and insight to “decode” the actual meanings of the proposed rules, and this is one of the ways we as “The People” are simply overwhelmed by this occupying monster we call government.

    I’ve highlighted just some of the areas of interest and potential targets of comment. Some are more important than others, but they’re all important. I’m afraid you’ll have to search and read the complete areas highlighted for a complete understanding of the section in question. The entire posting is found at the hyperlink below. (‘Ctrl F’ is your friend).

  • Apprehension, Detainment, and Vaccination for Suspicion of Infection: The CDC’s Quarantine Proposal

    You’ve had this dry cough for a couple of days but are otherwise feeling ready for your much awaited annual ski trip to Utah. On the security line, an officer signals for you to come with him. Not knowing why you’re being selected out of the crowd, you follow to learn that you meet criteria for quarantine. Sound like science fiction?

    In what appears to be an unprecedented power grab, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) just issued a proposed amendment to its domestic and foreign quarantine regulations giving itself the power to legally apprehend, detain (isolate or quarantine), and treat (including vaccinate) anyone simply for suspicion of being infected by a communicable agent.

    The legal authority to isolate and quarantine, according to the CDC’s own words, are “police power” functions, “derived from the right of the state to take action affecting individuals for the benefit of society.” Incidentally, the CDC/HHS police powers were not obtained democratically through the normal “bottom up” legislative process and final Congressional approval, but rather through the bypass of a Presidential Executive Order.

    The new proposed CDC/HHS regulations are contained in the Federal Register dated August 15, 2016, under the heading, “Control of Communicable Diseases—Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.”

    Whereas previous regulations concerning quarantinable infection focused on extraordinarily rare and presumably lethal forms of infection, e.g. novel forms of H1N1, Ebola virus, the new regulations carry a much broader and ominously more nebulous definition:

    By its terms, subsection (a) does not seek to limit the types of communicable diseases for which regulations may be enacted, but rather applies to all communicable diseases that may impact human health.

    The CDC/HHS radically changed their definition of what constitutes an “ill person” ” by including a wide range of vague symptoms such as ill appearance and headache in lieu of objective signs, now to be formally assessed by officials without medical training (ie flight attendant, transportation worker).

    Moreover, simply being identified as having been at risk of recent exposure makes one classifiable as having a “precommunicable disease,” which can thereby result in one’s apprehension and quarantine.

    HHS/CDC defines precommunicable stage to mean the stage beginning upon an individual’s earliest opportunity for exposure to an infectious agent and ending upon the individual entering or reentering the communicable stage of the disease or, if the individual does not enter the communicable stage, the latest date at which the individual could reasonably be expected to have the potential to enter or reenter the communicable stage…

    Continue to Page 2

  • CDC Claims It Can Indefinitely Detain Healthy People Without Appeal – Video

    Based on CDC’s 8/15/16 publication of ‘ Rules for the Control of Communicable Diseases’, the CDC is giving itself the power to forcibly apprehend healthy people en masse and detain them indefinitely with no process of appeal.

    Kindly enough the CDC is giving the public until 10/14/2016 to comment on its new found extra-Constitutional power,
    “and whether there are any public concerns with the absence of a specific maximum apprehension period in the regulation.”

    Of course and as would be expected from a totalitarian unconstitutional power grab,
    “When an apprehension occurs, the individual is not free to leave or discontinue his/her discussion with an HHS/CDC public health or quarantine officer.”

  • CDC Gives Itself The Power to Indefinitely Detain Healthy People En Masse Without Appeal

    TCDC says: We can Round’em up and Throw away the key

    Based on CDC’s 8/15/16 publication of  ‘ Rules for the Control of Communicable Diseases’, the CDC is giving itself the power to forcibly apprehend healthy people  en masse and detain them indefinitely with no process of appeal.

    Kindly enough the CDC is giving the public until 10/14/2016 to comment on its new found extra-Constitutional power,

    “and whether there are any public concerns with the absence of a specific maximum apprehension period in the regulation.”  

    Of course and as would be expected from a totalitarian unconstitutional power grab,

    “When an apprehension occurs, the individual is not free to leave or discontinue his/her discussion with an HHS/CDC public health or quarantine officer.”  

    Moreover, the CDC also would like the public’s input on the fact their power is not limited to just individual persons but rather they could apprehend entire cities in mass if they so desired:

    HHS/CDC specifically requests public comment on this proposed provision to issue Federal orders to entire groups rather than individuals.

    And as is to be expected since its impossible to give a medical examine to an entire city, the CDC would also like your comments on the fact

    “the proposed practice to issue Federal orders before a medical examination has taken place. “

    For those wishing to give the CDC their requested comments on their new found powers, the link to make such comments can be found under the SOURCE links at the end of this article. Anyone who is interested would do well to read the CDC’s entire publication in the Federal Register.

    The CDC’s claimed power follows these Stages:

    1. You (or your city) are declared “precommunicable” 
    2. Apprehension and Detention [A&D]
    3. Order of Isolation, Quarantine, or Conditional Release



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Required Reading

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

  • The people know that they have created this farce and financed it with their own taxes (consent), but they would rather knuckle under than be the hypocrite. Factor VI – Cattle Those who will not use their brains are no better off than those who have no brains, and so this mindless school of jelly-fish, father, mother, son, and daughter, become useful beasts of burden or trainers of the same.
  • Mr. Rothschild’s Energy Discovery
    What Mr. Rothschild [2] had discovered was the basic principle of power, influence, and control over people as applied to economics. That principle is “when you assume the appearance of power, people soon give it to you.”

Can’t Be Fixed Unless
Listen How

The Law of War

Where Not Throwing Oppression Off, You Live Either Under an Occupation or by Conquest.

The Choice and Responsibility are Yours. United We Strike

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