Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – October 16, 2016.

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From the Jefferson Mining District front page, Click on the petition link. Thank you very much for defending your property and that of future generations, no the real ones, and additionally, for helping Jefferson Mining District help you.

Eye-Opening Engagement

  • Charges withdrawn in Schmidt related cases.

    A number of charges have been withdrawn by the courts, in connection with cases involving Michael Schmidt.

    The Durham area milk producer has been fighting for 22 years to get the rules changed concerning raw milk.

    You likely remember a standoff that occurred October 2nd of last year at Schmidts’ farm.

    When officials tried to move on the property to seize equipment, dozens of supporters showed up to block them.

    One of those charged with obstruction was Enis Martin of Chatsworth township.

    The charge against him was withdrawn in Walkerton court yesterday, with the Crown saying there was no reasonable expectation of conviction.

    Martin says he was arrested 3 times on the same charge.

    Meanwhile, charges have now been withdrawn against Robert Pinnell of southern Grey County.

    Originally he was charged in 2012 along with Michael Schmidt, Montana Jones and Susan Atkinson with conspiracy in connection with the disappearance of 31 sheep that were under quarantine in Eastern Ontario.

    Those charges against Pinnell were withdrawn in a Newmarket court Tuesday.


  • DEA Reverses Kratom Ban in Stunning Victory Against the War on Drugs

    In a stunning reversal, the DEA has withdrawn its proposal to ban kratom and temporarily suspended efforts to make it a Schedule 1 drug. The move comes after an impassioned Internet-based protest by a decentralized network of advocates and activists who contend the southeast Asian plant has tremendous medicinal value. While not a permanent ruling, the reversal is extremely unusual for the government agency, which is known for aggressive enforcement of its drug policies.

    DEA spokesperson Melvin Patterson confirmed that the intense public reaction fueled the decision. “That was eye-opening for me personally,” he said.“I want the kratom community to know that the DEA does hear them. Our goal is to make sure this is available to all of them.”

    The suspension will allow for an extended timetable for public feedback and further analysis. This will include an evaluation of mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). A small team of government scientists will now determine whether Americans are allowed to use a curative herbal remedy that has been safely ingested for thousands of years.

    The August announcement of the ban came as a shock to many. As Anti-Media previously reported, communities around the country responded forcefully through social media groups and online publications. The American Kratom Association launched a National Call To Action. Patients and researchers testified that kratom helps to curb opioid addiction and withdrawal. U.S. lawmakers, including 51 representatives and nine senators, applied additional pressure, aware the move coincided with a heroin and prescription painkiller epidemic that has already claimed thousands of lives. The ban struck a nerve deep within an American public already incensed over decades of the drug war.

    Researcher John Hudak of the Brookings Institute says the withdrawal is “shocking.”

    The DEA is not one to second-guess itself, no matter what the facts are.”

    Nevertheless, DEA administrator Chuck Rosenberg has filed an intent to withdraw notice with the Department of Justice.

Invasive Parasites

  • Clinton heavily favored to win Electoral College: poll

    After a brutal week for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, Democrat Hillary Clinton maintained a substantial projected advantage in the race to win the Electoral College and claim the U.S. presidency, according to the latest results from the Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project released on Saturday.

    If the election were held this week, the project estimates that Clinton’s odds of securing the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win the presidency at more than 95 percent, and by a margin of 118 Electoral College votes. It is the second week in a row that the project has estimated her odds so high.

    The results mirror other Electoral College projections, some of which estimate Clinton’s chance of winning at around 90 percent.

    For the Trump campaign there are a handful of states the Republican candidate must win if he is to cobble together enough states to win the White House.

You Elect No One

  • Who Are the Electors

    Every four years around presidential election time, the Electoral College gets attention for a few weeks, then fades into the fog of obscurity for four more years. But who are Oregon’s seven electors, how did they become electors and what do they do?

    President Obama’s victory this week does not automatically make him president for four years, but it kicks off a long and formal process that leads up to his inauguration at noon Jan. 20, 2013. Seven electors will (ideally) represent us and cast their votes for Obama and Biden in Salem Dec. 17.

    Oregon’s electors are all stalwart and loyal Democratic leaders in the state: Meredith Wood Smith, chair of the Democratic Party of Oregon; Frank Dixon, first vice-chair of the DPO; Mike Bohan, chair of the 1st Congressional District Committee; Michael Miles, chair of the 2nd District; Joe Smith, chair of the 3rd District; Shirley Cairns, chair of the 4th District; and Sam Sappington, chair of the 5th District.

    These electors have pledged to follow the party line, but are legally free to vote for anyone they want. Their longtime loyalty to the Democratic Party makes “going rogue” unlikely, says Scott Bartlett of Eugene, who was on the slate of electors in 1988 and 1992 representing the 4th District.

    “It was fascinating to participate in this formal ritual of our nation’s self-government from the ground level,” says Bartlett. “As a perk of this, I was invited to the inauguration and had a pair of fantastic front section seats, right below the inauguration stand, enabling me to watch Bill Clinton take the swearing-in oath.”

    How did Bartlett earn his status as an elector? Bartlett says he got involved in political campaigns as a student back in 1966 for Charlie Porter’s congressional race, worked on Wayne Morse’s Senate campaign full-time for 13 months in the 1970s and has been involved in dozens of national, state and local campaigns since, including City Councilor Betty Taylor’s re-election campaign.

    “You have to pay your dues,” he says, and becoming an elector is an honor for years of service.



  • Electoral college electors: 538

    Electoral college electors: 538

    Pop. of the US: ~324.1 million

    ~0.000165998…% of US citizens actually elect the President

Indefinite Detention

  • Australia to permit indefinite detention after completion of terrorism-related sentences

    Australia is one of the most peaceful, prosperous and law-abiding countries on Earth. Yet it is about to allow people who might commit terrorism to be held in prison—indefinitely.

    Under changes introduced into federal parliament last month by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s centre-right government, federal judges could stop prisoners being released after completing terrorism-related sentences. They wouldn’t need to set a release date, although the prisoners’ detention would be reviewed every year.

    Judges would need to be convinced by the government that the man or woman was likely to mount some kind of new attack. There would be no new trial, although prisoners would have the right to argue in court that they aren’t a threat.

    The change will upend a centuries-old legal principle that prisoners are automatically released when their sentences end. Even the United States, which has kept suspected terrorists in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, without trial for over a decade, doesn’t allow prisoners on U.S. soil to be held after their sentences end.

    “No other democracies in Europe or North America do this,” said Elaine Pearson, the director of Human Rights Watch in Australia, in an interview. “The definition of terrorism is pretty broad in Australia and includes the financing of terrorism and recruitment, which is one of the reasons we’re worried about this.”


Who Is Hostile?

  • Royal Air Force Pilots Ordered To Shoot Down “Hostile” Russian Jets Over Syria

    As the US officially enters the Yemen military campaign, the UK appears ready and willing to precipiate a catalytic event from which there is no going back. With relations between Russia and the West at post-Cold War lows and deteriorating fast, Royal Air Force (RAF) pilots have been given the go-ahead to shoot down Russian military jets when flying missions over Syria and Iraq, if they are endangered by them. The development comes with warnings that the UK and Russia are now “one step closer” to being at war, according to the Sunday Times.

    While the RAF’s Tornado pilots have been instructed to avoid contact with Russian aircraft while engaged in missions for Operation Shader, the codename for the RAF’s anti-Isis work in Iraq and Syria, their aircraft have been armed with air-to-air missiles and the pilots have been given the green light to defend themselves if they are threatened by Russian pilots.


  • US planning false flag attack to FRAME Russia in Syria, say conspiracy theorists

    Several pictures of US F/A-18 fighter jets have gone viral after showing the aircrafts being painted in the blue and grey colours typical of Russian warplanes.
    The practice is routinely used for training purposes and is in fact publicised and encouraged by the Marine Corps.

    But conspiracy theorists claim there is more to the images than meets the eye, and could be a sign the US is to launch a terrible bombing campaign in Syria – and then blame it on Vladimir Putin.Russia’s SU-34 bombers, one of Moscow’s most deadly jets, use the same light and navy blue colours for missions in Syria.


  • Has any one asked the Brits

    Has any one asked the Brits, who gave them permission to fly their toys in the “neighbor’s” yard to kill the “neighbors”?


Hegelian Dialectic in Practice

  • Stakeholders and Sustainability

    Freeman consciously introduced and articulated the basis for a theory that competes head-on with the commonly accepted stockholder theory of the firm. The choice of the word “stakeholder” was intentional. He asserted:

    Words make a difference in how we see the world. By using “stakeholder,” managers and theorists alike will come to see these groups as having a “stake.” “Stakeholder” connotes “legitimacy,” and while managers may not think that certain groups are “legitimate” in the sense that their demands on the firm are inappropriate, they had better give “legitimacy” to these groups in terms of their ability to affect the direction of the firm.104A.

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  • The people know that they have created this farce and financed it with their own taxes (consent), but they would rather knuckle under than be the hypocrite. Factor VI – Cattle Those who will not use their brains are no better off than those who have no brains, and so this mindless school of jelly-fish, father, mother, son, and daughter, become useful beasts of burden or trainers of the same.
  • Mr. Rothschild’s Energy Discovery
    What Mr. Rothschild [2] had discovered was the basic principle of power, influence, and control over people as applied to economics. That principle is “when you assume the appearance of power, people soon give it to you.”

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1 thought on “Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – October 16, 2016.

  1. Hegelian Dialectic in Practice
    Stakeholders and Sustainability
    Freeman consciously introduced and articulated the basis for a theory that competes head-on with the commonly accepted stockholder theory of the firm. The choice of the word “stakeholder” was intentional. He asserted:

    Words make a difference in how we see the world. By using “stakeholder,” managers and theorists alike will come to see these groups as having a “stake.” “Stakeholder” connotes “legitimacy,” and while managers may not think that certain groups are “legitimate” in the sense that their demands on the firm are inappropriate, they had better give “legitimacy” to these groups in terms of their ability to affect the direction of the firm.104A.

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