The Dork Table Podcast – 2017-03-18

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This is the podcast for The Dork Table Program that airs every Saturday at Noon Eastern Time with your hosts Grammy Mary and Flash

D’s & D’s, has GramZ finally proven to herself there’s no place like home? What kind of people does the woman with blue hair associate with? Us that’s who!!…I have been considering taking Cirkeline to the 39th annual microwave popcorn & lightbulb festival in Edison, New Jersey for a hint of Americana and a peek at a Wal-Mart but don’t hold your breathe…The fed has finally found the mother of misdirection as it is stumbling and bumbling in congress writing the new sperm tax for the masterbater…All this and a copy of Obamas epic pamphlet, “I hope, you change” at TDT on RLM at Noon Eastern Time, Saturdays with my coHOSTage GramZDork


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