The Freeker’s Ball Podcast Blog: 2018-08-17 – #Sept11 #Aretha #RoundUp #Jihadis #Cryptocurrency #UFO

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Moosegurl took the night off to go to a music festival, so you just got me

I’m not really feeling like writing a lengthy blog today, so I leave to you to listen to the podcast and follow the provided links.

Enjoy the podcast and we’ll see you next week!

Thanks for listening and peace to you all,
Grimnir & Moosegurl



#Sept11, #ArethaFranklin, #RoundUp, #Cheerios, #Hemp, #Jihadis, #Facebook, #Google, #Cryptocurrency, #UFO




PS. If you are listening to the podcast and say to yourself, “Hey, I didn’t hear any music!”, well, you have to tune in live on Friday nights to hear the music so come on by next Friday night and join in on the conversation!

Links to stories covered during the show:



The Freeker’s Ball airs LIVE every Friday night at 11:00 PM Eastern with your hosts Grimnir and Moosegurl right here on the Real Liberty Media Website on the Freeker’s Ball Show Page


Listen to more Freeker’s Ball Podcasts on the Podcasts Archive Page.


Come and Join us on Friday Nights (or any time) in the RLM Chat Room for a great time!


















































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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

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