Grammy’s Rocket Chair Podcast Blog – 2018-09-12 – #Books #Cost #Facebook #FreeSpeech #Gardening #Irony

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Grammys Rocket Chair

Grammy’s Rocket Chair and it’s Another WHACK-A-DOODLE Wednesday!

Grammy Mary, Quite Contrary, How does Your Garden Grow???

Which One??? My Garden in The Soil or My Mental Garden???

BOTH have things I Intentionally Planted…… My Soil Garden has Flowers & Vegetables….. My Mental Garden has Images & Ideas…… and in Both, what is Produced may not always be what I Anticipated.

BOTH also have Weeds….. which are merely Uninvited Guests…… Some are Noxious and SOME become Surprisingly Wonderful Additions to what I Already Have Growing…… So Much So that I Sometimes Allow the Weeds to Flourish and Replace what was already In There.

In My Soil Garden I now have Wildflowers (the Rebels of the Plant Kingdom) that either Blew In or were Deposited by Critters (often in Poop :p ) and after looking them up on the internet, I found that Some of them Attract Monarch Butterflies & Some are Actually Medicinal Herbs…… I’m thinking that’s a BONUS!

In My Mental Garden I now have Wildflowers in the form of Facts, Opinions & Perspectives Deposited by Others (once again, Often Covered in Poop) that, if it wasn’t for the “Concepts” of Free Speech & Open Mindedness, I may Never have Received Those “Seeds”…… let alone Allowed Them to Take Root & Bear Fruit.

All in All….. I truly Do Enjoy tending to BOTH My Gardens but I am Also Grateful that My Soil Garden gives me a bit of a reprieve over the winter months because My Mental Garden NEVER Stops Needing Tending! With All this “Free Speech” going on…… I’ve Forever having to Ponder & Decide What Seeds I Wish to Allow to Take Root & See What Comes of it.

Ya Know…… now that I think about it a bit……. “Free Speech” is a rather Ironic Term/Phrase……. The Word “Free” means “No Cost”…… and yet, when Exercising “Free Speech” there is Always a Cost…. Sometimes that Cost is Quite High. “Free” can Also Mean “No Assigned or Intrinsic Value”….. and yet, Those Exercising It “Assign GREAT Value” to What THEY are Expressing!

Oh My……. there I go again, Creating Another Path in My Mental Garden……. What was it You Asked? How does My Garden Grow? Well….. it seems to be Growing Paths!

Thank You ALL for Giving a Listen & Be Sure to check out ALL the Other Awesome Shows here on the RLM!

Much Love ~ Grammy


#Books, #Contrary, #Cost, #Facebook, #Free, #Freedomsnetwork, #Freespeech, #Gardening, #Irony, #Opinions, #Opium, #Paths, #Perspectives, #Reading, #Realliberty_Org, #Rlm, #Tequila, #Thinking, #Value, #Weeds


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This is the podcast for Grammy’s Rocket Chair Program that airs LIVE every Wednesday and Friday Night at 7:00 Eastern Time with your host Grammy Mary

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Author: Grammy Mary
I'm a Daughter, Sister, Friend, Lover, Mother & Grammy that seems to think I Might have something Vital to Say...... or at least Politically Incorrect ;)

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