Grammy’s Rocket Chair Podcast Blog – 2018-09-28 – #Alcohol #BigPharma #CBD #Kavanaugh #Marijuana #SCOTUS

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Grammys Rocket Chair

Grammy’s Rocket Chair – Thank GAWD it’s FREEKER Friday!

All the World’s a Stage……. and Everyone has a Role to Play…… but I wanna know Why WE in the USA have SO MANY “D” List Actors?!? Seems like Every One of Them are in D.C. & the MSM! Now I’m wondering if that is a Requirement for those Positions…… if so, it’s No Wonder things are such a Mess!

As if that’s not Bad Enough, a Good Share of The Masses actually LISTEN to Them! Between the Spin Doctors, The Smear Mongers, The Talking Heads and The Shit Stirrers it’s small wonder that Anyone can Find Anything with a Factual Basis anymore……. and yet, in this Cybernetic Society, where Information is literally At Your Fingertips, People seem to want the Instant Gratification of a Headline, A Catch Phrase, A Buzz Word or A Meme that they can Quickly Share and Move Along. Doing Your Own Research & Using some Critical Thinking just takes Too Much Time….. UGH!

Thanks for giving a listen & be sure to check out All the OTHER Awesome Shows here on the RLM!

Although I’m Feeling a Bit Frustrated……. I Still Love Ya!

Much Love ~ Grammy


#Alcohol, #BigPharma, #CBD, #ConfirmationHearings, #Congress, #DEA, #Distractions, #FDA, #Kavanaugh, #Marijuana, #Psychedelics, #Science, #SCOTUS, #SmearMongers, #THC, #ThePatriotAct


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This is the podcast for Grammy’s Rocket Chair Program that airs LIVE every Wednesday and Friday Night at 7:00 Eastern Time with your host Grammy Mary

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Author: Grammy Mary
I'm a Daughter, Sister, Friend, Lover, Mother & Grammy that seems to think I Might have something Vital to Say...... or at least Politically Incorrect ;)

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