Grammy’s Rocket Chair Podcast Blog – 2019-02-15 – #ExecutiveOrders #FakeNews #MSM #NationalEmergency

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Grammys Rocket Chair

Grammy’s Rocket Chair on a Fact Filled FREEKER Friday!

From what I’ve seen of Previous POTUS’s “Declarations of National Emergency”, I’m think’n All this Brewhaha is just a SHOW….. and as far as I’m concerned, the Script Writers Should Be FIRED! Hell, Three out of Four of Trump’s Declarations Actually HAVE Something to Do with “National Security”! Maybe That’s WHY “THEY” don’t Like them…… or….. More Likely, imho, Those Declarations are Cutting Into “THEIR” Income Stream…….

Whatever the case my be…… It’s going to be Ugly! I’ll let you Watch It….. this kind of Nonsense just Ain’t My Cuppa Tea. A word to the wise….. Be Careful what You Allow Into Your Body & Mind…… The Nasty Stuff has a tendency to Come Back Up when you least expect it & Make Quite a Mess!

Thanks for Giving a Listen & Be Sure to check out All the Other AWESOME Shows here on the RLM!

Much Love ~ Grammy

#Grammy, #RealLibertyMedia, #RLM, #ConstitutionalAuthority, #ExecutiveOrders, #FakeNews, #MSM, #NationalEmergency, #PotusTrump, #SpeakerPelosi, #TaintedPress, #UnrighteousIndignation, #WWG1WGA

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Author: Grammy Mary
I'm a Daughter, Sister, Friend, Lover, Mother & Grammy that seems to think I Might have something Vital to Say...... or at least Politically Incorrect ;)

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