In A Perfect World Podcast Blog – 2019-02-26 – Reconciliation with Flash and VinE

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Contrasting the Occupation


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  • #PeteSantilli #LarryKlayman #RogerStone #JJMacNab
  • Bundy mouthpiece Pete Santilli may have found himself embroiled in the Roger Stone mess.
  • A few weeks ago, Santilli filed a state bar ethics complaint against Cliven Bundy’s civil attorney Larry Klayman. It’s a curious filing bec Santilli stated that Klayman was hired to go over the US Atty’s head and get Jeff Sessions involved in dropping charges against Bundy et al.

    That’s not really how things work. You appeal to a higher court, not to the prosecutor’s boss to intervene long after charges have been filed.  Anyhoo, here’s the complaint.

    A couple of weeks later, Klayman responded by suing Pete Santilli for $15,000,000 in the DC superior court for “defamation, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and assault.”

    And here’s where the Roger Stone connection comes in. Klayman represents Jerome Corsi, the former Infowars host. Corsi is Person 1 in Stone’s criminal indictment.

    According to Klayman, Stone and Santilli have partnered up in attacking Klayman as Corsi’s legal counsel.

    Furthermore, Klayman states that he was never Santilli’s attorney (which Santilli admits in his ethics complaint) and that he never turned privileged info over to Jeff Sessions.

    I wonder if it has anything to do somehow with Stone being indicted and that then includes him for ‘s exclusionary contact list?

    “Pete Santilli’s exclusionary contact list…” …OMG….I am so proud to have people on twitter not only following every single breath I take on my show, they even start combing through my garbage can & making crap up with words they find on Google

    I tagged you because it’s a legit question. Maybe you can explain why you needed permission now but not before. BTW, logical fallacy is so passe, and if I wanted to talk smack about you I have 1st hand experience, lest you forget our having met in Bunkerville.

    Vince, what happened when you met Pete in Bunkerville?

    It’s a fairly long story to type. I’d be glad to share the tale with you by phone or skype if you prefer. 501 745 7499 home.

    You should record a YouTube video or podcast and I’ll post the link. I’m pretty sure a lot of people would be interested in.

    on April 12, 2014. The look on his face was priceless when I told him I had worked with Janine (JahJah) Gordon and Susanne Posel and let him know of their accusations against him. The following video is of his attack on 1/2

Listen to the Podcast and enjoy!

Tags: #Flash, #VinE, #PerfectWorld, #RealLibertyMedia, #RLM

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