Grammy’s Rocket Chair Podcast Blog – 2019-03-06 – #EnergyHealing #FluShotFlu #GrowYourOwn #VaccineCourt

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Grammys Rocket Chair

Grammy’s Rocket Chair

It’s Another WHACK-A-DOODLE Wednesday where We Learn about some Ideas that are SO GOOD, We Must Comply Under Penalty of LAW! (and Pay for the Privilege via Our Tax $$)

Then there are Some Ideas that We Wonder “What Took You So Long?”….. that is, until We Realize that WE made some Noise (mostly ignored) and then Hit’em where it Hurts (in the Bottom Line)…. Oh, and Laws got changed….. Making it OK for Us to Grow a PLANT (so long as we file the Proper Paperwork and PAY the FEE $$)

And then there’s the Ideas that have Been Around FOREVER (it seems) but TLTB (the Leeches That Be) Suppressed & Poo-Poo’d them to the point that Many No Longer BeLIEved in them and instead went along with the “Generating Repeat Customers” Method of Medical ?Care? that has been VERY Profitable….. So Far…….

I don’t know about Y’all but I’m thinking, Those that Put a bunch of Squiggles on Paper (make up LAWS) “For Our Own Good” don’t Really have OUR Best Interests at Heart…… I wonder if this has anything to do with them Going Into “Public Service” as “Average Folks” (according to the Press Releases) and coming Out as Multi-Millionaires…….. Hmmmmm……..

Oh….. and Heaven Forbid “They” (both the Writers & Enforcers of Laws) be Held Accountable for THEIR Actions……. Hmmmmmm

Thanks for Giving a Listen & Be Sure to check out ALL the Other AWESOME Shows here on the RLM!

Much Love ~ Grammy

Tags: #Grammy, #RealLibertyMedia, #RLM, #Accountability, #BigPharma, #BodyCamLegislation, #DoubleStandardLegalSystem, #EnergyHealing, #FluShotFlu, #GrowYourOwn, #HempLevis, #LegalAintMoral, #PublicServiceMillionaires, #QuestionEverything, #TheLeechesThatBe, #VaccineCourt, #VaccineInducedDisEase, #WWG1WGA


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Author: Grammy Mary
I'm a Daughter, Sister, Friend, Lover, Mother & Grammy that seems to think I Might have something Vital to Say...... or at least Politically Incorrect ;)

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