Grammy’s Rocket Chair Podcast Blog – 2019-03-22 – #BigPharma #EducateYourself #QuestionEverything #RLM

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Grammys Rocket Chair

Grammy’s Rocket Chair – ‘Tis a FREEKER Friday!

Ya Know, it just doesn’t get much FREEKIER than when a Long Awaited Reveal (read as 2 year Diversion) happens and it winds up being a 10 ton Nothing Burger! For those of you that reside on another planet or simply just another patch of dirt on this one….. It’s the Mueller Report….. Nothing to See Here…… Move Along…… and so, I Did!

Did You Know that the Native Americans a.k.a. Indigenous Peoples a.k.a. Indians had Medicinal Treatments Prior To “BIG PHARMA”??? I Know….. It’s SHOCKING to Hear “The Truth” but there ya have it…… a Whole Culture not only Survived but also Thrived WITHOUT the Aid of Modern Medicine….. well, at least until Europeans showed up and Mucked Things Up! Not a very nice way of Repaying the assistance to Make it thru the First Winter here…… Hey…… maybe That’s REALLY what the phrase “Indian Giver” Means…… The Indians Gave an Inch & The Europeans (Invaders) TOOK Everything Else…… and then Wrote the His-Story Books to make it Look Like the Indians were “The Bad Guys”! Well, at least that’s what the “Official His-Story Books” tell us…..

Thankfully, We live in a time when Buried Truths are Coming to Light…… and Many of the Customs & Teachings of those who are referred to as “The Original Peoples” are becoming Remembered & Shared with Appreciation! The hardest thing any of us can do is Un-Learn what we’ve been Taught…. Especially when it Shakes Our Core BeLIEfs to the point where the Whole Foundation Crumbles! On the Plus Side….. Ya get to have a Clean Slate to work with….. and the Possibilities are Endless. Roll Up Your Sleeves, Dig In, Plant some Seeds & then Watch Them GROW!

Thank You ALL for Giving a Listen & Be Sure to check out ALL the Other Awesome Shows here on the RLM!

Much Love (Including Tough Love when Needed) ~ Grammy 

To Your Health

Tags: #Grammy, #RealLibertyMedia, #RLM, #DistractingNarrative, #EducateYourself, #FalseHisstory, #HealingYourself, #MuellerDud, #NaturalRemedies, #NothingBurger, #QuestionEverything, #TruthAndlight


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Author: Grammy Mary
I'm a Daughter, Sister, Friend, Lover, Mother & Grammy that seems to think I Might have something Vital to Say...... or at least Politically Incorrect ;)

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