The Freeker’s Ball Podcast Blog – 2019-04-12 – #FakeBlackHole #Assange #OfficialNarratives #Craigslist

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Moosegurl and I (Grimnir) covered the bizarre and interesting stories from recent days and played some great music (which is not included in the podcast).

I think you will agree after listening to the podcast that it was a lot of fun (isn’t it always? 😉 ).

Some of the stuff we talked about:

  • Mother, son arrested after chaos ensues in Eau Claire Walmart
  • Coconut oil better than DEET at repelling insects, compelling new research shows
  • Why is brown snow falling in the US Midwest?
  • THC Limits Not Correlated To Driving Impairment
  • Craigslist Will Soon Start Charging $5 to List a Car for Sale
  • Man, 24, charged with flinging stranger’s five-year-old from 3rd floor at Mall of America
  • First photo of black hole is FAKE, conspiracy theorist claims
  • ‘5 years for ATTEMPT to crack a password?’ Journalists, whistleblowers slam US Assange charge
  • After Julian Assange was hastily removed from the Ecuadorian embassy what has become of his cat?
  • Assange and the Unforgivable Sin of Disemboweling Official Narratives
  • The CIA’s Secret Heart Attack Gun
  • Striptease artist Gypsy Rose Lee peels off negligee in personal home movies in new documentary
  • Chinese Scientists Gene-Hacked Super Smart Human-Monkey Hybrids
  • Israel fails attempted Moon landing as comm with spacecraft lost
  • NYC Sends “Disease Detectives” In Jewish Neighborhoods Looking for Unvaccinated – Attorneys Prepare Lawsuits
  • Fully Vaccinated Children Actually Spreading Measles – And the Government Knows It
  • Cannabis used for federally funded research is ditchweed
  • IMF approves $4.2bn loan for Ecuador
  • EU Tells Internet Archive That Much Of Its Site Is ‘Terrorist Content’
  • Microsoft Say Edge May Come to Linux “Eventually”

We talked a bit about the above topics in the list above during the show and a few other other random topics.

Enjoy the podcast and we’ll see you next week!

Thanks for listening and peace to you all,
Grimnir & Moosegurl


#Grimnir, #Moosegurl, #RealLibertyMedia, #WalMart, #EauClaire, #CoconutOil, #DEET, #BrownSnow, #THC, #Driving, #Craigslist, #MallOfAmerica, #FakeBlackHole, #Assange, #Hacking, #CatJames, #OfficialNarratives, #HeartAttackGun, #CIA, #GypsyRoseLee, #HumanMonkeyHybrids, #Israel, #MoonLanding, #ForcedVaccinations, #DitchWeed, #IMF, #InternetArchive, #MicrosoftEdge

Links to stories covered during the show:


PS. If you are listening to the podcast and say to yourself, “Hey, I didn’t hear any music!”, well, you have to tune in live on Friday nights to hear the music so come on by next Friday night and join in on the conversation!

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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

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