Twenty Percent Off! Podcast Blog – 2019-04-11 – w Flash – The Control Games Part 4

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Views on the News

with Flash

The Control Games Part 4

20 Percent Off Logo
Tonight’s topic: “The Control Games Part 4”

  • This week Flash ranted about the federal reserve bank
  • Pondered the why’s and why not’s of internet chat rooms
  • Recommended rose hip powder as a relief for arthritis pain

Listen to the Podcast and enjoy

#Flash, #TwentyPercentOff, #RealLibertyMedia, #Control, #Games, #FederalReserve, #Banksters, #ChatRooms, #RoseHips, #Arthritis, #Pain

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Twenty Percent Off! with Flash – Views on the News – Thursdays at 6:00 PM Eastern on

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This is the podcast for the “Twenty Percent Off!” Show that airs every Thursday at 2:00 PM eastern.


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