Grammy’s Rocket Chair Podcast Blog – 2019-07-12 – #QuestionEverything #ForTheChildren #Poison4Profit

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Grammys Rocket Chair

Grammy’s Rocket Chair and it’s a FREEK’N HOT Friday!

As If the temperature outside isn’t HOT enough…… I just HAD to cover Vaccines! Talk about getting HOT under the Collar!!! Oh……. but “It’s For the Children….” Yeah….. Right…..

Lie to Me Once, Shame on You! Lie to Me Twice, Shame on ME!

What is it about Guberment Agencies & Their Edicts, or for that matter, People who have a bunch of CAPITAL LETTERS after their Name, that makes the General Public Switch Off their OWN Powers of Observation & Thinking Processes???

Oh Wait…….. NOW I Understand the whole “Mandate Vaccines” Thing…… with all those Adjuvants that are “Needed to Trigger an Immune Response”, THEY can Create a Zombie Populous…. Smart enough to Do The Work & Dumb Enough to Never Question…… BASS-TARDS!

If the LIE is Big Enough………………………..

Thanks for Giving a Listen & Be Sure to check out ALL the Other Awesome Shows here on the RLM!

Much Love ~ Grammy

Tags: #Grammy, #RealLibertyMedia, #RLM, #CDC, #FDA, #ForTheChildren, #InformedConsent, #JunkScience, #MMRFraud, #No2MandatoryVaccination, #NurembergCode, #Poison4Profit, #QuestionEverything, #WWG1WGA

Links: Tiny Penis

This is the podcast for Grammy’s Rocket Chair Program that airs LIVE every Wednesday and Friday Night at 7:00 Eastern Time with your host Grammy Mary

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Author: Grammy Mary
I'm a Daughter, Sister, Friend, Lover, Mother & Grammy that seems to think I Might have something Vital to Say...... or at least Politically Incorrect ;)

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