The Age of Fission Podcast Blog – 2020-02-05 – Lonnie Clark – Steve Zeltzer – The Labor Video Project

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Lonnie Clark

Steve Zeltzer
The Labor Video Project

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Steve Zeltzer Talks With Lonnie Clark Had About The Labor Video Project And Treasure Island.

Steve Zeltzer discusses the denial and lies of the nuclear industry at Treasure Island, San Francisco. He also goes into the details the deep level of corruption that perpetrated the crimes against humanity on the people of Treasure Island.

He outlines just how corrupt the Governor’s office is (regardless of who occupies that seat), Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Senator Diane Feinstein and DNC Chair Tom Perez are and how their greed exacerbated an already terrible situation.

Steve Zeltzer is a labor journalist who has been reporting on the nuclear contamination and government corruption of Hunter’s Point and Treasure Island in San Francisco.

Follow Steve’s Labor Video Project on YouTube: laborvideo

Here is the link to one of his video on Treasure Island:

And is own podcast on SoundCloud, called WorkWeek-Radio:

Here is a link to a story we discussed on the contamination of Treasure Island:


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Remember, Happiness IS Resistance and Love IS Greater Than Fear.

Lonnie Clark

Listen to the Podcast and enjoy!

#LonnieClark, #AgeOfFission, #NutzForArt, #RealLibertyMedia, #Radio, #Rlog, #Donate, #SteveZeltzer, #Nuclear, #Denial, #TreasureIsland, #SanFrancisco, #Corruption, #NancyPelosi, #DianeFeinsein, #LaborVideoProject

Spreaker Episode Link

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This is the podcast for the “The Age Of Fission” Show that airs every Wednesday at Noon eastern.


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Author: Lonnie Clark

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