The Freeker’s Ball Podcast Blog – 2020-12-31 – The Annual #NewYearsEve Prediction Show and 2020 Recap

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Freekier's Ball BannerOn December 31st, 2020 at 11:00 PM Eastern Time, The 10th Annual Freeker’s Ball Prediction Show was aired Live, Hosted by Moosegurl and Myself (Grimnir).

We went through all of the predictions made last year for 2020, reviewed the new predictions for 2021.

The show was a lot of fun with plenty of audience participation from the folks in the chat room.

We will, of course, do this all again at the end of 2021, assuming there is no cataclysmic event that prevents us from doing so 😉

OK, On to the Predictions!

Have a listen and enjoy!

Thanks for listening and peace to you all,
Grimnir & Moosegurl

A few Links from this weeks show:

OK, On to the predictions.

This Years Predictions:
====================== Predictions for 2021 =============================

01) FreeNslaved – Bernie Sanders suffers a stroke by April 30 2021
02) FreeNslaved – Bernie Sander one of first politicians in American to die from Beer virus.
03) robwerks – More and more places will require proof of vaccination/ID to enter, and those with the chip will get priority access.
04) FlashSomebody – In May 2021 Coronavirus will take a backseat to climate change for a few minutes, then in June 2021 virusporn will restart with phase two.
05) FlashSomebody – will lose zero members as victims of the corona hoax in 2021.
06) Grimnir – cirkelo is going predict something
07) cirkelo – the meme level will drastic decline in quality with Biden as president
08) Grimnir – The corona-bologna vaccine will cause people to break out blisters, pustules and a leprosy like infliction a few months after the injection. “they” will deny it’s from the vaccine. Many deaths will be caused by the vax.
09) FreeNslaved – btc at 35,000 Dec 2021
10) FreeNslaved – the queen of England dead before her next 1 month
11) Grimnir – in 2021 there will be a 7+ earthquake in the Los Angeles area
12) Grimnir – Bitcoin will go over $50,000
13) robwerks – xrp will hit $250
14) Grimnir in 2021 – people will be wishing it was 2020 again
15) FreeNslaved – Hundreds of millions of people will now die years before their time directly caused by BILL GATES, Dr. Fauci and handful of others. Stress kills, this is a fact. Lowered incomes will reduce populations by hundreds of millions
16) CowboyTech – The sun will still rise in 2021
17) FreeNslaved – Gold will close out over $2,000 an oz and Bitcoin at $25,000
18) Grimnir – gold will hit $5000
19) FreeNslaved – my gold prediction for 2021 was $2,000 dollars short and will be $4000 instead :O)
20) queite – FreeNslaved will get k-lined again in 2021.
21) Grimnir – in 2021 there will be millions of people declared mentally unfit
22) moosegurl – The Minnesota Vikings will fire head coach Mike Zimmer and their POS kicker too!!!!!!! 😀
23) TrustN01 – The Cleveland Browns will win Super Bowl LV
24) moosegurl – Billy Strings will win Best Bluegrass Album of 2020
25) FreeNslaved – “FreeNslaved says as vaccine courts, crypto courts will emerge as means of control.”
26) Grimnir – The gun grabbers will shift into overdrive and use “mental illness” as a primary excuse.
27) Grimnir – FEMA Camps will become a reality, stated to be a humanitarian device for all of those forced into bankruptcy by govt mandated lockdowns and business closings
28) robwerks – Someone on the view will have an aneurysm when trump gets reselected
29) A_G1RL – Fucking Antifa will destroy something tonight
30) Meisterbrau – Silver will pass $75 an oz
31) Meisterbrau – Bitcoin will reach $150,000
32) A_G1RL – USA calls Force Majure and dollar dies as world reserve currency.
33) Meisterbrau – Yomamas passes $1500
34) robwerks – bitcoin will hit 50k then crash
35) A_G1RL – Justice Roberts gets investigated
36) A_G1RL – The Bidens get charged in the USA and Ukraine begs for extradition
37) Grimnir – New Mexico will pass legalized recreational marijuana in the 2021 congressional session and the governor will sign the bill
38) Meisterbrau – Crude Oil goes into negative territory again
39) damnvanmeter – Squirrel Zombies will take over the populations of the major cities, spreading a new hybrid of rabies and rona.
40) Meisterbrau – Costco keeps hot dog and a coke $1.99 throughout 2021
41) Meisterbrau – vinE has sex and sets a can of beer on her ass in 2021
42) robwerks – 2021 will be drastically different than anyone expected
43) moosegurl – Anitfa/BLM and the “Patriots” will clash in DC on Jan, 6th 2021
44) frumpy – no inaguration until mid march
45) A_G1RL – Powell and possibly Barr are appointed as Special Council to proceed with Military Tribunals on some top notch names you would have never thought they could touch


Last Years Predictions:
(if there is a “*” preceding a line, that means it was correct, or a hit, a “-” means incorrect or a miss .)

================ Predictions for 2020 ==============
– 01) Grimnir – I predict Rob Zombie will have some serious health issue revealed in 2020
– 02) FreeNslaved – Guy from Popeye’s chicken dies from lead poison after body slamming old woman.
– 03) Grimnir – Jimmy Carter will die in March of 2020
– 04) Grimnir – I predict BEATLE will predick many many things
* 05) FlashSomebody – VinE will still be ignored on all his live shows by his number one fan
* 06) GramZ – As of Jan. 1st Everyone will have 2020 Vision & Hindsight but it won’t change a thing
* 07) Meisterbrau – Trump pardons Roger Stone
– 08) Grimnir – New Mexico will pass legalized recreational marijuana in the 2020 congressional session and the governor will sign the bill
* 09) Grimnir – Alex Trebek will retire
– 10) FlashSomebody – an alien invasion sponsored by Israel and the USA
– 11) robwerks – nothing much will change
– 12) moosegurl – The Dallas Cowboys coach will be fired
* 13) FlashSomebody – The banks will crash in 2020 and bring us another bailout for big business with an even better fairy tale ending than the crash in 2008
* 14) robwerks – vine will leave at least 3 more times this year
– 15) FlashSomebody – Things will appear different but they will be exactly the same as they have always been.
– 16) VinE – tRump will say fuckit, I was da prez, and not rerun.
– 17) FlashSomebody – Trump is replaced with Pence
* 18) FreeNslaved – my 2019 prediction of 5k bitcoin for xmas 2019 is 2k higher at 7k
* 19) VinE – My name will be said repeatedly throughout the year.
* 20) Grimnir – You will hear the phrase “The 2020 election is the most important election in your life” many many times
– 21) Grimnir – WWIII is coming to a planet near you
– 22) Grimnir – George Soros will die (can the undead die?)
– 23) FlashSomebody – Trump will ascend to the heavens and reign for 10,000 years
* 24) VinE – America’s War in the West will come to the brink of Civil War.
– 25) Grimnir – VinE will falter at sometime during the year and smoke again
– 26) Prints – REAL DOOMSDAY ASTEROID, JUNE 12th 2020 @ 21:29:33
– 27) robwerks – someone on the view will have an anuerism when trump gets reselected
– 28) Prints – Vermin Supreme will win the popular vote as well as electoral college and will choose a watermelon as his vice
* 29) CowboyTech – Linux will become more popular in 2020
– 30) Grimnir – a 9.0+ earthquake somewhere along the Pacific rim
– 31) Grimnir – Ross Ulbricht will be released from prison – Free Ross!
– 32) slcmike – Julian Assange will commit suicide
– 33) VinE – US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals 2020 Session in Las Vegas will overturn Judge Navarro’s Bundy et al. Dismissal with Prejudice Ruling.
* 34) CowboyTech – dollar revaluation in 2020
– 35) moosegurl – Billy Strings will win a Grammy for Best Bluegrass Album of 2019
– 36) FreeNslaved – barman 3.0 spawns in 2020
– 37) damnvanmeter – I will move
– 38) FreeNslaved – Weekend at Ruth Bader Ginsburgs continues after 2020 election
* 39) damnvanmeter – Daniel Riley and Jason Gerhard (Ed and Elaine Brown Supporters) will be released from federal prison
* 40) slcmike – America will be at war
– 41) FreeNslaved – because of a Constitutional tort President Trump figures out how to run and win a 3rd term
– 42) cloee – Grimnir will share a youtube of his first guitar instrumental. 🙂
– 43) cloee – Trumpy will lose 2020!


#Grimnir, #Moosegurl, #RealLibertyMedia, #FreekersBall, #BallsToTheWall, #Music, #2020, #2021, #Predictions


The Freeker’s Ball airs LIVE every Friday night at 11:00 PM Eastern with your hosts Grimnir and Moosegurl right here on the Real Liberty Media Website on the Freeker’s Ball Show Page


Listen to more Freeker’s Ball Podcasts on the Podcasts Archive Page.


Come and Join us on Friday Nights (or any time) in the RLM Chat Room for a great time!


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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

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