Freeker’s Ball – New Years Eve Predictions for 2019 Show – Podcast Blog: 2018-12-28

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Freekier's Ball BannerOn December 28th, 2018 at 11:00 PM Eastern the weekly show on Real Liberty Media (RLM) on Channel 1 was aired with your hosts Grimnir and Moosegurl.

This was the 8th annual predictions for the next year show. We took predictions from the audience in the Chat Room on IRC.

At the end of 2019, we will do another predictions show for 2020 and we will review the predictions listed below to see how accurate we all were.

It was a very fun show and we had a great time doing it. The audio podcast of the show is embedded at the top of this post.

For anyone reading this that is unfamiliar with IRC (Internet Relay Chat) and are wondering why the funny names people have, they are just nicknames that people give themselves when using IRC.

Have a listen and enjoy!

Thanks for listening and peace to you all,
Grimnir & Moosegurl

OK, On to the predictions.

This Years Predictions:
====================== Predictions for 2019 ==================================

01) FreeNslaved – North and South Korea finally unite, under KIMs leadership
02) FreeNslaved – Trump will be forced to get it right on the deregulation, decriminalization of pot in AmeriKa.
03) FreeNslaved – Starbucks will eliminate plastic straws from all of its locations within two years, citing the environmental threat to oceans.
04) FreeNslaved – Pope Francis will resign before the end of 2018
04) robwerks – democrats will be completely devastated in the 2018 midterms
05) robwerks – freenode will go to a registered nicks only format soon
06) robwerks – Sometime in the future there will be a “Great garbage patch rush”
07) FreeNslaved – The global collapse started OCT 2018
08) FreeNslaved – bitcoin 750.00 new years eve valuation
09) Grimnir – The U.S. will not pull out of Syria in 2019
10) cirkel – big pharma will fuck up the weed even more in 2019
11) cirkel – There will still be Us troops in Syria by the end of 2019
12) Grimnir – a 9.0+ earthquake somewhere along the Pacific rim
13) Grimnir – Cheney will die … this time it’s for real!
14) CowboyTech – the sun will rise
15) cloe – Grimnir will reach into that closet to get his guitar and play it! 2019 ftw!!
16) Spacewolf – Britain will finalize a deal to leave the EU and at least 1 more country will start the process of leaving the EU
17) Grimnir – New Mexico will takes steps towards legal recreational weed
18) moosegurl – the US Southern border WILL NOT be completely closed in 2019
19) Grimnir – silver will reach $20 an ounce during the recession … oh yeah, there will be a recession 😉
20) CowboyTech – Voters will whine about voting
21) Grimnir – Ruth Bader Ginsberg will die
22) CowboyTech – statute of limitations will expire on some powerful people
23) Grimnir – Ross Ulbricht will be released from prison – Free Ross!
24) queite – Trump will not run in 2020.
25) moosegurl – the first manned rocket trip to mars will take off in 2019
26) Grimnir – Hansel will see the error of following Trump
27) JDredd – Grimnir will turn Cyanotic and turn blue from holding his breath waiting for Hans to ever betray his Sith Lord !
28) queite – Henry Kissinger dies
29) moosegurl – the festival at the Woodstock original site on 8/14 to 8/16 will be a success
30) VinE – a new raid Cattle Battle Gather on the Bundy Ranch
31) VinE – VinE’s return to Radio the 1st Friday of 2019
32) CowboyTech – VinE will do more shows without Hansel
33) cirkel – Sex-bots will be just as disappointing as everything else
34) FlashSomebody – The government wins everything!


Last Years Predictions:
(if there is a “*” preceding a line, that means it was correct, or a hit, a “-” means incorrect or a miss .)

================ Predictions for 2018 ==============

– 01) Grimnir – Bitcoin will hit $25k in 2018
– 02) Grimnir – Dopecoin will hit $1.00 in 2018
* 03) Grimnir – Grammy will continue to be whackadoodle on Wednesdays and Freekalicious on Fridays
* 04) FreeNslaved – The regressives will begin 2018 by erasing most music videos on youtube.
– 05) FreeNslaved – SoloMan will call in on The New Years Show
– 06) JDredd – Democrats will lose seats in congress in midterm elections
– 07) FreeNslaved – Al Franklin will return to Saturday Night live as a washed up comedian
– 08) FreeNslaved – By the end of the Trumps Administrations 8th year cloe will lean toward being an anarcho-capitalist
– 09) Grimnir – 2018 will be the year of the weed crypto coins
* 10) CowboyTech – 2018 Voters will whine about voting
* 11) VinE – Bundy Ranch Case Dismissed with Prejudice
– 12) moosegurl – The US Government is going to say they know about aliens and that they exist
– 13) FreeNslaved – 2018 judges will be replaced by AI
– 14) FreeNslaved – The first female president will be republican
* 15) Grimnir – Meisterbrau will move to Arizona
– 16) FreeNslaved – in 2018 Meisterbrau opens a small part time HomeBrew Biz
* 17) Grimnir – Several good, clear UFO videos will be recorded by people
* 18) FlashNasty – Hansel will be right about something
– 19) slimjimflim – Everyone here will begin tab completing
* 20) cirkel – Nothing will really change
– 21) GramZ – NASA will be forced to admit that they never went to The MOON
– 22) GramZ – Someone will put a Massive Cannabis Vape Cartridge in the Ventilation System of Congress & the Senate
– 23) cloe – Grimnir will open that closet door to get his guitar and play it! 2018 ftw!!
* 24) VinE – Bundy Ranch Case Dismissed with ,,,,, I’ll leave the ‘with or without prejudice’ dangling
– 25) VinE – I’ll be at “A Big to Do” in Bunkerville 1st part of the year.
– 26) FreeNslaved – Dick Cheney finally passes away in 2018
* 27) VinE – Walt Disney won’t be brought out of cryogenics again this coming year
* 28) Grimnir – Samantha Fish will have a top 10 Blues song
– 29) Grimnir – cloe will embrace Anarcho-Capitalism and wonder how she lived her life under the boot of government control
– 30) anti-Hen – The Chinese will sink or capture a military ship around one of the disputed islands in the South China Sea.
– 31) FreeNslaved – Asmo finds a valuable treasure tossed away in 2018
* 32) VinE – My last name will be said more than any other all next year
– 33) anti-Hen – Grimnir will enjoy the feeling of a clean shave.
– 34) Beth-Z – Something big and unexpected and ++ is going to be revealed
– 35) anti-Hen – Moosegurl will have a cuss or swear free day this year.
– 36) FreeNslaved – moosegurl finds a steady beau in 2018 and it gets serious
* 37) Beth-Z – Kim Jong un will come to negotiation table. Solutions and assistance from other countries with US supporting roll but not lead. (go ahead and LOL)
* 38) JDredd – in 2018 cloe and Beth will continue to argue
– 39) JDredd – in 2018 Hillary will finally be wearing an orange jump suit !
– 40) JDredd – I predict that cloe and Beth will continue to argue until December 31 2018 and beyond .
– 41) JDredd – I predict that the North Koreans will have a new leader in 2018


#NewYearsEve, #RLMRadio, #Grimnir, #Moosegurl, #Predictions, #Radio, #Requests, #Winter, #Snow, #Predictions, #2018, #2019, #Mexico, #Sears, #MagicMushrooms, #Marijuana


The Freeker’s Ball airs LIVE every Friday night at 11:00 PM Eastern with your hosts Grimnir and Moosegurl right here on the Real Liberty Media Website on the Freeker’s Ball Show Page


Listen to more Freeker’s Ball Podcasts on the Podcasts Archive Page.


Come and Join us on Friday Nights (or any time) in the RLM Chat Room for a great time!


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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

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