Redneck Dentist Podcast Blog – 2021-08-28 – Episode 28 – Linux Audio

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Redneck Dentist
Podcast Blog

Linux Audio


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Redneck Dentist – Episode 28


RLM chat

Real Liberty Media Pimp

I am going to start covering posts you guys put in the chat, with or without credit, it is up to you.

More content coming either here or at Rumble, Bitchute, or somewhere else, haven’t decided yet.

Going to work on some branding

Linux for home use

Audio for home use

Why I wanted to learn about “Jack”

Nerd language, Red Neck Dentists interpretation


Low latency kernel

Some of this is very easy, some more complex, I will try to keep this simple because there are plenty of complex explanations out there, if you are interested, I can help interpret the tutorials on the internet. There are some good ones, and some not so good ones. I found that every single one of them are missing some bit of information that would make figuring this out a little simpler.

Digital Audio Workstations – Qtractor, Ardour, others

I will include links for those of you who are interested.

Jack Compliant Programs or Jack Enabled

The Infamous “Jack”




Digital Audio Workstations




KxStudio Part 1

KxStudio Part 2

Jack Audio Tutorial

Another Jack

Other Info on Sound

Here is a link to pictures of my set up, well the software anyway

Thousands of sand dollars mysteriously wash ashore in Oregon in ‘mass die-off’

15 studies that show natural immunity is best

New York University

Washington University

Cleveland Clinic

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

University California Irvine

University of California San Francisco

Israel Researchers

Irish Researchers

Cornell University

Israeli Researchers 4/24/21

French Researchers 5/11/21


Korean Researchers

Rockefeller University

Researchers from Madrid and Spain

Thank You for tuning in and/or listening to the podcast.

The universe is a crazy place. Let’s see if we can explore it together.

Anyway, just listen to podcast and enjoy.

Thanks Everyone!


#RedneckDentist, #MichaelHarris, #Radio, #RealLibertyMedia, #RLMRadio, #Jab, #Truths, #AntiVaxxers, #Banned, #Drone, #Inflation, #Covid, #Death, #BabyOrganHarvesting

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Author: Mike Harris

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