Redneck Dentist Podcast Blog – 2021-10-16 – Episode 36 – Supply Chain, Domestic Terrorist Dad, Ivermectin Effectiveness

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Supply Chain, Domestic Terrorist Dad, Ivermectin Effectiveness


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Stages of preparedness – from minor inconvenience, short term (days), to long term lack of access to resources.

American’s Quitting Their Jobs in Record Numbers

A record number of U.S. workers voluntarily quit their jobs in August, led by bar and restaurant employees as well as retail staff, according to figures released Tuesday by the Department of Labor.

United Airlines, which employs tens of thousands, announced its vaccine mandate in early August. The Chicago-based firm was one of the first companies to do so. (If you fly, my recommendation is to no longer support this company)

But the new data is “highlighting the immense problems businesses are dealing with,” said Jennifer Lee, an economist at BMO Capital Markets, in an email. “Not enough people. Not enough equipment and/or parts. Meantime, customers are waiting for their orders, or waiting to place their orders. What a strange world this is.”

Look at these two paragraphs to see how things don’t add up. More people quit than the number of jobs that were supposedly filled, and somehow, the government see’s that as a drop in unemployment. So, if you take the 194000 jobs that were given to people, minus the 242000 that people gave up, that is a net loss of 48000 “jobs”, but somehow, Biden, or the current gov, claims things are looking good, because of those 194000. Totally ignoring the rest of the numbers.

The Labor Department’s monthly Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey, known as the JOLTS report, showed that 4.3 million left their jobs. The quits rose to 2.9 percent, which is an increase of 242,000 from the previous month, and represents the highest figure in data that goes back to December 2000.

It came after the government said late last week that job gains were weak for a second straight month in September, with total nonfarm payroll employment rising by 194,000 that month.

The perfect storm for a Christmas They don’t really want “Christmas” anyway.

It is experiencing its worst disruption since the advent of the shipping-container era in the late 1950s, driven, at bottom, by the pandemic. A surge in e-commerce, coupled with a labor shortage, helped to create a spiraling series of bottlenecks.

Backlog to last until summer of next year

Noel Hacegaba, deputy executive director of the Port of Long Beach, said expanding the ports’ operating hours will not impact the supply chain disruptions given the continued shortage of truck drivers, chassis equipment, and warehouse operations and space.

“We think it’ll be summer of 2022 before we clear all 60 ships,” Hacegaba told The Epoch Times Oct. 14. “Of course, if we take some measures now, and everyone in the supply chain starts expanding their hours of operation … we’re going to get there sooner.”

Daughter’s rape leads to dad being added to the school board’s domestic terrorist list

Oh, you want domestic terrorists? Get ready for more. Could tell Krystal story here.

A Virginia father says his daughter was sexually assaulted by a male student at school earlier this year, setting off a series of events that saw his outburst at a school board meeting included in a controversial letter that compared some parents to domestic terrorists.

How Ivermectin works, it binds to the spike protein. It binds tighter than any other drug known. Why is this being banned and limited to people who NEED it? Because EVIL people exist.

Thank You for tuning in and/or listening to the podcast.

The universe is a crazy place. Let’s see if we can explore it together.

Anyway, just listen to podcast and enjoy.

Thanks Everyone!


#RedneckDentist, #MichaelHarris, #Radio, #RealLibertyMedia, #RLMRadio, #Evil, #supplychain, #Truths, #domestic_terrorist_dad, #Banned, #freedom, #resistance, #Fakenews, #Ivermectin, #Death, #mandates,

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