Hammond Ranch Grazing Rights Update 

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“I just spoke with Dwight Hammond today, 30 January 2024. He tells me his son Steven is running the ranch now on the 12 thousand plus acres of private land the Hammonds own. They have about 500 head of cattle. So I was mistaken about the Hammonds selling their land.


Dwight tells me he expected to get his grazing permits (27,045 acres) back when he was pardoned, but they are held up in paper work. He feels the Biden administration being what it is, is what’s now holding up getting the actual grazing permits.


So the news stories have jumped the gun. Dwight says he expects to get the permits back, but it didn’t happen under the Trump administration and now the Biden administration is not helping. So the Hammonds may eventually get the permits back, likely when Trump returns to office. Doesn’t appear it will happen before then.


But at least the Hammonds have their 12 thousand acres of private land they can continue to graze on.”

Update: (Bill Goode, Rural Land Rights Advocates (RLRA) Hammond Ranch Grazing Rights Update

Image: Fair Use

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Author: VinE
Custodial Heir for Real Liberty Media / RLM Radio

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