Tag: Journalist

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 14, 2024

Perception Of Legitimacy, Fungus Among Us, Organoid Smarts, Trespassing The J-6, sElection Fairness, Surveillance Fascism, Sustainable Capitulism, Judicial Unintegrity, EU: Extortion Union, Open Season On Peace, Cannibal Directive, Rlog, BTWRLM585, Dark Fungi, Out of Sight, Robot, Human Brain, Organoid, Uses, Arms, AI-Powered, Vending, Machines, Bullets, Ammo, Biometrics, Face, Scan, Grocery Stores, Alabama, Supreme Court, Downgrade, Insurrection, Trespassing, Inhumane, Imprisonment, Voting Rights Act, Section 2, Confidence, Hillary Clinton, 2016 Campaign, Super PAC, Violated, Federal, Election, Rules, FedEx, Secretive, Police Force, Helping, Cops, AI, Car, Surveillance, Network, AfD, Goals, Against Democracy, Bavarian Court, Regime, Prohibits, Members, Owning, Guns, German, People, Extremists, six-day, Work, Week, Greece, Meet, Skids, Russia, India, West, Hypocrisy, Climate, Agenda, Promo, IMF, Eco Levy, Excise Duty, Kenya, Riots, zero, Tolerance, Protests, JPMorgan, Chase, Bank of America, Mega Banks, Conspiracy, Trillion-Dollar, Derivatives, Market, Australian, Judge, Dismissed, COVID, Vaccine, Lawsuit, Paid, By, Pfizer, EU, Lufthansa, Environmental, Charge, Spain, Porn, Passports, Open Season, Peace, Hungary, Orban, War, Horizon, NATO, Expansion, Credibility, Lost, US, Journalist, Hinkle, Zero, Free Speech, Luxembourg, Security, Deal, Ukraine, Protracted, Wars, Pentagon, Israel, Destroyed, All, Gaza, Hospitals, US Support, Approval, Hannibal Directive, Implemented, Haaretz, Cannibal Directive, Killing, Civilians, Counting, Dead, Gaza, Difficult, Essential

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 14, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 23, 2024

International Intrigues, It’s Called Summer, Petrodollar Crosses mBridge, Landmark Alliances, Kiev Thieves, War Lesson Learned, Massive Losses, Treason or Not?, Pentagon Covid Disinfo, Juneteenth Chattel Extortion, Rlog, BTWRLM582, Heat Dome, Temperatures, Petrodollar, Global Trade, mBridge, USD, Bitcoin, Gold, BIS, China, Central Bank, Digital Currency, Iran, Digital Rial, CBDC, Public, Pilot, Phase, North Korea, Russia, Landmark, Strategic, Partnership, Treaty, Putin, Vietnam, Historical, Friendship, Russian, Ships, Cuba, U.S., Medicine, Dose, Ukraine, Organized, Crime, Gold Mine, Troops, Fuel, Black Market, Public Opinion, Controlled, France, Top, General, 4D Chess, Fronts, West, Losing, Kiev, Regime, Tortured, US, Journalist, Death, Blinken, Resign, Deliberate, Accounting, Gimmicks, Support, Biden, War, DHS, Core Values, Mission, Democracy, Treason, Insurrection, United States, vs., Dalmacio Lagnason, Cramer, v. United, States, Pentagon, Secret, Disinfo, Campaign, Covid, Vaccine, Anti-Vax, Attack, Cybersecurity, Threats, Sinovac, Sputnik V, Promotion, Vaccines, Sudden, Infant, Deaths, SIDS, SADS, Sudden, Adult, Deaths, Evidence, Jubilee, Day, Juneteenth, Extortion, 42USC1981, Frederick Douglass, Not So, Honest Abe, Independence Day, Mental, Capture, Light, Chains, Modern, Plantation, Blockchain

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 23, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan 21, 2024

Rise of the Worst, Gonzalo Lira Murder, CIA Vatican Nazifying, Free Speech Attacks, Stick & Stones Military, Public-Private Pathogens, Miltitary pHarmaceutical Complex, Departing, Food Fights, Civil Rights: Punish, Extort, Revenge, Rlog, BTWRLM560, State Dept, Death, American, Journalist, Bloodstained, Blinken, Idiot, Biden, Nuland, Dictator, Zelensky, Two Fates, Rafi Jabar, Russell Bentley, Alina Lipp, CIA, Nazifying, Ukraine, Since 1953, Vatican, Israel, Witch Hunts, Two Genders, One Speech, Elon Musk, X, Drugs, Politics, Graham Phillips, Black Day, UK, Kangaroo Court, Propagandist for Russia, Pentagon, Hunts, Embarrass, Generals, Spooked, Trump, US, Funds, New Bioweapons, Projects, Clinton, Soros, Rockefeller Foundations, Chinese Scientists, Mutant, Pangolin, Coronavirus, GX_P2V, 100% Fatal, Mice, Humans ACE2, Lab Leaks, Post-COVID, Heart Failure Pandemic, Sustainable, Pfizer, Profits, Cost Of Dying, Increase, Speaker Johnson, Facing, McCarthy, AfD MP, German Farmers, Up in Arms, Scholz, Israel, Sales, Lab-Grown Beef, Health Ministry, Civil Rights, Equal Rights, Punish, Extort, Revenge, YouTube, Ad-blocker

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan 21, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Nov. 6, 2022

Disseminators of Death, Federal Barratry Institution, FBI, Death Cult Democracy, Countering Covifraud, Capturing Cognitive Infrastructure, BIRGing vs. CORFing – Gaming Groupthink, Pandemic Amnesty, Globalizing Goblins, Chinafication Chinanigans, Sunak Shenanigans, Rlog, BTWRLM497, Seth Rich’s Computer, 66 Years, FBI, Journalist, James Gordon Meek, Disappearance, NYT, Destroying lives, Danger Signal, Leaked Hospital Email, Stillbirths, Child Euthanasia, Canada, Synthetic COVID, Chimeric Strains, Biolabs, Censorship, Suppression, Heterodoxy, Tactics, Counter-Tactics, Police Disinformation, DIGITAL COGNITION, DEMOCRACY INITIATIVE, Cognitive Infrastructure, Perception management, Pentagon, clandestine, psychological operation, Morality, BIRGing, CORFing, Groupthink, Tesla, CureVac, RNA microfactories, Musk, income distribution, China, Global Governance, Carbon Goals, Shared Wealth, Dictatorship, Hu Jintao, Xi, UK council, cashless, digital economy, BlackRock, Derivatives, Blowing Up, Rishi Sunak, Banker, Goldman, Moderna, UK fracking ban, COP27, Western Democracy, Fraud

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Nov. 6, 2022
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Feb 20, 2022


America Is Next, I Witnessed A Murder, Self-evident Judicial Injustice, Trudeau Declares Treason, The People: Not In The National Interest, Defeat From The Jaws Of Victory, False Witness Killers, Rlog, BTWRLM461, Tulis v. Bill Lee, Trudeau, Freedom Convoy, Terrorist Financing, Crypto, Emergency Powers, Protest in Ottawa, Digital Crackdown, Convoy to DC 2022, Putin, Macron, Zelensky, Ukraine, Propaganda, Invasion, Russia, Patrick Lancaster, Journalist, Donetsk, NATO Expansion

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Feb 20, 2022
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 28, 2019.

BTWRLM329, Rock Solid Or Sand Quick, Brain Damaging Sonic Crickets, Ticks Too, Don’t Be This Journalist, Brain Scans, Havana, US Embassy Workers, ‘Sonic Attacks’, Powassan Virus Spreads, Terrible Power, U.S. Border Officials, Journalist, Violated My Rights and Privacy, Consent, Americans Excluded, National Security, Lieber Code, Consent, Limits, 1st Amendment Audit, 2nd Amendment Not Here, Administrative Incident, AI, Due Process, Rlog

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 28, 2019.
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 21, 2019.

BTWRLM328, You Are Not A Mere Bystander, PFAS Crisis Exposed, Or Tampered Evidence, Everyone A Terrorist Or Criminal, Death Shall Flee From Them, Neural Surveillance, Kind Neighbors, Knaughtty Profiling, Voluntary Enslavement, States Are Exposed, Toxic Chemicals, Millions Of Americans, Googles, AI, Translations, Extenbro, DNS-changer Trojan, Israeli Firm, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, Cloud Server, NSO, Beating Human Heart, Stem Cells, Neural Implant, Camera Feed, Cameras Debunk, Bystander Effect, Experian, Big Brother Watch, Unpaid Lunches, Kids Could Be Taken, Facial Recognition Blacklist, CPS, Predictive Analytics, Journalist, Terrible Power, U.S. Border Officials, Rights And Privacy-ish, #Rlog

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 21, 2019.