Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 21, 2013.

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At the Situationally Aware Action Oriented Intelligence Center Of Evolutionary Engagement

When Stupidier isn’t Stupid Enough:

After the Broadcast Max “JO”KE iser plays the “Gong Show” card from under the Queen’s Skirt, in a Twitter Attack & Block maneuver,  attempting to evade reason, reality, law, and truth: This post broadcast episode will be called:


  • Max Keiser@maxkeiser 1h

    I’d love to see a demographic/geo map of who I block on Twitter. I’m sure it would look like Atlanta burning to the ground in 1864

  • Max Keiser@maxkeiser 1h [@**********] At the moment, all seems fine. But this being twitter and we’re in the middle of a frickin civil war with all this zimmTray about


  • With respect to the interaction Behind The Woodshed, Mr. Keiser has blocked the law, the truth, reason and reality. What does that make the entertainer Max “JO”KE iser? How actually relevant is yet another ranting joker? Watch how myopically popular the lack of law, truth, reason, and reality becomes. Relying on objective Evidence is certainly not the strong suit of a Max Joker. The only civil war is the one Max JOKE iser helps to incite from across the pond, blaming the South. As I wrote on Twitter @BehindaWoodshed in final explanation of “Stand Your Ground”, so-called: Beyond Use of Force defense determined by a jury, it appears hyped by Peanut Gallery Common Taters.


On The International Front

Goldman SUX



  • Detroit: The Latest Bankruptcy Lie
  • One would in general look at the above factoids about Detroit and justifiably assume that the decaying state of that City is a direct reflection of the similar financial state of the government corporation that controls that area. This, however, is patently false – a fallacy built up through media and political misrepresentation.
    The true culprit of that misrepresentation is in the form of the hand selected “budget report” that is delivered to the people publicly each year. The people are never told that this “budget” is actually not the original and main financial statement that is created by governments and audited by independent accounting firms. You see, the budget report is nothing but an intentionally dumbed-down version of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), which is filed each year as a requirement of the Federal and State legal codes.
    What does this mean?
    It means that the budget is merely a reflection of what I call the “creative accounting” that is applied to the audited CAFR report so as to make the budget report appear to be in a state of decay, debt, default, and loss. While the CAFR may show assets of millions or billions in cash and investments, the budget report will be creatively manipulated by this special creative accounting process to create an illusionist “balance sheet” that somehow, incredibly, and magically turns an asset into a liability.

“My understanding is that espionage means giving secret or classified information to the enemy.” “the US Government views you and me as the enemy.” – Ron Paul.

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